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Cowardly Antics. - Printable Version

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RE: Cowardly Antics. - Kurt S. - 07-05-2015

(07-04-2015, 06:00 PM)Aaron Wrote: Aarons biggest fear is women. It's like one wrong word and hes suddenly getting called a slut.

And hes there like "Wat."

He copes by being generic with what he says around them.

I call bs with the way he treats Ramen. 

*couldnt resist.*

On the subject of Ramen's fears...well she's afraid of losing the people who mean a lot to her. (Like the person quoted above and his sister)

RE: Cowardly Antics. - Gegenji - 07-06-2015

Fears. Hm. I've given my characters likes and dislikes, but I haven't really thought too much on their in-depth fears. Not that they don't have any, I just never really took the time to point at them and go "that's a fear." Let's see here...

Loss - It's been mentioned a couple times for other people in this thread, but this is the big one that sticks out for me for the little guy. The times Chachan has acted most panicked and desperate is when someone he cares about is on the line. Memeli during her aetheric imbalances or when she was overcome by the False Phoenix, Leanne during her entire depression spiral that originally led to her seeking to mentally "reset" herself, the times when Virara seems to revert to a sort of mindless killer, and basically the entire situation with his brother Gogonji. Learning about the razing of Doma, though it wasn't RPed, was a horrible gut-punch to him - and was crucial in his decision to become a Paladin and protect others from feeling what he did. Conversely, it also cemented the fear of loss deep within his own psyche and has never really been addressed.

Killing - Chachan wants to be a hero, he wants to save the day and make everything better. But every time a villain or something is brought up, he always defaults to just "beating them up" or - better yet - turned away from their evil ways. He straight up refuses to even consider the idea of taking a life - and has always locked up into stuttering whenever someone presses him on the issue of a person that can't just be beaten up or talked down. The worst was a nightmare he had where someone thought themselves to be Meli during their time dating, and - in his inaction while trying to refute the (male) Highlander's claim - they tumbled from the Mist wall and cracked their head against the rocks below. From a technical sense, this fear could be tied to his fear of loss as he projects it on the ambiguous "others" that may know the person he's fighting - the unseen friends and family that would be utter devastated if they died.

Medicine - In a desperate attempt to cheer myself up after delving this deep into Chachan's fears, let's move into a kinda-sorta one that's more silly and lighthearted than anything else: Chachan's intense dislike of medicine. I hesitate to call it a full-on fear but, considering Leanne's had to chase him around the Still Shore just to get him to take some cold medicine, it likely should be addressed. It was originally something I gave him to keep that childish air about him, even though he exudes it in pretty much every other manner as well - despite his claims otherwise. If I had to pin a less meta reason to it, I would figure that most of the medicines he's had in his youth have been bitter and poor in taste. Combine that with already being in a bad sort due to being sick, and he has a lot of negative feelings tied to both (even if the medicine aids in helping with the sickness) - you're better off giving him some aetheric healing if you don't want a struggle.

Possession - To someone with an ego like Gogonji, his identity is one of the most important and precious things to him. As such, the idea of being subsumed or overtaken completely and utterly terrifies him - and it was something he didn't even consider until recent events. Even now, he fights with fragments of souls that seek to control him again, and the wall he puts up to keep them at bay is wrought of stubborn determination and pure, unadulterated fear. Should he manage to overcome or expel them, I think that the scars will stay with him for quite some time. Heaven help him if he has to deal with a body-possessing voidsent or anything else that even hints that they can wrest his control away from him.

Attachment - Where Chachan likes to make "frands" and generally be around people, Gogonji has a severe dislike of forming strong bonds that borders on a phobia. Part of it is his ego, seeing most people as filthy unenlightened trash that aren't worth his time unless he can make use of them, but it goes a bit further than that. He is still very much like his brother, and the razing of Doma left very similar scars. However, where Chachanji becomes desperate to protect what friends he has, Gogonji has made a subconscious choice to never make them in the first place. You can't lose what you never had.

Judge already had his worst fear realized, and where he is today is a direct result of the fallout from that. Considering he does what he does in a sort of perverted penance for what happened, one could say that his only other deep-seated fear might be to die before he's properly atoned. Returning to the aether before he's done so would be the greatest injustice. Beyond that, I haven't put that much thought into the armored behemoth's fears... though more could likely develop as I RP with him more and get more interaction out of him.

RE: Cowardly Antics. - Melodia - 07-06-2015

Character Fear?
An easy one would be to say her old pirate torturer Ramsay, but on a more deep level, she fears being alone. The solitude is what has always threatened to envelop her which is why she tries so hard to be with someone. Even if it is for just the night.

 How do they cope?
See above. She uses her need for physical love to cope with her fear. Kills two birds with one stone. Not exactly the healthiest but until she has friends she can open up with, it's what she can do.

 How do people respond to their fear?
I don't think people know. They would usually be stumped as to how Mel can feel a sense of loneliness being that she seems to be with someone often.

 Do you think one day they could be cured of there fear?
Of course. She just needs to know that she won't be abandoned or left behind by someone as has been the pattern in the past.

RE: Cowardly Antics. - Hammersmith - 07-06-2015

Character Fear?
Purestrain mages.  Hammer reads.  He knows in passing how high-end magic has been, unilaterally, responsible for the ending of ages.  Anyone claiming to be a pointy hatted wizard looking for power scares the shit out of him in a way backed by way too much evidence in the FF universe.

How do they cope?
Geek the wizard first is a thing Hammer actually abides by.  Fight between a guy with a knife and a mage? Hammer's going to hit the mage first before putting a boot into the knife guy.  

He also does his best to make people actively afraid of magic as well, or at least respect it to a degree that it stops being job 1 and starts just being a tool instead of pure power seeking.  This is the healthier of his two options, but it's no less scarring, given how he tends to enact it.

Come to think of it he also likes putting non-magical power (Weapons, explosive, siege weaponry) in the hands of common non-magical people. He knows that easy-access 'power' leads to chaos, but he also figures you're going to need it against people who can say "Well I'll just drop a moon on them, neener neener."

How do people respond to their fear?

They get their own brand of fear.  Either of Hammer, consequence, or history.  Fear breeds fear and, frankly Hammer is both aware of this and -perfectly alright- with it.

Do you think one day they could be cured of there fear?

Maybe.  That'd probably end badly for everyone involved given that Hammer already, publicly, muses that maybe things would have been better off if Dalamund had actually landed....or several had landed on most of the major population centers.  Hammer without his inherent loathing for magic is someone who might well latch onto it and start looking for targets.  Right now high end magic is where cowards go to do things they have no right to meddle in to fuck over honest people.

If the world were suddenly target rich of mages and magic abusers, and Hammer had a button that would let him do a one man 6'th umbral Mage War calamity to wipe them out?

There's a good chance he'd get over his fear to indulge his spite.

If that doens't happen? No.  It's a fear tempered by knowledge and superstition that's very personal.  It'd require Hammer to become a mage and that's never happening.  He's too old, too furious, and too set in what he 'knows' to make that kind of sudden turn into "Magic is the best and only option" path.

RE: Cowardly Antics. - Qhora Bajihri - 07-06-2015

Character Fear?
Identity loss, qualified. She's terrified of turning into her mother, or into the crowd of people that she has nothing but contempt for.

How do they cope?
A combination of seething rage and avoidance. She doesn't "run", per se. She just generally refuses to spend time with certain kinds of people or to spend too much time thinking about them. If she does find herself spending time with people she hates for some reason, she'll either maintain chilly silence or lash out verbally.

How do people respond to their fear?
Most people don't know, certainly not the reasoning behind her feelings. They just think she needs an attitude adjustment.

Do you think one day they could be cured of their fear?
Maybe. It'd take quite a lot. But if she can meet enough people who don't make her rage, or can work through her issues with her past, maybe she can gain some confidence that she isn't going to change into something she doesn't want without her permission.

RE: Cowardly Antics. - Zhavi - 07-06-2015

Character Fear?


How do they cope?

She doesn't. She isn't even aware it is a fear; she thinks of herself as being practical and wise to the ways of the world.

How do people respond to their fear?

Usually negatively. She's selfish and unreliable and smells bad as part of her quest to keep people from using her.

Do you think one day they could be cured of there fear?

Not in any real way. She's damaged in a way that doesn't really lend itself to happy endings.

RE: Cowardly Antics. - D'aito Kuji - 07-06-2015

Character Fear?

Aside from the usual and well recognized fears of brutal and painful death and a phobia regarding Yarzon Feeders, D'aito Kuji has a fear of her mistakes costing someone their life, especially innocent life.  This can become a self-fulfilling prophecy as her reticence to make a snap decision can be the mistake that costs a life. 

How do they cope?

D'aito copes primarily with heartfelt prayers to the Twelve and to Azeyma the Warden in particular.  She will also take more practical steps and try to think about everything that could possibly go wrong and plan a strategy to counter them.  Unfortunately, D'aito is not as intelligent or thoughtful as she thinks she is and this breeds overconfidence.  When she recognizes her mistake, she tends to beat herself up over it and questions her role beyond the tribe of her birth.  Such existential crises do not tend to last and are often abated by a few stiff drinks.

How do people respond to their fear?

It's not uncommon for D'aito to passively-aggressively seek positive and comforting feedback from her peers, especially those in the Blood Roses Free Company to which she is a member.  She will utter self deprecating things about herself and expect a refutation. Many people find this annoying and also find it difficult to know when D'aito is genuinely upset.  Knowing that she can be overconfident and occasionally absent minded when it comes to planning something, friends, partners, or colleagues must add their own input if they wish to reduce the risk of being killed.  The only reason others consent to her leadership is her uncanny ability to get a job done and overcome stupendous physical challenges in spite of the limitations of her intellect (she is a tank, after all).

Do you think one day they could be cured of there fear?

I think she could overcome some of her fear and just accept that sometimes people under her leadership will die.  But this might be a hinderance as much as a help.  Many leaders can begin to see those under them as pawns and can disassociate themselves from the consequences of the dangers they face.  And because it's unlikely that D'aito will gain greater intelligence, this could become especially dangerous when mixed in with her overconfidence.  It may be a good thing that D'aito fears making costly mistakes but that is little comfort to her or the families of those whose lives she's inadvertently taken.

RE: Cowardly Antics. - Aya - 07-06-2015

Character Fear

Aya's possessed of the full range of normal fear.  Danger, monsters, violence, loss, and so on.  She's not particularly heroic, and although she can summon courage (at times) when its really necessary, that is merely putting a strong face, and resolve, toward the object of fear. 

Her epithet, Foxheart, is due as much to her skittishness and desire to avoid trouble as much as anything else.

Her more overarching fear is of loss of freedom.  To be caged, literally or figuratively. 

How does she cope?

Like a fox!  Avoiding trouble whenever possible.  Avoiding confrontation, avoiding commitments and responsibilities, and taking positive steps to remain above and beyond suspicion or interest.  That mentality has shaped much of her character, most especially her public persona which is almost entirely dedicated to avoiding scrutiny and enemies Smile

The most salient character of her entire life is that she runs from trouble.  Four times she has fled only to start over again from scratch to avoid trouble.  She only seems to summon the courage to resist under situations when she feels completely cornered, when there is no other opportunity.  There has only been one exception to this so far: her decision to remain in Ul'dah even when things felt untenable.  That was a moment of high character drama, and character growth Smile

How do people respond to her fear?

I think there's a great deal of sympathy from those who know her.  Sympathy, support, and help from her friends.  There are others who would not be so kind, and would consider her craven and perhaps callous.

RE: Cowardly Antics. - Viola - 07-06-2015

Character Fear?

Viola fears two things first and foremost; losing the brooch she was originally forced to wear when she was younger (as punishment for what she had done, though now she is quite fond of it.) and the loss of her so-called "father".

How do they cope?

Viola wears the brooch on a collar at all times, regardless of it being covered or not. So long as she knows it's around her neck, she doesn't have an issue.

As for her "father", up until recently, she followed him wherever he went the past few years. Now with being told to head to Ishgard to learn the History of the 'Dark Knights', she's worried more than ever that she may lose him.

How do people respond to their fear?

They don't know about her fears, she wouldn't tell them either.

Do you think one day they could be cured of there fear?

I'm not sure. Only time will tell, I'd think.

RE: Cowardly Antics. - Corelyn - 07-13-2015

Character Fear?
A kind of "trope" I've kept with every iteration of Corelyn across games is her intense kinemortophobia (fear of undead, particularly zombies). If it's dead, it shouldn't move. Undead in any case freak her out to the extreme, and zombies in particular throw her off the deep end.

How do they cope?
Cope? What is this cope?
If she's armed, with anything at all, she will go absolutely ballistic and try to utterly destroy anything that moves in a crazed panic.

If unarmed, she'll shut down and go into a catatonic panic state.

This is, generally, related to how close they are to her. At a distance, if she can, she can "calmly" pick them off, but the closer they get, the more freaked out she gets. Getting so much as touched by one will set her off completely, however.

How do people respond to their fear?
I imagine anyone nearby were Corelyn to go into a panic-induced undead-murder-spree would be worried about getting caught in the crossfire. I really don't see much friend-or-foe at that point in how crazy she goes.

If the other option, people would (hopefully) have to try and get her clear of them.

Do you think one day they could be cured of their fear?
HAhahaahahahahAhAHaHAHahAh no. Poor thing. It has always been, and will always be, her greatest phobia and most potent trigger.