Hydaelyn Role-Players
A Box!? [Open] - Printable Version

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RE: A Box!? [Open] - Gegenji - 05-01-2015

Eos' examination would turn up little. The soft yellow thing dominated what could be seen through the open mouth of the bag. Pulling the bag open wider would just reveal more yellow. Perhaps this soft thing was the entirety of the bag's contents, or wrapped around another thing, or just a sizable item that just happened to be on top. It was hard to say, and it seemed crammed a bit too snugly into bag and box to be pulled out without a decent amount of effort.

As for the envelope? It was opened with enough ease. Within it was a single sheet of paper, folded up somewhat haphazardly, with a message written in the same unskilled hand as the name on the envelope's front.

Happy Namesday!

Another friend to add to your collection. We found this one as a prize at the Golden Saucer, and we agreed that it would go great with the rest. Your father had to do a lot of work to get it, though, so please take good care of it. And make sure to thank him next time we see you.

And make sure to take care of yourself too, my little Dare-Bear. We're both very proud of you. See you soon.

- Mom

RE: A Box!? [Open] - Unnamed Mercenary - 05-01-2015

It wasn't a pleasant feeling watching the box, and then the letter get opened.

"We've violated another's gift. Perhaps we could properly repackage it and seek out its owner now?"

He felt no need to continue holding something not meant for him or the others, looking around for someone to take the Opened box, bag and letter included.

RE: A Box!? [Open] - Jana - 05-01-2015

Jana seems a bit startled when the box and envelope are further pried open, and quickly scoots closer. "I- If you're going to be taking people's things, don't do it in the middle of the street! Better yet, return that to where you found it, or- Or maybe turn it in to Lost and Found... Um, with the Brass Blades...?" As she trailed off, Jana realized she didn't quite believe the words coming out of her own mouth.

RE: A Box!? [Open] - Cliodhna Eoghan - 05-02-2015

"Hard to return it unopened when there's no notation of who it belongs to on the outside.." Replies a tad dryly with a small smile. Had it been Cliodhna's item in question, it wouldn't matter if the box was open or not; long as she got it back. Then again, not everyone felt that way. "It won't be hard to get another box to replace and it's not as if anyone was planning to keep the gift, so I don't really see any harm done." She added with a shrug. "Besides, that box looks pretty roughed up anyway..."

"Still, we have a name now at least, Daring Sun. Next thing is to ask around for either Daring Sun or any relation that could be nearby. Just because the box was found here doesn't mean it was meant to be mailed here. It could have been on it's way out of Thanalan even." Placing a finger to her lips in thought. "Were there any other clues on or in the envelop, something to hint at who sent it or where they live maybe?" Cliodhna asked, turning to look at Artemis.

RE: A Box!? [Open] - SM Nick - 05-02-2015

Rena pops up out of nowhere behind Clio. "Hmm whatcha got there?" She looks at the opened box, until Solis and Max pop up and drag her back a bit.

Max: Please excuse our rude little friend here. She is an Opo-Opo.
Solis: Rena...so what's going on here?

RE: A Box!? [Open] - SunTzu7 - 05-05-2015

Artemis holds the card in her hand, turning it over one way or the other, lost in thought. She seems remarkably pensive for her previous bravado in opening the box and card without regard.

Clio's question breaks into her thoughts though and she looks up. 'Huh? Oh, right um.' She looks over the card for a proper examination this time. 'Card's nothing remarkable. Handwriting suggests the person writing isn't particularly educated or at least not a frequent writer. Daring Sun as a name means Hellsguard, so Thanalan's looking most likely.'

She looks over to the box, and the soft yellow thing inside. 'Yellow, won at the Gold Saucer, soft, "go great with the rest"... We're dealing with a collector of the plush variety here.'

Which meant it was most likely a child's present. At least, she kinda hoped it was a child. Which is a bold judgement call to make with her collection of stuffed animals back in her office.

And with that she comes to a decision. 'Nope. I cannot, in good conscience, leave this up to the Brass Blades, even though I don't think the most morally bankrupt of them would accept a plushy as a spoil. For today, everyone here is a Postmoogle. We need to track this person down and as the Gods themselves are our witness, put this in their hands.'

She crosses her arms and looks deep in thought. 'Best people to ask are Momodi or Wymond. They know everyone in this city between them.'

RE: A Box!? [Open] - Cliodhna Eoghan - 05-12-2015

Nodding in agreement with Artemis, Cliodhna tilted her head to the side, eyes scanning over the group that was interested in the mysterious box still in Franz's hands. "Well.....We have more than enough people to do that. Anyone interested in making sure this plush finds it's owner should speak up so we can figure who goes and asks who about Daring Sun and their possible whereabouts." She paused, shifting her book to her other arm.

"Wouldn't hurt to have someone ask around at the Gold Saucer as well....That one wasn't exactly a cheap prize and the attendant working the counter may remember something as well." Casting one last glance at the broken and warped box. "Also may want to look into getting another box....Just so it's ready to go when we do find the owner."

RE: A Box!? [Open] - Unnamed Mercenary - 05-12-2015

Franz handed the box over to Clio.

"You take it then. I'll look for a replacement box of the same specifications. Don't really feel right holding someone else's gift and all."

Anything to get rid of the broken box he was holding. It just...didn't feel right. Before he and the others had discovered the thing, it was at least unopening, reletively in one piece, and people had continued on in their day. Now that they'd opened the box, untied the ribbon, looked in side and even read the card, he had become unsettled with the lack of privacy allowed for objects belonging to others.

The fast they could seal it back up, the happier he would be.

RE: A Box!? [Open] - Cliodhna Eoghan - 05-18-2015

Shrugging, Cliodhna took the box Franz eagerly passed over; tucking it under her free arm. Wasn't very heavy, but with the suspected item contained inside, it wasn't suppose to be.

"Alright so Franz is going to get us a new box since this one has suffered quiet a bit..." Speaking up as Cliodhna glanced at the box once more; it was surprising it had lasted this long.

"Now...Who eants to go visit Momodi or Wymond to ask after a Daring Sun and who wants to pester the staff at Gold Saucer to find if they remember who spent the points on this as a gift? Bit of a long shot, I know, but we don't really have much to go in." Her eyes scanning the faces of those gathered as she waited for some to answer.