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Zombie Defense Tips n' Tricks! - Printable Version

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Re: Zombie Defense Tips n' Tricks! - Siben - 08-08-2010

Crystal Wrote:It's like having vampires that sparkle in the daylight ; ;

I see what you did there Wink

Re: Zombie Defense Tips n' Tricks! - Satrina - 08-08-2010

This shit is cake for people like me and Siben who live in an area where a zombie outbreak would totally happen.

What gear would you have with you?

Handguns/Shotguns. Rifles are too bulky in tight areas and the extra power is pointless, a head shot is a headshot. Unless you're trying to slow a zombie down, then a shotgun to the kneecap or ankle to destroy forward momentum or trip them, then a handgun to the skull and you're done. Close quarters a fire axe or baseball bat. Anything you can keep swinging without much effort. You want something that can either crush of cleave bone easily. Getting a weapon stuck in a body means you're fucked royally. Fireaxes are also great in a pinch for keeping a door locked if there's a handle there.

What tactics would you employ for survival?

First thing first. Picking up Siben, if he's not turned yet. Then we're heading to the local wal-mart and stocking up there for quick supplies. Next to our other friends house which is near a home depot, super walmart and Price chopper. Canned food and anything that wont spoil over time, sweep the aisles and take our time. No loud noises, yelling or anything to attract too much attention. Secondly find an area to hole up in while we take inventory of what we have, someplace with a forced chokepoint or two and multiple positions to fall back to with an escape route to our back that can not be accessed by the living dead. After that, decisions on what to do.

I wouldn't forsee our back roads to be swarmed up here. The major highways sure, but that's a given. Steer clear of that shit. In the event of car failure on the way to destinations we'd have to stay off roads and cut through woodland. Though it sounds counter intuitive, road is easily navigable for shuffling horrors, while fallen trees, mud, and other such environment obstructions will hinder their movements and allow advanced warning of any approach. Wildlife is a great way to tell if something is coming.


Quote:Let's talk about time limit here, how long do you think a zombie infestation would last? And here's something I always found odd in the zombie movies: If zombies are dead, why aren't carrion eating animals attracted to them?
And someone mentioned a flamethrower earlier, how about the inverse? Liquid Nitrogen gun, freeze dem zombies! Mostly because I doubt their nervous system would know/care that they're on fire and it'd take a while for the muscles to give out.

It depends on how bad the outbreak is. Nationwide, global, smallscale. Best thing to do is head north and wait for snowfall, but be sure to prepare for actually SNOWFALL. Not just a camping trip, and a longhaul. I would assume the intense cold would destroy most movement abilities even if a spring thaw came.

For carrion birds, wildlife can probably detect the difference between something worth eating and something that isn't supposed to be up and moving and infested. I wouldnt forsee something like RE1/2 crows but there would sure to be infected wildlife on all scales. Flaming zombies would suck, because they are going to keep coming and now they are on fire too which is just plain shit. I think Mythbusters did a "test" about nitrogen and freezing though and it would require a ton of time to freeze a chunk of them solid.

Re: Zombie Defense Tips n' Tricks! - Siben - 08-08-2010

Play this:

Last Stand 2

edit: Bold and underline-icized so you know it's a link. Can we please do some CSS formatting or something so people can tell when a link is a link instead of just text plz?

Re: Zombie Defense Tips n' Tricks! - Faust - 08-09-2010

I know for most people, the zombie apocalypse scenario is a fun what-if, but my girlfriend has a legitimate and actual fear of zombies. I try to explain to her that if zombies actually ever came about (which they won't), in the sociology of the US, they would be fucked up by the joint efforts of eager military/police/civilians that same day. I mean, you might get something like a more aggressive rabies, but nothing that would spread more quickly than we could kill it. And that thing would be "cured" (via carrier annihilation) so fast it would make your head spin.

So I have no plans for a zombie apocalypse. Now if we're talking about some unconventional zombies, like maybe some kind that don't have to bite you, but transmit an airborn virus, and maybe have some kind of hysterical cough or sneeze... that's fucking terrifying!

Re: Zombie Defense Tips n' Tricks! - Crawa - 08-09-2010

Man, my plans for a zombie apocalypse pretty much boil down to "hide behind a burlier, tougher friend, and hope for the best".

I'm screwed, aren't I?

Re: Zombie Defense Tips n' Tricks! - Satrina - 08-09-2010

Faust Wrote:I know for most people, the zombie apocalypse scenario is a fun what-if, but my girlfriend has a legitimate and actual fear of zombies. I try to explain to her that if zombies actually ever came about (which they won't), in the sociology of the US, they would be fucked up by the joint efforts of eager military/police/civilians that same day. I mean, you might get something like a more aggressive rabies, but nothing that would spread more quickly than we could kill it. And that thing would be "cured" (via carrier annihilation) so fast it would make your head spin.

So I have no plans for a zombie apocalypse. Now if we're talking about some unconventional zombies, like maybe some kind that don't have to bite you, but transmit an airborn virus, and maybe have some kind of hysterical cough or sneeze... that's fucking terrifying!

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.cracked.com/article_15643_5-scientific-reasons-zombie-apocalypse-could-actually-happen.html">http://www.cracked.com/article_15643_5- ... appen.html</a><!-- m -->

It could also be a latent virus, something that technically wouldn't just kill and reanimate you on the spot. There are all sorts of virii that can lay dormant in your system for a month before becoming active. That would allow the virus to be spread cross continent.

Re: Zombie Defense Tips n' Tricks! - Smiling River - 08-09-2010

Living in a large metropolitan area I realize that I will most likely fail regardless but my plans are the following: (This is based on what is realistically available)

-Pack everything essential, from food to phone charger to clothes to can opener.
-Grab my katana, it'll have to do for now.
-Candles, flashlight, matches, rope, batteries if I see any.
-Paper, journal, pens/pencils, chalk
-Send text to friends, tell them the intersection near a manhole.
-Try to make it to the manhole. I live around a number of buildings so making it through the hallway and out through the front door would be suicide. I plan to go down the fire escape and then just jumping off at the side of the building where it's less likely I'd be immediately spotted.

The plan is to basically make it to the nearest manhole, attempt to open it, get to the sewer and try to navigate to a central area where my friends and I can meet up. If no one is there a day after I'll assume they are zombies and move on. The plan is to keep moving, popping up for food/water when needed, until I reach a community or other survivors who though of the same plan. I highly doubt there will be zombies down there since it's pretty hard to get those manholes open. It'd also be easy to slash and run from them down there I'd imagine, especially once I map it out with my handy chalk. It'd be pretty much impossible for me to make it out of the city into a forest (I agree that making a small burrow would be ideal, surviving on the wood critters), or a mountain region.

Re: Zombie Defense Tips n' Tricks! - Satrina - 08-09-2010

@Mason. Just hope the virus isnt airborne, spread by bodily fluid, or was spread via vermin. Otherwise you're fucked in the sewer ;P

Re: Zombie Defense Tips n' Tricks! - Kashemia - 08-09-2010

One of the reasons why Cell is so great, is that they're not actually zombies, they're insane people (I can say that without spoiling too much, it happens in like, the first chapter of the book). It spreads through the cellphones, and since everyone has one, almost everyone gets hit. It also means that they will NOT decay in 30 days, they'll keep on living for YEARS.
That's sort of what I would be preparing for Tongue I think it's just as likely that we get hit by something that turn living into zombie-like things, than the dead rising from the graves.

Re: Zombie Defense Tips n' Tricks! - Smiling River - 08-09-2010

Quote:@Mason. Just hope the virus isnt airborne, spread by bodily fluid, or was spread via vermin. Otherwise you're fucked in the sewer ;P
Yeah, hopefully not! Otherwise I don't see myself making it, sadly. Unless it's possible to get into the car and drive away from New York, which I don't think it would be.

Re: Zombie Defense Tips n' Tricks! - Siben - 08-09-2010

Faust Wrote:I know for most people, the zombie apocalypse scenario is a fun what-if, but my girlfriend has a legitimate and actual fear of zombies

I can sympathize Faust, I used to be absolutely terrified of skeletons, shadowpeople and the mere thought of zombies when I was younger. It's only been recently that I can go "oh, zombie, ha ha." I kind of worked through it by playing video games and stuff. Nothing feels more empowering over a fear then leveling a shotgun at it's head and blowing it's face off (yay Resident Evil ;P)

Kashemia Wrote:I think it's just as likely that we get hit by something that turn living into zombie-like things, than the dead rising from the graves.

It's extremely unlikely that if it were to ever happen than the dead would quite literally claw their way out of the grave. I know in my area cemeteries have the plots lined and sealed off with a heavy metal plate before they fill them in. On top of that most conventional caskets these days are locked after the final viewing. Which is pretty cool to be honest, because now I'm not absolutely terrified of grave yards anymore, just slightly Tongue

Re: Zombie Defense Tips n' Tricks! - Zietes - 08-09-2010

I hate Zombies with a passion. My first horror movie was a zombie movie. Worst...idea...ever. That being said, the thought of a zombie apocalypse scares the shit out of me, I'd hope that I never got to see one in my life. So let's hope I don't have to.

Anyway, I remember hearing/reading like a few months ago that there was a study conducted by scientists on the chances of civilization surviving a zombie apocalypse. Basically they ended up stating that if there was a zombie outbreak, civilization wouldn't survive due to how fast it spread, etc. etc.

So...I hope a zombie outbreak never occurs, and after reading that 5 Reasons why one could happen, I'm even more scared now. Damnit....time to stay awake all night long......

Re: Zombie Defense Tips n' Tricks! - Satrina - 08-09-2010

Hey Siben:

Show Content

Re: Zombie Defense Tips n' Tricks! - Siben - 08-09-2010

Satrina Wrote:Hey Siben:

Show Content



Re: Zombie Defense Tips n' Tricks! - Kashemia - 08-09-2010

When I was a kid, I was always scared that ghosts would come up through the crack between the bed and the wall. I slept in the top part of a bunk bed, and I would always sleep out against the "railing", toward the room.

I've never really been afraid of zombies though. But I can see why they're scary, I think it's the idea of being eaten alive.