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What your character thinks/would think of the character above. - Printable Version

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RE: What your character thinks/would think of the character above. - Asmodean - 09-03-2015

After reading the personality on the wiki alone... I think Lyta and Asmo would make quick friends. He would enjoy her bluntness which feel like a breath of fresh air after spending two months up in Ishgard, and dealing with all the backhanded compliments he has dealt with as of late.

Also it's a miqo'te that odds are she wouldn't try to hit on him at first sight. That is always a plus.

RE: What your character thinks/would think of the character above. - Aaron - 09-03-2015

Aaron would probably call Asmodean the real emo, if only to direct all the wrong accusations of he himself being emo away from Aaron.

RE: What your character thinks/would think of the character above. - LadyRochester - 09-04-2015

Sasha had few exchanges with Aaron, so she hasn't formed quite an opinion on him yet. She finds him anti-social, though not necessarily rude. Really, the only reason she has approached him in the past is because she liked his puppy. 

That aside, if they got to know each other, chances are she'd grow to respect him maybe even like him), though she might become impatient seeing his negativity and angsty-ness, considering it somewhat childish.

RE: What your character thinks/would think of the character above. - Berrod Armstrong - 09-04-2015

Going off what I read on Sasha's wiki!

Berrod would likely find her polite and sociable -- though for him to truly hold her in any high regard he'd have to see her deal in more than smiles and pleasantries. Nonetheless, he wouldn't mind being around her. Better a pleasant person than an arse!

RE: What your character thinks/would think of the character above. - Warren Castille - 09-04-2015

Big ol' softie.

RE: What your character thinks/would think of the character above. - Aya - 09-04-2015


"Just look at that.. shame he'll never look at me twice!"

Aya also knows that he is a serious trainer, capable of being both frightening (the first time she 'met' him) and fun!  He is also a very good friend of Val's!  He's terribly intriguing, and frustrating in that he never even really seems interested in being friends, though he has always been polite and nice to Aya she has seen some of the other side of him as well!


A man who holds up pillars!

Too lost in his business any more to be tho good friend he really once was, but Aya would never turn down the opportunity to share a drink, or serve him one. She's found him so often misguided, yet earnest and well-intentioned. The kind of man you wish others were like ^^

RE: What your character thinks/would think of the character above. - Gegenji - 09-04-2015

Chachan obviously thinks Ser Warren is the bestest, most strongest Paladin out there. His entry on the wiki about the guy is still very much valid. Closest thing to a man-crush the little dork has.

Judge also has high opinions of the Arbiter. Maintaining the law and order of the Grindstone, and aiding in the enforcement of justice as a Free Paladin. Though he's oft put off by how much he and his have pushed for helping the armored grandpa out with his own issues.

EDIT: Three for three on being sniped on these things, haw.

Chachan definitely likes Aya's cheerful demeanor and friendliness - and, like with Leanne, is always surprised by how many folks she knows. Though, with some of the outfits she's shown off in his presence, Chachan might have another awkward little crush forming. She's very pretty, after all, and has a lot of the personality traits he's attracted to. Laugh

RE: What your character thinks/would think of the character above. - Telluride - 09-04-2015

Nathan has developed a rather amused respect for Chachanji. In many ways, the two are opposites of each other, and may as well be speaking foreign languages, for all the differences in their demeanor, and the bard can only shrug to himself when a lot of his comments and observations have gone over the Lalafell's head. Still, the lad seems to attract beautiful girls by the scores, just for the forthrightness of his demeanor and that appallingly cute innocence (yeah, he's buff for a Lalafell, but...), so he must be doing something right. One of these days, the little hero is going to have one of those moments that changes a man overnight, and perhaps the lad will have a greater appreciation for bards when he needs one to record it.

Judge.. oh, that walking suit of armor? Thal's Balls, is that guy stiff. He doesn't seem especially harmful, and maybe he has his uses, but he's a worse killjoy for fun than a score of Brass Blades.

RE: What your character thinks/would think of the character above. - Cliodhna Eoghan - 09-04-2015

clio thinks chachan is very straightforward (when he's understanding the situation....lul) has an earnest heart and is far too adorable to be the age he says he is. though she has him pegged for a bit younger than he says; she still goes along with it for his sake. clio also suspects there's a bit of distressed feelings hanging over chachan due to his brother but isn't aware of a lot regarding him so she chooses not to pressure him for information on it.

nathan....it's early; stap typing so fast!!! D<

.....one of clio's best and most fun drinking buddies. always fun to hang around an has a habit of cheering her even when he's not aware of doing so; clio's never disappointed to see him (usually with lottie in tow :3 ) and those songs are always creative, but she's curious about the wandering adventures that haven't been discussed much when they have their chats.

RE: What your character thinks/would think of the character above. - FreelanceWizard - 09-04-2015

L'yhta loves chatting with Clio, since they have a lot of very similar views on things. To be honest, she thinks Clio is one of the few people who "gets" where she's coming from a lot of the time, which is a precious thing to someone who's constantly worried that people merely just tolerate her presence.

Now, if she could just get Clio out on an adventure or two...

RE: What your character thinks/would think of the character above. - LadyRochester - 09-04-2015

Feeling a kinship for all mages, Sasha would likely be extremely interested in L'yhta. She loves those with a sharp mind and a quick-wit, so she would probably really like L'yhta, especially since she doesn't fall under the hyper-sexualized miqo'te stereotype. Being someone who enjoys deep conversation and sharing knowledge, I'd see them talking for hours.

Only thing that might make her get all fussy is the woman's temper, as Sasha frowns upon impulsive and explosive anger. L'hyta, however, might not tolerate Sasha's occasional arrogant outbursts.

RE: What your character thinks/would think of the character above. - Aaron - 09-04-2015

Aaron thinks Sasha has a awesome body. If someone caught him staring at her and called him out on it his reply would be. ". . . . And? I'll tell her myself I'm staring"

RE: What your character thinks/would think of the character above. - Cato - 09-04-2015

Graeham finds Sasha to be a very intriguing woman. He admires her cunning and intelligence, especially given their shared opinions on many matters. He considers her a solid ally and a friend, regretting that they don't get to meet up often due to their differing duties. He appreciates that she doesn't mock him for his attempts to secure peace between Garlemald and Eorzea.

He's somewhat blinded to her flaws, however - as is the case with all of his friends given his habit of focusing upon the positive aspects of those that gain his trust and interest. If she ever sought to take advantage of him then she'd likely succeed.

RE: What your character thinks/would think of the character above. - Melodia - 09-04-2015

She would find Graeham to be a rather charming and interesting person to talk to. She might find a lot of commonalities with him and get along quite well, especially with a flirtatious nature common to both.

RE: What your character thinks/would think of the character above. - Roe Dad - 09-04-2015

"What small miqo im going to follow her quietly."