Hydaelyn Role-Players
Follow me to Soliloquy where entertainment is always free~[open to ALL] - Printable Version

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RE: Follow me to Soliloquy where entertainment is always free~[open to ALL] - Jijinji - 07-18-2013

Aegon looks at the female Miqo'te that pointed to him with a confused look "Oh you want me to go first?" then looks back to Abai "It's delicious, my compliments to the culinarian!" he says cheerfully as he takes another bite. 

"Curious eh? Okay I'll share today's adventure with ye." He says jokingly as he takes a swig from the freshly filled glass of whiskey. "Well I had to transport some sorry sob and his family who have had it tough lately from Thanalan to an undisclosed location I'm obligated to not talk about" He explains with a smirk. 

"The thing is the guy forgot exactly where it was we where supposed to be going so we ended up wandering around for hours" He said as he laughed "I almost lost my cool but I couldn't blame the guy we where expecting to be attacked at anytime and he wanted to rush." He says as he shakes his head. 

"Everything turned out fine we never got attacked, I'm starting to think the guy was just paranoid!" He laughs again.

Aegon takes another swig from his glass then notices the girl looking at him and raises his brow then gives her a wave.

RE: Follow me to Soliloquy where entertainment is always free~[open to ALL] - Dehqon - 07-18-2013

"That... Sounds like an annoying job to have... Walking around that long because someone forgot to bring a marked map?"

She shakes her head with dismay and looks a couple of inches next to his head. "But... Still brave to risk attack to help someone."

RE: Follow me to Soliloquy where entertainment is always free~[open to ALL] - Jijinji - 07-18-2013

"Heh, yeah it was annoying at times but it was worth seeing the relieved looks on their faces in the end" He said to the Miqo'te with a smile "That and the pay was amazing, but I ended up doing the job for less than half." He sighed "It was a lot, I could tell it was all the Gil they had and I just couldn't, it didn't feel right" He said with a frown "They where really desperate and even though I don't know them I'm just glad they are safe now." He said as he looked at her with a gentle smile. 

Aegon takes another swig with a slightly depressed face that still seemed happy "I guess my parents really left a huge impression on me, as they are always doing these things often without any compensation" He chuckled.

RE: Follow me to Soliloquy where entertainment is always free~[open to ALL] - Dehqon - 07-18-2013

"Hm... Must have meant the world, getting there and keeping Gil..." Her ears twitch and she perks up, "You could visit! Make sure they're okay and... Bring gifts?"

She's still tense, but not so tense that she could break in half with little effort. She rubs the back of her hand along the hairline to get rid of the little bit of sweat gathering up there. She smiles, acting as if she hadn't done anything even though she may have been watched the whole time.

RE: Follow me to Soliloquy where entertainment is always free~[open to ALL] - Jijinji - 07-18-2013

Aegon grins after hearing the suggestion "Ye know that's a good idea! It'd put some ease to my mind." Aegon says as he finishes his second glass of whiskey. "I'll check up on them tomorrow and bring them a little house warming gift I'm sure it would mean the world to them to know someone cares that they are safe." 

Aegon then finishes off the now lukewarm Popoto. He then noticed the Miqo'te's tenseness "I take it you don't fare well around others?" he asked with some concern.

RE: Follow me to Soliloquy where entertainment is always free~[open to ALL] - Dehqon - 07-18-2013

She shakes her head quickly and tips over as her sense of balance is thrown off from it. She grips the edge of the table to keep upright before putting her hands back in her lap.

"No... Uhm... Feels like being crushed, you know?" She taps the center of her chest with the tips of her fingers, then pulls the hand away to look at the palm with slightly distant eyes. "But I go where people are... Try to talk and be brave." She looks back to  Aegon and laughs at herself, "But that doesn't mean I don't shake a long time after I leave."

RE: Follow me to Soliloquy where entertainment is always free~[open to ALL] - Jijinji - 07-18-2013

Aegon chuckles "You're quite the interesting one" He says still chuckling. "Aye but I know how you feel I used to be like that back in my school days" He says with a smile "Still am to an extent, but the liquor helps" He laughs as he holds up the empty glass "Oh that's not a good reason to drink is it?" he sets it down and laughs some more.

"You are brave though as you say and it shows I can tell you try and I can see kindness in you that's why I feel comfortable talking to you" He says with a sincere smile. "Just take it one step at a time and you will eventually come out of that shell I'm sure" He says as he continues to smile "The name is Aegon by the way and it's a pleasure to meet you."  

RE: Follow me to Soliloquy where entertainment is always free~[open to ALL] - KitKat - 07-18-2013

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The gil clinked in the palm of her hand as she eyed the entrance to the tavern from under her hood. The Hyur was short, even by Midlander standards. Her youthfulness, diminutive stature, and the obvious naiveté in her eyes lent an air of vulnerability to the woman. 

She was pretty, if plain. Her one distinguishing feature was her eyes. She peered out at the world through one gold eye and one green one. Her manner of dress left much to be desired. Garbed in an uncomfortable-looking robe that looked more like a feed sack than clothing, she either had no concept of fashion or no gil to afford luxuries. Her lone piece of jewelry, if one could call it jewelry, was a small copper coin with the letter "C" stamped on it. The coin dangled at the end of a worn leather necklace.

It was that keepsake necklace that she clutched with her free hand as she looked through tavern's doors when another patron entered. The place was busy and the patrons all seemed to know each other. The foreign girl felt even more out of place as her stomach let her know that there wasn't anything to do but join the crowd if she wanted to eat that day.

It was that thought, coupled with the therapeutic grasping of her necklace, that spurned her to action. She hiked up the hem of her potatosack robes and wandered inside the tavern. She stood near to the entrance while her eyes adjusted to the change in lighting. Once accustomed to the dimness, she peered around the establishment, looking for a private place to eat. Seeing none, she nervously made her way to an open seat at the bar. 

A bartender slid a menu in front of the young woman and tended to the other customers for a time before returning to the quiet patron. "What are ya havin'?"

The woman fidgeted and licked her lips before pointing at an item on the menu and answering. "May I have a water and...and that?"

"Ah. The Catch of the Day. Good choice. It'll be right up."

While she waited for her food, the woman glanced around the bar. If she happened to make eye contact with anyone else, she quickly averted her eyes and looked down at her lap. She was obviously nervous.

RE: Follow me to Soliloquy where entertainment is always free~[open to ALL] - Abaigeal - 07-18-2013

"Ah Shall be sure to tell her,Aye!" She beamed as her emerald hued gaze met with Inja's once more a small hint of a giggle bubbled from her lips as the lass pointed to Aegon. "Well then! Ah suppose that means ye are up first lad!"
Leaning on the bar top she nodded her head as she listened to the tale of travel. "Aah! That does sound like a bit of a bad dose!!" She nodded  as he continued. Inja of course added her input which caused the Highlander to smile. Not that Inja wasn't one that couldn't socialize, it was just Abai hadn't seen her do it much. With a bit of a grin that turned into a vibrant smile she seemed a bit proud of the lass.
"Aah~! But yer doing great Lass!" she nodded her head . "Come quite a long way since Ah first met ye!" She added with a gracious nod of her head and a soft utterance that sounded like Mmhmm.
She paused as the young woman at the end caught her attention.'Aye a water it is Lass! Ah'll see if Ah can fetch a few of Miname's sweet honey butter rolls while Ah'm at it." the jovial highlander slipped into the kitchen momentarily only to return with a tray of water and a few baskets of rolls placing them scattered on the bar about the patrons. "Here ye are. Miname insist that these are free!" She sang songed relaying the cooks wishes as  watched the young woman seemly stareat Aegon.
"The lad doesn't bite...At least hehasn't biten me yet. Ah'm sure if ye 
wanted to join in conversation all would have the more the merrier  demeanor aye?"
[color][color] She chuckledsoftly and  lightly pushed the rollbasket a little closer.
 Abaigeal's attentionturned once more as the door opened yet again and smiled brightly to the newest patron that seemed to enter. "Welcome to Soliloquy!" She greeted to the necklace clutching woman as she slid a menu her way. She hadn't seemed like one of the usual either. Abaigeal's eyes looked over the lass as she sat and scanned the menu.
After hearing the lasses order she nodded repeating it backand heading to the kitchen pushing the door open and calling out. 'Whatever ye can catch!" She added with a chuckled closing the cracked door and returning to the bar fetching a glass and filling it with water.
"Here ye are Lass."The russet headed highlander beamed down to the equal emerald hued –er...emerald and gold!! That was a sight. She smiled warmly before notating small things about people as she does.
'Yer among friends lass. Ye not need toworry." She coxed with a good nod of her head for measure.
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RE: Follow me to Soliloquy where entertainment is always free~[open to ALL] - lady2beetle - 07-18-2013

Runa accepted the water and rolls with a nod of thanks, then started just a little when the barmaid caught her staring. For a moment, she looked uncomfortable, but there was no escaping it - she had been pulled into the conversation and she couldn't escape without being horribly rude. Clearing her throat, she shrugged and shifted over to the next seat closer, but didn't seem to be in a hurry to speak or introduce herself. Quietly, she sipped her water and nibbled on a honey roll and listened to Aegon and Inja chat.

RE: Follow me to Soliloquy where entertainment is always free~[open to ALL] - Dehqon - 07-18-2013

Inja feels the burning of a blush filling her face and she presses her hands against her mouth and shakes her head a little. Her? Brave? There were no stories of heroics done by sitting in a tavern and talking; nothing like traveling to far off places and staring down dangerous things. The bravest thing she'd ever done was probably the stupidest: setting fire to a hornet nest, trying to get rid of it. (That plan backfired horribly)

She mumbles against her knuckles, still feeling awkward at the compliment, "Drinking for courage? But... People say bad or embarrassing things happen... Isn't that worse?"

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RE: Follow me to Soliloquy where entertainment is always free~[open to ALL] - Jijinji - 07-18-2013

The dark red headed midlander looked to the girl who moved closer and gave here a wave. "Aye I'm not a bad person, I think, or...at least I have been told...that I am?" He says questioningly somehow. He scratches his head then looks at Abai "I think I'm goign to switch it up I'll take a Twelveswood Absinthe, haven't had one of those in awhile!" He laughs with a hint of oncoming drunkenness. 

He notices the other newcomer "Today doesn't seem to have a shortage of newcomers does it?" he says to Abai chuckle.

He then looks back to Inja "Aye, embarrassing thing do happen but you often look back at them and laugh and maybe share the story among friends." he says with a laugh. "It's easy to beat yourself up over something embarrassing you did but there is no point in that right?" He asks her seriously but with a smile.

RE: Follow me to Soliloquy where entertainment is always free~[open to ALL] - Abaigeal - 07-18-2013

Abaigeal chuckles and nodds her head looking at Inja."Aye, but in moderation its not to bad!!"She winked and held up a finger as if to remember something. 'Aah! Ah knew Ah forgot something!"She slipped back into the kitchen returning with two platters one she placed in front of the Amber and Emerald eyed Lass.
"Here ye are..Catch of the day!!Lemme know if ye'd like some lemon with that Aye?" A soft and gentle smile painted her lips as she gave the woman a moment to inquire.
Stepping a few paces down the cherry wood lacquered bar sheplaced Inja's meal before her. 'Chuck n Cluck~! This time with Chuck!" she teased 
before looking to the dark red headed hyur.
"Aye!" She beamedwith nod as she set to pouring the lad the green drink. "Ah warn ye though...you might end up on the floor..." She teased as he  mentioned the newer patrons.

'It seems so!! But by the end of the eve, Ah suspect ye all might become regulars!!" She winked and slid the cool liquid over to him.

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RE: Follow me to Soliloquy where entertainment is always free~[open to ALL] - Jijinji - 07-18-2013

"Aye I very well may end up on the floor! I was defeated by this drink before but not this time!" Aegon exclaimed while his teal eyes cautiously stared at the green drink. "Well here goes nothing!" He says as he quickly moved the glass to his lips then slowly and carefuly took a small drink. His eyes widened "Holy shite that's stronger than I remember!" He says as he tries to compose himself.

"Aye I do believe I'll be coming here again when I'm in the area, the place is lively, the entertainment is....uh entertaining, and the company is welcoming and friendly!" He says with a big laugh "I'm drunk aren't I?" He says as he puts his hand over his face.

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RE: Follow me to Soliloquy where entertainment is always free~[open to ALL] - lady2beetle - 07-18-2013

"You're only as think as you drunk you are," the hyur woman spoke up in a serious, deadpan voice. If she was joking - she had to be joking, right? - her expression showed none of it. She continued to sip her water and watched Aegon with a single arched eyebrow.