Hydaelyn Role-Players
What kind of Roleplayer are you? - Printable Version

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RE: What kind of Roleplayer are you? - Erik Mynhier - 10-07-2014

I am a medium to hardcore RPer who deals in very long timelines.

RE: What kind of Roleplayer are you? - Val - 10-07-2014

(10-07-2014, 10:50 AM)Coatleque Wrote: I like all aspects of Role-play so long as it is kept realistic to some degree.  As soon as it crosses the line into anime-like unexplained super powers, I lose interest.

I feel this way as well. If the setting itself is anime-based, then I don't mind it. ..But this isn't anime and, while this is Final Fantasy, it also has a bit of realism and physics to it. If I see someone wielding two swords and flipping around in full armor like wannabe Clouds, I'm out.

That being said, I do enjoy group roleplay, but I also enjoy things that just.. come together. Plots and whatnot are perfectly fine, but I don't like defined ends. Instead, I like to throw things together and let characters interact as they would without anything to restrain their actions. To me, it allows for the best (and most authentic) outcomes of the roleplay itself.

That's not to say I won't RP things that are planned. I will, but if I already know how it's going to end, I feel forced to not allow my character to act how he normally would and otherwise restrained to ensure the story meets the expected end.

I also am not very fond of running content as RP, as then I feel too restrained by the game and its mechanics. My character isn't interested in running through the same caverns of Sastasha for the thirtieth time trying to save the same people from the same fate. At some point, he'll just say that the people constantly being captured deserve what they get.

RE: What kind of Roleplayer are you? - Cato - 10-07-2014

I prefer to interact with individuals and small groups that are like-minded and don't feel the need to ignore the established lore to a ridiculous degree. I'm a pretty picky guy when it comes to role-play and I have little interest in the petty social climbing and fawning that often exists beneath the surface of many MMO role-playing communities.

I'd rather interact with two or three role-players that are willing to get out of major settlements and into the wider game world for an enjoyable adventure complete with a healthy helping of character development and depth.

I dislike planning out every last little detail as that simply kills my enthusiasm for a particular story if it's too rigid and restrictive. I'll say one thing, though, it's a lot harder to get involved with stuff in this community than it is when I role-play in WoW. People are free to take that as they please.

RE: What kind of Roleplayer are you? - FreelanceWizard - 10-07-2014

While I enjoy pretty much any RP, I typically prefer:
  • Relatively small groups (like 15 or less) because it's easier for me to keep up with what's going on and engage people. A major reason why I don't usually go to big events and hotspots (and when I do, I stay on the sidelines) is that the scroll can be hard for me to follow.
  • Meeting new people! One of the most fun things for me is characters getting to know each other and forming friendships and making enemies.
  • Interpersonal drama and character development, even if (especially if?) it involves conflict.
  • Small scale, high impact, slow-burning plots as opposed to large scale plots.
  • Hewing to a reasonable interpretation of lore (which in my mind includes both written lore and lore from game mechanics).
  • "Naturally evolving" RP as opposed to RP where the outcome is planned in advance. About the most I like to plan in advance is anything involving consent (fights, injury, etc.) and actually setting up a time and context for some RP.
  • Taking things that happen in the game world IC, such as commenting on how awesome some adventurers are when a DF goes well, laughing about people dancing in the streets, or muttering angrily about how lazy some kobolds are.
  • IC dungeons! Can't get enough of those. Smile
  • "Channel RP" (i.e., RPing in an LS), as it allows more people to interact at a pace that works for them while they're out in the world.

RE: What kind of Roleplayer are you? - ArmachiA - 10-07-2014

(10-07-2014, 11:53 AM)Eva Wrote: I favor RP that focuses on what I guess is a slower pace and deals with things in as realistic a manner [for a fantasy world] as is possible in a serious manner.  I have a long list of pet-peeves, many of which I'm willing to endure for good RP, few of which I'm not.  I prefer to RP in smaller groups with similar-minded characters.  I prefer to leave the "higher fantasy" elements behind and generally don't like 'special snowflake' type characters.  I don't like when other RPers latch on to some oddity or nuance that may exist or be rare and cite it as precedent for their own similar/like quirk.  I prefer ordinary characters thrust in extraordinary circumstances.  I prefer to look at things more psychologically.  I love characters who fit into the world rather than obviously being pigeonholed into it by their player for whatever reason.  I like it when things are believable and real and having long and insightful conversations that keep me glued to my computer into the wee hours of the morning when I should probably be sleeping.  I like when other characters make my character think, or react, or feel.  As one who plays a reactive or reflective character I like when other RPers are proactive, but not to the point of being unrealistic.  I will go to bigger events (though I tend to prefer smaller ones) and sit on the sidelines and still enjoy myself even if nobody tries to strike up a conversation or any such thing.

I like when other RPers speculate or question or OOC communicate about their thoughts, habits, motivations - but I don't want to spend more time talking about it than actually RPing.  I'm not a mind-reader though.  I know my thoughts and feelings can occasionally rub folks the wrong way.  I don't harbor grudges, but I don't spend all my time worrying about stepping on others' toes and cannot be bothered to dance on eggshells.  I demand an IC/OOC line that does not blur.  Because my character doesn't like your character doesn't mean that I dislike you.  I am happy to communicate OOC.  I want to explain, and I want to understand.  But I also want to get back to the RP once that's clarified.

I favor the simple.  I like combat/sparring RP and I don't mind use of dice to assist this, but don't want to get bogged down with some complicated system of character sheets and dice rolls.  I favor guide lines to hard rules.  I want to get to the meat of things and keep to the RP and have the action move fluidly but realistically.  I don't come from a tabletop background, and I don't have that sort of patience.

I like comic relief, but in very limited doses.  I don't like when RP feels "silly" (a word I'm using loosely since this is kind of arbitrary) all of the time.  I favor serious/heavy RP, but not without an occasional break.  I love that this character can enjoy tea with friends one evening, then the next day be out defending a hamlet from the Ixal.  I like drama that is real and IC and capable of changing a character's outlook.  I don't like when people are petty OOC, create drama, blur the IC/OOC lines, are uncommunicative or unclear, deflect blame, or place unrealistic expectations on others.  I have not encountered very much of this sort of negativity in my time RPing in XIV for which I am thankful, and overall view the overarching RP community as a positive entity.

I am the kind of RPer that is very easygoing and tolerant of most other RPers (and it was not always this way) but I am also the kind of RPer who has very specific preferences and I've come to learn that my own expectations tend to be a bit more elevated and lean in favor of those who are similar in style and approach.  I will RP with most anyone, and I will probably enjoy it.  But I will admittedly enjoy certain types of RP and with certain types of RPers more than others.  I don't think this means anyone is "better" or "worse" so much as similar-minded.

This is basically me in a nutshell.

Though I enjoy plots, and set up MANY to keep the FC happy, I'm way more interesting in introspective, personal, character drama. I don't like shallow characters, I like characters who have so much depth to them you could rp with them for months and still not feel like you know them.

RE: What kind of Roleplayer are you? - Parvacake - 10-07-2014

(10-07-2014, 03:57 PM)FreelanceWizard Wrote: While I enjoy pretty much any RP, I typically prefer:
  • Relatively small groups (like 15 or less) because it's easier for me to keep up with what's going on and engage people. A major reason why I don't usually go to big events and hotspots (and when I do, I stay on the sidelines) is that the scroll can be hard for me to follow.
  • Meeting new people! One of the most fun things for me is characters getting to know each other and forming friendships and making enemies.
  • Interpersonal drama and character development, even if (especially if?) it involves conflict.
  • Small scale, high impact, slow-burning plots as opposed to large scale plots.
  • Hewing to a reasonable interpretation of lore (which in my mind includes both written lore and lore from game mechanics).
  • "Naturally evolving" RP as opposed to RP where the outcome is planned in advance. About the most I like to plan in advance is anything involving consent (fights, injury, etc.) and actually setting up a time and context for some RP.
  • Taking things that happen in the game world IC, such as commenting on how awesome some adventurers are when a DF goes well, laughing about people dancing in the streets, or muttering angrily about how lazy some kobolds are.
  • IC dungeons! Can't get enough of those. Smile
  • "Channel RP" (i.e., RPing in an LS), as it allows more people to interact at a pace that works for them while they're out in the world.
This is me pretty much lol

RE: What kind of Roleplayer are you? - Michelleswain - 10-08-2014

My turn:

-I enjoy role play involving three+ characters, but not more than five.
-I enjoy active role players that add bulk material as we role play along.
-Down to earth, low tier characters. Not a fan of high tier "Queens, Angels, Goddesses" type of role play.
-Must be framed by the game world. Not a fan of characters that are outside the game world such as vampires in a setting where they don't exist or where it wouldn't make sense that they run around the local Tavern sipping margaritas with the locals. Same goes for demons, werewolves, and so on. My current policy is; If you can't select the race in the character select screen, it's not one adventurers can be. No exceptions.
-Medieval light. I shy away from too many modernisms, but on the other hand I make a concession to the availability of magic.
-Absolutely do not like hybrids. Half-elf, half-human-half-elf, half-dragon, half-this, half-that.
-I'm very much against skeptics or atheists unless the setting allows it (The Secret World vs. Age of Conan for example). Conversely, I'm very much against philosophers using modern assertions in a high fantasy setting.
-My newest thing is over-protective and sheltered characters have begun to bug me. Not because I have a thing against the trope, but because I've noticed that I really don't have fun with these sorts of characters.
-I enjoy mercenary type work such as adventuring to an unknown place to take out a band of bandits. Going to some ruins to seek out relics, or running a dungeon all in character.

Keep the role play moving forward and active. This is my number one rule. I consider silence "dead air". I also consider an activity (such as investigating a relic) that takes too long a violation of this rule. If you the narrator wish for us to investigate something, keep it short (5 minutes at most), and resolve it or give us clues. The same goes for a character that doesn't react to me with either some form of information or something that keeps things interesting to the audience. Often times I find myself doing most of the talking do to this rule. But if the player I'm role playing with is too silent (including if that is their character type), I promptly move away. As I've said before; role playing to me is like being at the movie theater, even silent characters have lines and actions to convey to the audience.

RE: What kind of Roleplayer are you? - Nananomi - 10-09-2014

I tried to take this whole RP thing seriously once, it was dull.

Then I did it for fun and it was great. Super realistic "you cant do that" stuff can frankly throw itself off a fourty seventh floor balcony for all I care, this isn't an occupation and I'm damn well not going to refuse to have the tiniest bit of fun with whatever I do because omg mah realizm.

learn from me, children. i am the patron saint of good times and irresponsible behaviour.

In all seriousness, bring on the comic relief and the barrels of laughs. I RP to get away from the fact real life is dull and doesn't allow stupid things like being thrown thirty feet in the air by a very muscular Highlander who is on a mighty quest to earn his passage into the muscle lands and so on. Dunno why most people do the same.

RE: What kind of Roleplayer are you? - Gabineaux - 10-09-2014

I like to RP in smaller groups for the most part. I don't mind attending large events but I usually get lost in the scroll and lose track of what's going on.. ooor just get bored as the main plot of the characters running the event trudges on and leaves no room for outsider input. Not that I mind standing and watching RP, I just like to get right in there and do stuff too.

Most of the RP I do at RP hotspots is comic relief, or just not that serious.

RE: What kind of Roleplayer are you? - Avalt Laguz - 10-09-2014

(10-09-2014, 03:32 AM)Augustine Frost Wrote: I like to RP in smaller groups for the most part. I don't mind attending large events but I usually get lost in the scroll and lose track of what's going on.. ooor just get bored as the main plot of the characters running the event trudges on and leaves no room for outsider input. Not that I mind standing and watching RP, I just like to get right in there and do stuff too.

Most of the RP I do at RP hotspots is comic relief, or just not that serious.

Also an irrational fear of wizards.

RE: What kind of Roleplayer are you? - Obisi - 10-09-2014

I'm still very new to this but I'm pretty open to anything. I mean the first night I let my friend roll my character right in the middle of the bar and I think stunned a few people.

I like to rp one and one and have been doing that alot with a good friend because I'm getting accustomed to the "rule" of rp but we have had people come up and talk to us and that has been alot of fun also.  I've tried doing a bit with his friends that hasn't gone to well and I didn't like that, so I'm still just trying to find my way myself.

I'm finding that this takes alot more concentration and planning than I thought.  Like my friend I know their story pretty well but I have to remember what my character knows and have to stay within those boundaries and that takes ALOT of practice.