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More Dynamic roleplay. - Printable Version

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RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - Qhora Bajihri - 11-10-2013

Relentless negativity helps nobody. Anywhere. That's all I have to say on this subject. Aren't you glad I pitched in.

RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - Naunet - 11-10-2013

As promised, the Balmung Bulletin Board. Looks like Twin's already posted something. I've got something I'll write up later today. ^^

RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - Michikyou - 11-10-2013

(11-10-2013, 07:45 AM)Raccoon Wrote:
(11-08-2013, 08:04 PM)Naihir Wrote: I know. This isn't about me.

This is about a few people I have known who have found the community so hard to break into. I understand the community is young. But there are very few events. I have only seen 2-3 on per month and the ones publicly on are usually very crowded and hard to even converse in.

Just hopefully we can get some more activity on the site and some more events open.

Unfortunately, most people are like you -- and me, don't get me wrong -- who want more events but aren't willing to start one themselves. It's a pain to organize and host these events, plus you kinda need to limit participation somehow, or you're going to have hundreds of RPers and maddening scroll. But by limiting participation, you get called all sorts of things, with elitist being one of them.

The only times I've ever seen anyone turned away is when Mysterium is having a super-secret FC meeting and our catgirl-guarding-the-stairs turns them away IC, or when someone tries to walk up and RP without asking first. In which case we're usually in a scene that's typically not located where we're sitting, or it's got a month-plus worth of story behind it that's just plain awkward to have a random person walk into. In both cases, they get told politely OOC that that's what's happening.

in that instance with the catgirl I would of made it an IC send off, not oocly.

AS for event planning. I love planning events but I like to see what the community likes first before planning a thousand of them. I nearly am done planning my temple of the 12 event that will reoccur.

RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - ArmachiA - 11-10-2013

(11-10-2013, 12:09 PM)Claris Wrote: As an example, over a month ago my character was involved in an FC storyline event in Limsa where HOLY CRAP MULTIPLE EXPLOSIONS AND MAGITEK AND EVERYTHING. While this is going on, other roleplayers not involved in this event are happily getting drunk on their ales at the Bismark. What gives? There's explosions afoot! C'mon people, get your swords! What gives is that there are essentially multiple universes going on that may or may not intersect with your own universe. If you want in, all you gotta do is ask!

I'm not sure I agree with this, cuz we have also had explosions, but outside of town and a bunch of strangers actually reacted and joined in! That was cool. None of our major story arcs existed in a bubble. Okay one did, but we kidnapped two people to do experiments on them and... it was a thing (The evil alts we, not NB we). MOST of our rp doesn't exist in a bubble and 99% of the time a stranger gets involved happily. Armi got stabbed in the middle of Ul'dah, 3 or 4 people came up to see if she was okay. Those two people I mentioned earlier got kidnapped and one person, who didn't know anything about us, decided to help our alliance guild look for them. We (again evil alts we) hired some random RPer to drug the kidnap-ees drink. Our Evil alts tried to take a girl off the street and got stopped by a random person!

I think that makes things dynamic in it's own way. I don't like to put too much in a bubble, how will people know whats going on? We've gotten plenty of interest into our storyline and wanting to get involved and such so it works well.

the Linkshell leaders meeting most of the FC leaders wanted some kind of thread to summarize each FC's plots so the other FC's could see it and maybe want to get involved. Did that ever get made? I think that's a good start, so we can see whats going on with each other and try to interact that way.

As for the Bulletin board, I'm a bit confused by it. Is it a character journal? Most of us have character journals (I have mine linked right in my sig) though I doubt many people actually read them (If you read mine, read Armi's, it's the one I'm updated atm XD) and there's a whole section for character journals on the site. Do I just post my character journal into that thread? I'm confused, please explain ; ;

RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - Ildur - 11-10-2013

If character journal's are akin to novels, the bulletin board is akin to a collection of unconnected short stories. While a character journal focuses on one character and their story (meaning it might get very, very long), the bulletin board is there to provide small snippets of plots or characters so that the community might choose to acknowledge, get involved in them or gossip about them at their discretion.

RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - Magellan - 11-10-2013

I am actually COMPLETELY with Claris on this one. Everyone is entitled to find the RP they find most enjoyable, and it sounds like Claris' group handled it responsibly. IN a high-octane, action-packed rp scenario like the one described, you simply cannot expect the greater community to get involved on that, so you keep it to your group. What's the harm in that?

Furthermore, I'd say Ildur's example of the bruise and battered person is essentially the same thing. You are introducing a disruptive element that frankly, not everyone is going to want to get involved with. And why would they? They don't know the character. Sure they might report it to the local (conjurer/healer/priest/doctor), but what else are they supposed to do? Especially in tavern roleplays were brawls and bloodying people up are kind of common.

Multiple universes make for peaceful coexistence. If everyone compromises for some sort of community wide, baseline, 'acceptable' RP... nobody wins. Because you have to play everything safe, remove any experimental elements, and force people into arguments. As an example, how do you handle frequent dungeon runs? I've heard several viable, and interesting ways to address this. But you CANNOT force ONE way on everyone, because people are bound to disagree. Let people find what works best of them, and go with it. It's okay if we employ different methods, so long as we support our differences, not nitpick over them. 

I had a situation where a character claiming to be a high-ranking official of the Maelstrom, caused a scene at the Bismarck trying to arrest someone. The only problem was, no one recognized her authority as Maelstrom, and when they didn't go along with the scene, the player resorted to ((OOC namecalling)). That player has EVERY right to roleplay a high-ranking Maelstrom authority, in HER universe. But you cannot force that sort of thing on the greater community, because what's to stop me from playing a higher ranking official who then fires her? You have to find a group of people who accept that role.

As another example, I got in a debate with a guildie on how Raise should be handled in game. I strongly dislike removing the consequence of death from my RP. I roleplay like Raise is bringing someone back from the brink of death. My guildie did not see it this way. Raise, by definition, is bringing someone back from the dead. We were both right, and neither of us was wrong. It all comes down to taste and preference, and we should encourage and tolerate our fellow rpers for pursuing what meets their unique wishes.

Bottom line is, you can choose to play within the safer, community wide rules and work well within the guidelines, thereby opening yourself up to a broader spectrum of rp. Or, you can do your own thing because you recognize its not something the greater community will agree upon. Both are valid. Both are fun. And both should be encouraged as growing the artform that is RP.

RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - Michikyou - 11-10-2013

However if the community was ore open and linked and that maelstrom roleplayer was part of an maelstrum guild of officers and such. There would not of been this issue in the first place. There is a small presence of FC-FC interaction apart from the 'gardens' that I have seen so far.

Its still slightly disturbing.

RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - Clover - 11-11-2013

(11-10-2013, 09:28 PM)Naih Wrote: However if the community was ore open and linked and that maelstrom roleplayer was part of an maelstrum guild of officers and such. There would not of been this issue in the first place. There is a small presence of FC-FC interaction apart from the 'gardens' that I have seen so far.

Its still slightly disturbing.
This would be awesome. I'm hoping to join a Twin Adders group myself, and I sure will respect the player officers as such. Likewise, I'd like to know if other groups are unofficially playing the other companies, just to know who is in charge.

Granted, it could happen that someone else might want to RP the high officers in the future as well, but I believe it's better if all the players who have interest in any of the three companies joined the unofficial FC/LS for them. Otherwise, I'll personally apply the rule of first-come, first choice.

For a community to work united, players have to compromise.

RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - Ysobel Estremont - 11-11-2013

Hello, I'm new to this forum, having only discovered it a few days ago, but I thought I'd dip my toe in by posting here, rather than jumping in at the deep end. Smile

Much interesting discussion about the RP on the server! I've not been playing the game for long (a little under 2 months), and had never played any FF-related game of any kind before, but I found overall that people were extremely willing to help inform and educate on things like lore and also the little particularities of RP in this game as opposed to others.

So far, I've found that interacting with ongoing RP that's "in public" has not really been that much of an issue, at least, not as seen from this end, and as long as I've kept my character strictly in character (and taken it as, whatever is being said, is being said to her, not me, whether it's IC or OOC), it's fine.

Seems to me, many people are willing to just "jump in" even if the scene you're currently playing is small (involving 2 or 3 people) and private - and I think it's awesome! An example: the other day, I was playing an alt, who is asocial, not used to people, and quite inexperienced in many ways. She got very upset after a man she trusted tried to press more attention on her than she wanted, and ran out of the building in Hawthorne. Her friend was waiting there, and they were talking about what happened, when an unknown player, in Twin Adders uniform, who was just standing there apparently guarding, overheard them and decided to go in and investigate. He never spoke directly to my character, preferring to give her the space she clearly needed, but did go in and find out what the other guy thought he was doing.

Little touches like that make the world a lot more vibrant to me, and I think the more of that sort of thing goes on, the richer the place will be - we don't need humongous, scripted mega-events all over the place, necessarily, although those are certainly interesting to see and/or participate in!

Speaking of, Ysobel is planning on getting married soon at the Sactum of the Twelve - I mention this here because (a) while there are a number of set guests who will be invited to stand near the front, I think the more want to come participate in what should be a happy event, the merrier and (b) since mention was made of recurring events at the Sanctum, I'd hate to book a time that conflicted with one of them!

Just 2 gil from a forum newbie. Wink

RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - Magellan - 11-11-2013

(11-11-2013, 04:41 AM)Clover Wrote: Granted, it could happen that someone else might want to RP the high officers in the future as well, but I believe it's better if all the players who have interest in any of the three companies joined the unofficial FC/LS for them. Otherwise, I'll personally apply the rule of first-come, first choice.

For a community to work united, players have to compromise.
 I'm sorry, but this just doesn't work for me. This is treading waaaayyy too close to territory wars and pissing matches.

If I wanted to roleplay the owner of the Bismarck, and call it mine, and say I get to decide who rp's there and who doesn't, that's just.... absurd.

So what do you do if you want to roleplay a twin adder, and there is an 'unofficial' twin adder FC, but you can't stand the way it is managed, or who is running it? Are you SOL? Do you then have to role on a new server so you can try to 'claim' that storyline there?

Compromise is great. On this we fully agree. My FC tried to run an event recently on the ship in LL (who's name I always forget). We didn't post it publicly, and when we showed up, another group was already there! We quickly relocated, because it was easy to do, and compromise, as you said, makes for a better community.

On the flipside of this, I run a theater group that meets weekly at the Mih Khetto theater in Gridania. When I showed up one week, the stage had already been taken! To try and demand use of the stage because... well... my group claimed it first so it's first come first serve.... would've been kind of obnoxious of me.

It just feels pretty limiting to say 'only this group can RP the Maelstrom, so if you want to include that in your RP, you have to go through them'. I'm sorry, but I love my FC. I plan to keep all my characters there. I should be allowed that freedom, and the freedom of saying one of those characters works for one of the Grand Companies, without having to leave the FC i love, just to join an 'unofficial' one.

And it's unfair to the players of tomorrow, if they spend hours into creating a character and backstory, only to log on and find all the 'choice roles' have been filled, and that in order to rp the story they wanted too, they have to follow a certain path. RP should be about pushing boundaries, not limiting them.

RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - Vashies Alexander - 11-11-2013

As It stands the same issues seem to be on both severs. As why this is occurring? My guess the lager company's are thinking they own some parts of the word or have the biggest say, though lager numbers mean bigger and badder things it should no happen in the  way its. If plan on solving this problem I think the leaders of all the free company's should meet under one roof and talk.

RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - ArmachiA - 11-11-2013

(11-11-2013, 12:38 PM)Magellan Wrote:
(11-11-2013, 04:41 AM)Clover Wrote: Granted, it could happen that someone else might want to RP the high officers in the future as well, but I believe it's better if all the players who have interest in any of the three companies joined the unofficial FC/LS for them. Otherwise, I'll personally apply the rule of first-come, first choice.

For a community to work united, players have to compromise.
 I'm sorry, but this just doesn't work for me. This is treading waaaayyy too close to territory wars and pissing matches.

If I wanted to roleplay the owner of the Bismarck, and call it mine, and say I get to decide who rp's there and who doesn't, that's just.... absurd.

So what do you do if you want to roleplay a twin adder, and there is an 'unofficial' twin adder FC, but you can't stand the way it is managed, or who is running it? Are you SOL? Do you then have to role on a new server so you can try to 'claim' that storyline there?

Compromise is great. On this we fully agree. My FC tried to run an event recently on the ship in LL (who's name I always forget). We didn't post it publicly, and when we showed up, another group was already there! We quickly relocated, because it was easy to do, and compromise, as you said, makes for a better community.

On the flipside of this, I run a theater group that meets weekly at the Mih Khetto theater in Gridania. When I showed up one week, the stage had already been taken! To try and demand use of the stage because... well... my group claimed it first so it's first come first serve.... would've been kind of obnoxious of me.

It just feels pretty limiting to say 'only this group can RP the Maelstrom, so if you want to include that in your RP, you have to go through them'. I'm sorry, but I love my FC. I plan to keep all my characters there. I should be allowed that freedom, and the freedom of saying one of those characters works for one of the Grand Companies, without having to leave the FC i love, just to join an 'unofficial' one.

And it's unfair to the players of tomorrow, if they spend hours into creating a character and backstory, only to log on and find all the 'choice roles' have been filled, and that in order to rp the story they wanted too, they have to follow a certain path. RP should be about pushing boundaries, not limiting them.

Pretty much this. There's no way in hell I'd move Free Companies just because I want to roleplay an officer in the Maelstrom. My free company has people in it I've known 10 YEARS. Hardly seems fair to make me leave them because I want to play that kind of character.

LS's help with that but that's not really fair either. We have a Garlean LS but we certainly don't have a monopoly on playing Garleans, that would be unfair too. "Sorry we got to it first, move along."

RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - Naunet - 11-11-2013

(11-10-2013, 05:04 PM)ArmachiA Wrote: As for the Bulletin board, I'm a bit confused by it. Is it a character journal? Most of us have character journals (I have mine linked right in my sig) though I doubt many people actually read them (If you read mine, read Armi's, it's the one I'm updated atm XD) and there's a whole section for character journals on the site. Do I just post my character journal into that thread? I'm confused, please explain ; ;

Character journals are a slog to get through and scattered between numerous other threads. The bulletin board is for flash fiction-length (or slightly more, but not much) updates on the life your character(s). This is the thread I modeled it off of. Some posts are little between-snippets, some are quick updates on ongoing plot, some are just random one-off thoughts. The point is to have a one-stop-shop for quick, easy to digest information on what's going on in the community's IC lives.

RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - ArmachiA - 11-11-2013

Ah, okay! I guess I can give that a shot. I'll have to read other people's entries to see how to do it exactly though.

RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - C'kayah Polaali - 11-12-2013

(11-11-2013, 04:41 AM)Clover Wrote: Granted, it could happen that someone else might want to RP the high officers in the future as well, but I believe it's better if all the players who have interest in any of the three companies joined the unofficial FC/LS for them. Otherwise, I'll personally apply the rule of first-come, first choice.

Most of the times I've seen this sort of thing has been the more ordinary "we RP a FC aligned with X", but I have seen one instance where someone's actually RPed a high officer in some faction. That was in Star Trek Online, where one of the players RPed the Admiral of a task force based at DS9. The key to that RP working out well was that they 1) had buy-in from a bunch of other players who wanted to be involved with RPing a military unit, and 2) had pre-worked out a story with ready made reasons why other people wouldn't be under the Admiral's jurisdiction (in that case, the task force itself had a fairly independent mission and didn't make up all the forces at DS9).

I think that's really the only way something like this could work well. Trying to portray a high level Maelstrom officer, for instance, means you're immediately put up against all the folks who will say "Huh? Why should I salute you? I'm not gonna". But if you say "I'm a high level Maelstrom officer in a special operations unit that focuses on opposing Garlean covert units", you'd be able to avoid all that. Hell, you'd probably be able to use that as an excuse why you don't wear your rank on your sleeve.