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Your character is rescued by a Black Mage, how does s/he respond? - Printable Version

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RE: Your character is rescued by a Black Mage, how does s/he respond? - OverlordOutpost - 05-11-2015

Thank him, and then report him to the nearest law enforcement or adventuring agency for proper execution.

RE: Your character is rescued by a Black Mage, how does s/he respond? - cuideag - 05-11-2015

Jajara would be grateful, but wary. She knows wizards are scary stuff, but she knows not everything scary is also bad. So she'd thank them, offer them something in return, and politely oblige and pray she isn't making a mistake.

Delial would linger, and stalk, and probably try to con her way into a position of pupil to the Mage that she might possibly some day be the one dropping fire storms on others. A girl can dream...!

RE: Your character is rescued by a Black Mage, how does s/he respond? - Gegenji - 05-11-2015

/cheer, most likely. Come on, it's Chachan. He don't care 'bout the color of your magic.

RE: Your character is rescued by a Black Mage, how does s/he respond? - Unnamed Mercenary - 05-11-2015

"Where did you learn that? And do you have books?"

While Franz might be completely unable to sense the aether around him, he's very familiar with the effects of it on an environment. Likely, he'd either try to stalk the Black Mage to get some information out of him, or he'd try to get rid of the BLM unless he learned there were more.

Alternatively, he might ask to get flared for um...reasons.

RE: Your character is rescued by a Black Mage, how does s/he respond? - OttoVann - 05-11-2015

Offer to make him clothes, jewelry, point him to high-quality hoes, try to get to know him in general.

RE: Your character is rescued by a Black Mage, how does s/he respond? - SunTzu7 - 05-11-2015

I'm pretty sure that EXPLOSIONS are sufficient to endear anyone to Newton. And she doesn't really give much of a toss about world Doominess. Forethought is not her specialty. That's Future Newton's problem.

RE: Your character is rescued by a Black Mage, how does s/he respond? - Nataru - 05-11-2015

"Well how bout that.... "

Nat would hug and pay the mage some gil then pop the deuces walking away

RE: Your character is rescued by a Black Mage, how does s/he respond? - Saefinn - 05-11-2015

"Ah bloody 'ells, thought The Black forgot 'bout me a long time ago, oh, you're here to rescue me lad? Well, no offense mate, most try the opposite."

Saefinn is pretty non-judgmental, he's had a pretty jaded past himself and he cares not much for the law or what's generally forbidden.
He's dealt with Black Mages before, once as a foe (hence the comment about The Black) but has had then in his crew. They of course are few and far between and generally quite dangerous, but they likely find place on our crew because we're a very accepting crew, in that we don't care what your background is. Also, the law and anything generally 'forbidden' is of no consequence to us and of course, The Captain has an appreciation for magic. Non-mage types typically end up finding those of us who play with magic in less approved ways uncomfortable(Saefinn himself having experimented as well, given he calls himself The Scholar Captain). Sae's usual stance is, "trust me, I know what I'm doing", which might be met with "that Black Mage on our murdered a load of innocent people and is out of control", "that was before I knew what I was doing, he's cool now, we figured it out."

Saefinn carries a Grimoire with a Voidsent bound to it, it was experimental, his argument is that urns are too fragile and Grimoires...well, would be interesting to see how it affects how I use aethyr. He doesn't use it that much or try to draw too much power, he doesn't know what'd happen, so although he is reckless, crazy and has a habit of finding trouble, he's not a complete moron.

So, it'd be quite hard of him to be like "ewwwww Black Mage, begone heathen!"

RE: Your character is rescued by a Black Mage, how does s/he respond? - Qhora Bajihri - 05-11-2015

Qhora would grunt and leave. If the Black Mage didn't also leave in the opposite direction, she might imply to certain someones in authority that someone's been messing with too much aether, then leave the trouble to create itself.

RE: Your character is rescued by a Black Mage, how does s/he respond? - Vali - 05-11-2015

Vali would toss the mage a bag of gil, make a Sarcastic comment about the robes, and then walk off, not thinking twice about it

RE: Your character is rescued by a Black Mage, how does s/he respond? - Ryanti - 05-12-2015

"Are there any more stunts you could pull off with a wave of the finger?"

Ryanti seems to be proficient in James Bond-style puns. Though really, what he would see in front of him would make him curious more than anything else. Perhaps amused at what he saw. He uses humor to mask his fear often as well, he wouldn't want to be seen as someone sucking his thumb after having his life saved.

If said black mage hovered around for more than a moment or two, Ryanti would be sure to thank him/her sincerely though. Even in humor he would want to reassure that he is thankful.

RE: Your character is rescued by a Black Mage, how does s/he respond? - Gone. - 05-12-2015

I don't think either of them would mind whatsoever. Both of my characters are rational enough to understand that practicing black magic isn't necessarily the mark of a bad person, especially when they had the compassion to save your life.

After all, it's moments like this that tend to forge the strongest of friendships and I believe that trumps any prejudices, fictional or no.

RE: Your character is rescued by a Black Mage, how does s/he respond? - Leomoon - 05-12-2015

Punch him then yell. "Why the hell did you take my kill!?"

RE: Your character is rescued by a Black Mage, how does s/he respond? - Kalooeh - 05-12-2015

Kal: "Dude that was awesome! You wanna go a round or few, or you got someone special? Holy shit I need to do something, at least come help me kill some more shit, that shit is badass! Wish I could do that!". She is pretty much an adrenaline junkie so initial fear over almost biting it would be gone quick enough, and yeah she'd be willing to bed the person, or at least go out and continue on with whatever it was that caused her to almost die in the first place. Wouldn't have an issue with being friends unless they seemed like an asshat over all. If they turned out to be doing things she had a moral issue with (draining life from innocents/kids/environment (on purpose just to kill things) etc, killing people/things that don't need to be, basically evil or just actual-asshole type of people) then she would likely either try to find a way to take them out herself or alert people who could do something about it because she doesn't have a problem with people having power, even a black mage's power, but she does have a problem with people using it for evil/against people or things that don't deserve it.

Dheina would probably both cry from almost dying and be afraid of the person, but as long as they didn't do anything to her and was willing to help her to a safer place, she would deal with it. If the person seemed nice enough she wouldn't tell anyone, and may even defend them against others, but if they were a jerk and/or seemed to have been causing problems in the area, especially in the twelveswood, then she would alert people to the BLM to preferably drive them out of the area, or if needed take them out to protect others.

Sam doesn't really care as long as they're not a threat to them or causing any major problems, and offer to do something for them as thanks.

Armi would want to see about learning what she could from them.

Cardea'd thank them and see what they wanted, then try to get the hell out of there as soon as possible. Because nope, not worth the risk to herself being around something that can tear holes in the physical plane, bring down stars, summon demons, open portals to the void, etc

Samhain would see if they wanted to mess with people or try to find out more about what they do even though she's more in to Axes and spears than magic.

Twin Rova is.... well pretty much going to be a BLM anyways because name sake, so wouldn't have any issue with them.

RE: Your character is rescued by a Black Mage, how does s/he respond? - Saransetseg - 05-16-2015

Keona (name pending based on Xaela naming conventions) would look through the scope of her gun to get a better view of the Mage, then simply point at the turret she had deployed prior to the battle, indicating that she was well prepared and could have finished the battle without help. Then say dryly with the hint of a smile: "Do you always meddle in the affairs of others? I appreciate the assist though, many thanks Mage."