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Re: DISSIDIA TWO ANNOUNCED! - Tadir - 09-08-2010

It's true.

Re: DISSIDIA TWO ANNOUNCED! - Trizzip - 09-08-2010

Asyria Wrote:Kain? Pfffffffffft.
Sure he was cool but... Me wants Rydia.
I also approve more Celes.

>.>..... you broke my little DRG heart Cry

Re: DISSIDIA TWO ANNOUNCED! - Mycroft - 09-09-2010

I need Faris in her Dragoon outfit.

Re: DISSIDIA TWO ANNOUNCED! - Nikolai - 09-09-2010

Man... alright, if I had my pick for a new hero and villain from each game, it would be as follows:

FF1: Red Mage! / Umm, I dunno, there aren't really any humanoid villains that come to mind aside from Chaos and Garland... I'm gonna say Matoya even though she isn't a villain. She could fight like I-NO, killing people with her lovely cave tune. <3

FF2: One of the side characters, perhaps? I'm gonna say Minwu. It would be cool to see some white mage-y goodness in Dissidia. / Leon would probably be most sensible, but I could see Borghen, too.

FF3: I'd go with Desch. / I dunno, Hein? Again, only humanoid main villain I can think of...

FF4: Kain's already been announced, so Kain it is! I really need to get around to playing this one. I know I'd love it. x_x

FF5: Faris! Not sure what job, though... / ... Gilgamesh. >_>

FF6: Oh, man... so hard to choose T_T Gonna go with Celes, though. Needs more female characters. (Really, though, the entire cast was incredible, so anyone would do.) / General Leo, maybe? Would work well as another character to put up against Celes, if they went with her.

FF7: Um. Uhhh. ... Cait Sith. I dunno. I didn't much care for 7, so I'll take whoever. I did love the Turks, though, so here's hoping for their appearance.

FF8: Laguna is the obvious answer, no? Irvine would also be acceptable. / Seifer, again, is the clear cut choice.

FF9: Give me Freya or give me death. (Though, you could, you know, just give us the entire cast? That'd be cool, too.) / Beatrix.

FF10: Didn't play it. Looked mediocre. Not bad, but not great either. Certainly not with $50 at release, imo. Maybe I'll pick it up one of these days when I have nothing better to do or spend my money on, now that it's more around $10.

FF11: You know, I always thought I'd say Prishe, but her rival villain was Promathia, who would make an awkward addition to Dissidia... therefore, I'm gonna go with Aphmau (PUP love <3). Then again, she never really fought... so I dunno. Lehko v chick who looks like Ultimecia that I kinda wish I knew about could also be cool? / What was Aphmau's brother's name again? What's-his-face. Alternatively, the undead captain of the corsairs, perhaps? He ended up being more of a hero, though, huh...? I just don't know. I'll be happy with whatever they throw at me so long as it isn't something dumb.

FF12: dgaf

FF13: I don't own a PS3 or Xbox360 so I didn't get a chance to try this one.

TACTICS!: Ramza v. Delita. Give it to me now.

If they go so far as to include Tactics Advance, too, I don't want to see Marche. Kid was a whiny bitch. Everyone else was so happy and he just had to ruin it for everyone D:<

I'd prefer to see Ritz and uh... hmm, villains, villains... Gonna go with Llednar. Evil Mewt ftw. >_>

Re: DISSIDIA TWO ANNOUNCED! - Eeam - 09-09-2010

My dream roster would be to add four characters to each series, although it's highly unlikely, a boy can dream! <3
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Re: DISSIDIA TWO ANNOUNCED! - Blade - 09-12-2010

I've always thought it'd be cool, for Dissidia to include a 'Design Your Own Character' option, using either the FFXI or FFXIV character creation types, and have that be the designated character from those games. Smile

Re: DISSIDIA TWO ANNOUNCED! - Mycroft - 09-12-2010

If they truly add a Character design feature I hope for it to be like SC3 and/or 4's where you can choose the armour parts, as I'll most likely be hoping in vain for equipment to actually influence the character's look.