Hydaelyn Role-Players
Looking for more RP - Printable Version

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RE: Looking for more RP - Jana - 02-11-2014

I'm pretty sure that was meant to be a joke.

If it's all people from 1 FC harassing you, have you tried contacting their leader? Usually, eve the threat of doing so is enough to get trolls to stop, since the leaders usually don't want to be made to look bad.

RE: Looking for more RP - dragonspecpc - 02-11-2014

Yes, but there is a problem with that. 1. It's more then one FC, involved with the reports. 2. The Leaders have always been present, or have ordered the harassment. Which is what i have found, after contacting half of them. So they were engaged in it themselves, and were present. Or they were elsewhere, but told their members to do it. So far, all of the leaders have been aware.

RE: Looking for more RP - dragonspecpc - 02-11-2014

The only other situation, in question. Was when said people left an FC, and joined another fc. So now i avoid their new one. If i went and told that leader, and made their life hell. I'd be no better then the troll.

RE: Looking for more RP - Kage - 02-11-2014

(02-11-2014, 07:06 PM)dragonspecpc Wrote: I wish more people would rp out of Wolves Den, it's perfect for Von. Also more friendly people in the Drowning Wench, would be nice too.  It sucks that rp is favored in one specific tavern/guild.
In my case, Quicksand and Ul'dah are the perfect places for my RP characters. It doesn't make sense for him to be anywhere near Limsa.

You aren't making their life hell when you make it known that someone is harassing you and causing you grief. So long as it's documented by you their harassment you should make it a case with reporting them for harassment. 

No one I know of who RPs would ever tolerate this. And people I know who don't RP wouldn't either.

RE: Looking for more RP - dragonspecpc - 02-11-2014

Oh, i've screen shot and reported every one of them. Just i meant the new FC leader, in general. When some of them left their FC and joined another one. I wasn't going to stalk them, and tell their new FC leader. Von is first and foremost, a monk. But also his avid search for crewmates; can place him anywhere. He is well known in Ul'dah, mainly because of the Tournaments, and for training at the pug guild. But OOCly, i don't spend much time in the city. Mainly because of the people i have blocked, that hang out in the Quicksand. They like to openly troll the people i approach, to get them to ignore me. So i just don't want my time their. But i walk around the inner district on occasion. Gridania, he fishes a lot their, for work.

RE: Looking for more RP - Sanran - 02-12-2014

(02-11-2014, 01:11 PM)Mimiko Wrote: Hello there! 

I am looking for more people to rp with. I am currently in a FC that things have kinda slowed down at the moment due to people having a life Im assuming. Im not currently willing to leave because there are a lot of people in it I like and they are fun to rp with. So if you see me in game please don't be shy to say hello. I am usually on most nights from 6-11 est. 

Hope to see you around!

I have added my wiki link to help provide some extra information.

Hi Mimiko,

I am always looking for some rp as well. Please add me in game Smile

ign: Qih Lyehga