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Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - Printable Version

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RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - Kellach Woods - 12-11-2014

Kellach is absolutely horrible at catching social cues.

Like, for example, when it is acceptable to follow your friends around creepily. (NEVER)

(also at getting Phlegeton's Mask)

RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - Aaron - 12-11-2014


Controlling his ice affinity. 

Not being emo. This is sooo not the biggest thing he's bad at.

Making a sandwich. He always looses interest in the sandwich before the second piece of bread gets put on and just throws it away. 

I should know, I got annoyed solo rping it.

RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - Dasair - 12-11-2014

The first thing that comes to mind is how Xavarian loves to travel, is so excited to go to new places, even moreso to find rumored ruins, or places of aetherical interest to him...

Yet he is terrible with directions.  Completely, unforgivably bad.  If he gets to a place he was hoping to somewhere within the week's time, he considers it a success. This applies within cities too.

He has gods know how many maps, and he still can't seem to figure them out.  The best you'll get out of him is the ability to backtrack where he just was, though he tries intently to write down notes to a place he has to know how to get to.  The Shroud is sometimes the exception, but he's already missed some assignments that his mentor has given because he couldn't find the location he was supposed to meet, and only ended up going in the right direction by the time everyone else was finished.  Of course, this will never stop him from trying.

I've also found in playing him, that he isn't the best at speaking anything purely assuring. (Speaking coherently in general aside.)  Granted, the times it's happened, the other person somehow took to being cheered up anyway, but Xavarian can't simply say 'It'll be alright'.  He adds more detail.  Too much detail.  

'I hope that your friend ends up alright- not that he won't survive, of course.. maybe, or that you or he necessarily have explicit reason to worry, really. I mean- well, I can't speak for how proficient or not he may be in duels to the death, perhaps he has had similar encounters; he looks like he may be able to take a spell or two as well, not that looks are any way to judge such a thing.  Though of course maybe he does have reason to worry, especially given that he doesn't know much in the ways of Aether in an Aetheric duel- But he might not!  And you might not.  It could end up quite alright for him, considering how unstable Aether can be at times, perhaps it will explode upon his opponent and hopefully not the other way around~  There is always something to be said for the unexpected- not that him being fine is unexpected- *muttered curse, and a pause*  ... If one of you is worried, however, might we be able to teach him something more in the remaining hour?  



He means well, really.

RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - Kage - 12-11-2014

Kage comes from a family that is well... they made their fortunes on goldsmithing.

Kage -sucks- at it. That phrase about not being able to polish a turd and how mythbusters showed you kinda can~? Well, Kage turns all good things to turd. Especially golds. He's explained this to Jara but... well Kage just is horrible with precious metals. He's horrible with them.

But he keeps trying because even though he says he doesn't care... he still wants his parents' approval. His family's.

RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - Marisa - 12-12-2014

Oh god, if this were back in July when I created the first iteration of Ryoko, the answer would be "Everything". 

Now, though? Reading Eorzean is a struggle for Ryoko to this day, due to her education being conducted almost entirely through Ishgardian religious texts, most of which are ancient. 

She can't draw worth a damn. She's got this box of crayons (fun fact, crayons have been around since the late medieval period) that she passes time with, but since I may actually want to create and upload some of her drawings some day, she's just going to be as good at it as I am. And I can't draw a circle. 

I feel like as many as I had before, I should probably tack on another one or two major failings. I'll have to think about it overnight.

RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - Spethah - 12-12-2014

Despite being quite a friendly person who's up for conversation, Vel is terrible with any kind of relationship. She's been so much of a lone drive due to her childhood that she's completely denied working with a group for long periods of time. Ironically in order to get good songs, she has to be in a group of great warriors and she's been fighting that one problem for ages. Old habits die hard.

She also cannot cook. At all. Don't even try to get her to. Things either burn or she just doesn't know how to cook it.

Vel also has no tolerance to alcohol and she's a very rough party member when she's drunk or hungover. Don't drink and bard kids.

RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - Blue - 12-12-2014

Jet'a is hopeless at humor. Like, terribly so. Understanding jokes, or making them is not something the Twelve had in mind for him. Thankfully, he doesn't seem interested in them.

Blue is kind of a natural talent provided that she is taught well. But for as long as she keeps traveling with the wrong people and is affected by their teachings, she will really be a good-at-nothing. Social conventions is her major lacuna.

Vincent? Killing. No matter how hard he tries to become a tougher man and all the cruelty and rough stuff he experiences, taking something or someone's life is something he simply cannot do.

Chiara... cursing. She cannot curse or use vulgar language, no matter how hard her friends push her (or provoke her). As an upper class of Ul'dah, politeness and keeping classy is a natural trait for her.

I haven't RPd Dylise enough to really think of what she'd be unpracticed at. Likely, trusting others.

Kujh'a is hopeless at keeping cool. Squirming, panicking, and overall running his mouth at the wrongest times seems to be his prime occupation, which is likely how he always gets in trouble....

Clive cannot stay awake for longer than four hours straight. Much like a lion, sleeping is his main occupation, saving his energies for when it really matters. In decreasing order of priority, what will keep him awake are hunting Primals, having sex, training and eating.

Valeria... She just can't have fun, I guess. She's all business-business 24/8.

RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - Devereau - 12-12-2014

My character tends to be terrible at consistency. He tends to suffer from bursts of passion and desire to do things, but is generally horridly sidetracked often, no matter how great he thinks the subject at hand is. So many incomplete projects.

RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - Val - 12-12-2014

Most people know that Val can't read or write to save his life. He also only fairly okay at cooking unless it's over a campfire, and he can't really shoot a bow either. He can't use magic (through traditional aether) and he's pretty bad at understanding most metaphors. 

When he hears a philosophical question, he tends to have a mental breakdown and ask the absolute, most ignorant stuff in response--basically fretting over meaningless questions such as "If you drop soap, does the soap get dirty or does the floor get clean?"

It's still hard for him to show affection in public--not because he doesn't want to show PDA, but he feels like it'll show some form of weakness. That's.. not necessarily a skill though, and he's starting to get over it anyway.

When it comes to technology, he just kind of beats at things. He's okay when it comes to strategy of war and combat, but anything else he fails at unless he can somehow manage to relate it to combat. He's also prone to falling asleep in long meetings that bore him or have nothing to do with him.

He also lacks most social grace, but that's just because he's a prick and doesn't much care to learn any. He orders food and eats with his bare hands, much to his lady's dismay.

RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - V'aleera - 12-12-2014

Madame Geneva de Fleur's How to be a Lady, Volume 4 states that "A lady must always practice grace, patience, and diplomacy in full measure, even when dealing with the undesirable and rakish."

In spite of being almost as devoted to that book series as she is to the Twelve, V'aleera is still working on the "grace, patience, and diplomacy" part. The rate of progress is not encouraging.

RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - cuideag - 12-12-2014

Jajara is absolute garbage with weaving. Her family holds onto a long tradition of beautiful tapestries, fabrics, and dyes.. but Jajara just can't handle a needle. She's adequate at the very best, but even that is taxing.

Delial has been doing some studies in her spare time but she cannot, for the life of her, understand how to summon anything. Egis are beyond her, and faeries? Assuming she would even suffer having one around, she just does not understand how it works.

RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - Ridegmuve - 12-12-2014

Iliette while trying to learn all the skills of homemaking (cooking, cleaning etc..) Is actually rather terrible at it, especially cooking... Don't try Iliette's cooking unless you have a profound deathwish, though that doesn't stop her from offering her cooking to anyone. There is also a running gag with her that her coeurl cooks better then her...

Iliette also believes she is the "Best Lancer in All of Eorzea!" (It is a self made title, people tend to snort in her face for it!), however she is mediocre at best at wielding the weapon as it is mostly a self taught skill, her actual strength actually lies with hand-to-hand combat and making improvised weapons on the fly.

RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - FreelanceWizard - 12-14-2014

L'yhta continually tries to draw, even though she's laughably bad at it. A gift from her master and his friends was a journal with colored pencils for her to make maps and draw what she sees around her, but outside of arcanima geometries, her art skills could be favorably compared to those of a five year old.

In social situations, while she generally thinks she has great and perfect solutions to almost any problem someone might have, her egregious lack of emotional maturity means that her solutions are fair at best. When you combine that with her general inability to read people, her attempts to meddle usually don't fix anything and often blow up in her face. That doesn't stop her from trying, though...

There's other things she's not good at (physical combat, homemaking, and such), but she either has workarounds (magic!) or generally doesn't do them (retainers!).

RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - Kellach Woods - 12-14-2014

(12-14-2014, 10:12 PM)FreelanceWizard Wrote: There's other things she's not good at (physical combat, homemaking, and such), but she either has workarounds (magic!) or generally doesn't do them (retainers!).
Titan-Egi best cook.

RE: Practice Doesn't Make Perfect - Yhen Yizeh - 12-14-2014

Samantha doesn't need to practice. She has workers to do whatever she wants. (: