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Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger (And Other Prompts) - Printable Version

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RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger - Roe Dad - 12-20-2015

1. If they are fishing
2. Discussing medicine
3. Are eating fish
4. are sitting somewhere outside relaxing
5. are talking about fishing.

RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger - Verad - 12-20-2015

There are a lot of really good responses in this thread, and I hope people are keeping them all in mind when approaching strangers. Now, let's take a look at how our characters behave when they're the ones getting approached.

There you are, either minding your own business or perhaps engaged in casual conversation with somebody else, and a total unknown approaches you and begins to insert themselves into the conversation. Under what circumstances would your character go along with this? Antihero loners, I'm especially interested in your responses.

Bear in mind that these responses can, but don't have to, include instances where your character is in an extremely important or personal conversation when this happens. If your character would balk at an unknown third party getting involved in that, that is fine, and doesn't need to be addressed.

Again, Verad's:

1. The most common instance of this is when a third party interrupts Verad's sales pitch in order to provide their own commentary, whether that's to derail the sale, question the sanity of his business, or try and escalate the pitch further by suggesting even more dubious products. He always gamely attempts to incorporate the questions.

2. Somebody is actually approaching him about buying or selling dubious goods unprompted. Verad would be so ecstatic that he'd probably drop whatever he's doing, up to and including his own wedding, to conduct the transaction.

3. If somebody were to approach Verad claiming to know him or remember his actions from the larger blank space in his past that is not represented by his memoirs, he would be skeptically interested in learning more.

4. Anybody challenging his self-proclaimed status as Eorzea's Greatest Archer (Pending Certain Conditions) and Lover, among other grandiose titles, would immediately start a blustering match.

5. Verad is a sucker for a sob story or somebody in need of emotional support, and he will always be happy to lend an ear to somebody in a bad spot. Even if his advice is often terrible.

RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger (And Other Prompts) - Marcy - 02-12-2016

Reviving this because it's a quality thread, and the question of walk-up RP and motivations has come up a lot in chats and LS lately. Somehow we forget how important CHARACTER HOOKS are when engaging in collaborative writing!

Why Marcy would approach you:

1. You look like you have money. He hates paying for his own things, and lives almost entirely off others' pockets. Combined with an avid entrepreneurship streak and his ability to look like a sad, lost puppy at a moment's notice, this strategy is almost flawless.

2. You look like a musician. Even if you're tweaking your friend's lute and squeezing out the intro chords to Smoke on Water over and over, he is excited about anything related to music or poetry. Genuinely.

3. You have a really nice or a really ridiculous hat. Marcy's sense of fashion is eclectic at best, but hats are a source of every Bard's power, and he is determined to Collect Them All. Same goes for other strange fashion choices.

4. You are a Roegadyn woman. Somewhere between morbid fascination and a deep bias for women that look like they can break him in half, Marcy is yet to be disappointed.

5. You are pro-Syndicate, pro-profit, pro-slave labor and exploitation of any sort and announce it. Marcy will fight you, and lose.


When approached he will respond to:

1. Someone in immediate distress. Marcy will, and has, Disney prince all over them. He feels a burning and strong duty to carry a handkerchief on him at all times, and will interrupt the most important conversations to try and lift another's spirits. Even if they deeply do not want it.

2. Someone claiming to be a past/current fan. He's extremely dedicated to upkeeping a good public persona, and will sign your chest, bicep, and panties. He will shake your hand and hold your first born. You have five minutes.

3. A proposition of a gig, venue, or patronage contact. Boy's gotta eat and his only source of income is singing -- this job relies on good networking, and business always takes priority.

4. A concerned and vaguely threatening authority figure. Bonus points for Brass Blade or Ishgardian Knight armor. He will do his best to prove that Marcy did Nothing Wrong.

5. You tell him you will feed him. He'll probably follow you home and stay there for as long as he's tolerated.

RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger (And Other Prompts) - Nodem - 02-12-2016

(12-02-2015, 10:14 AM)Warren Castille Wrote: 4) He appears in a puff of smoke nearby when people talk about the Grindstone.
Is this why there's always a smoke trail around Aoi? But back to the topic...

Only seat left in bar is yours.

She overheard you say something interesting.

You look like you might be good company or she'll have a good conversation with you.


"THAT'S SUCH AN AMAZING DRESS! CAN I SKETCH YOU IN IT!?" (this has happened before)

RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger (And Other Prompts) - Chompie - 02-13-2016

Oh no I meant to reply to this lovely thread ages ago and got halfway there and forgotttt D:

So why would Arblis approach someone?

1. "Oooh, they look like they're really interested in something, I have to go see what it is!"

2. Sometimes a single look is all it takes to get the feeling that something is wrong and it's something she can fix.

3. Ever have one of those moods where you just want to find the toughest-looking guy around and get inside his head and mess with him? If your name is Arblis, such moods aren't exactly uncommon.

4. She's feeling particularly inspired with a joke or a prank and someone looks juuust perfect to try it with!

5. She's impressed by action or fashion and can't keep her mouth shut about it.


And as for the sort of ways people can butt in and end up in a detailed conversation?

1. Arblis drops just about anything to respond to flattery. Including sentences she's right in the middle of. Anyone who flatters her MUST have good taste.

2. She's been caught eavesdropping. Arblis will happily explain all the many, many things that led to her standing in this exact spot to prove that she was definitely not eavesdropping on anyone and how nice of you to strike up a conversation with her, you truly are great for enriching this day!

3. Someone barges into a conversation she's having and adds their own well-thought-out ideas to it? Clearly this person is an expert and was supposed to be a part of this discussion all along.

4. The mere mention of ancient lost artifacts and shadowy histories is enough to make Arblis take notice and listen. Such mystifying unknowns prompt about a thousand questions, and no force in the world will stop her.

5. Look sometimes she's just really lonely and will take whatever conversation she can get, okay?

Hey, coming up with all ten of those was easier than I expected. Feel like I missed something important though.

RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger (And Other Prompts) - FancySharkette - 02-15-2016

1. Boredom. Ru will get tired of waiting around to be spoken to, and she'll do the approachin.

2. Information on ruins, or monsters. 

3. Asking for directions!

4. If anyone breathes a word on morbols. She loves them.

5.Someone says something that she either strongly disagrees or agrees on.

RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger (And Other Prompts) - Savo - 02-15-2016

While Savo will generally engage with anyone with very little provocation, the following requisites attract her interest consistently.

1>  To rob you.  This can be in addition to any of the following reasons.
2>  You are making music.
3>  You are an attractive, charming Elezen.
4>  You seem dangerous and thus some one she ought to get a sense of.
5>  You look lost.

A lost, infamous, Elezen who can play the accordion; will definitely get robbed.

RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger (And Other Prompts) - FreelanceWizard - 02-15-2016

L'yhta will readily approach a stranger if:

  1. You're practicing or discussing some form of powerful magic; bonus points if it's esoteric. As a magical researcher herself, she's intrigued by other approaches to the Art.
  2. You're playing music. L'yhta loves listening to music and often gets a googly-eyes around bards.
  3. You're wearing something particularly interesting, such as something based on Fifth Astral Era or earlier design. She's tremendously interested in different fashions and herself often dresses like an Allagan-punk cosplayer. New outfits catch her eye, and she'll be interested in where you got it and why.
  4. You look like a new adventurer not quite sure where to go or what to do; bonus points if you're clearly a spellcaster of some sort. L'yhta views herself as a mentor to younger adventurers, since she remembers when she first started out as an adventuring mage.
  5. You're injured in some way or appear to be under attack. While certainly not the best healer around, she's generally competent, and she can't stand watching someone get assaulted without at least trying to step in. It's those adventurer instincts, you see.

When someone butts in, when does L'yhta run with it?
  1. You're in trouble in some way. As a professional adventurer, she's ready to help someone or throw herself into a cause.
  2. You're having an issue with magic. She'll never pass on the opportunity to help someone with their mastery of the Art.
  3. You proudly proclaim you favor exploiting or abusing others; this includes speaking well of tribal miqo'te culture. Prepare for an earful as she'll insult your parentage, your intellect, and surmise that you're a prostitute.
  4. You're playing music. She'll shut up and listen to you while you play.
  5. You express displeasure with Gridania, Ishgard, or Ul'dah. L'yhta is a proud Lominsan girl and will readily commiserate about how much she dislikes those who like to lord themselves over others.

RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger (And Other Prompts) - Y'uraq Tia - 02-15-2016

Loving the thread! Y'uraq is an introvert and keeps quiet on a 'normal' basis, but has an impulsive, and border-feral mentality in a confrontation/combat, so it took thought XD

1. He's overheard a commotion where one / a party is harassing / threatening another person and decides to step in and likely want to fight for the underdog. (bring on the D20's!)
/ Or if someone directly threatens Y'uraq, and a fight will likely follow. (i just hope rngesus loves me that day)

2. He's worked up the nerve to approach and flirt with cute individuals he sees/meets in his everyday life.. (but has yet to do it.)

3. He'd ask if you've seen a person/object he then will describe

4. Buy alcohol and/or narcotics from you.

5. His empathy will shadow his timidness, and he'll talk to/help someone who seems lost/struggling.

RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger (And Other Prompts) - Parvacake - 02-19-2016

For Lili...hmm.

1. If they looked scared.
2. If they looked hungry.
3. If they were faced with a problem (ex. a woman getting harassed)
4. If she thought she recognized the stranger as someone she knew.
5. If they seemed lost.

RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger (And Other Prompts) - Evaleigh - 02-19-2016

For Evaleigh
- They appear rugged, strong & able (To potentially hire them as a fighter)
- They are in need of healing / injured
- They speak about the Twelve (fellow faithful)
- They're homeless and aimless, the downtrodden --those whom life has shit upon.  (She often icly feeds and tends to the refugees outside Ul'dah)
- They speak with manners and sophistication.  Many see it as 'haughty' though for Evaleigh she just sees it as the way they were brought up in a similar setting as herself. A taste of home.

RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger (And Other Prompts) - Roe Dad - 02-21-2016

1. Do they look sad?
2. Are they in her spot?
3. Do they look lost?
4. "Is that liquor in your hand?"
5. Boredom.

RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger (And Other Prompts) - Klynzahr - 02-22-2016

Klynzahr would approach a stranger if...

1) She accidentally elbowed them in the face/stepped on their foot/dropped beer on their head ect. Accidents abound when you tower over everyone and the furniture is three sizes too small for you. Flustered apologies and introductions follow.

2) She's mistaken you for a friend of hers. "Ah, wonderful ter see ye again me good.... wait yer not Leanne!" For a nearly blind (now fully blind character) the options are nearly limitless.

3) She has misplaced a Eva again. "Pardon me but have ye chanced ter see a lovely elezen lass, with dark hair, wee spectacles, an' a wild look in her eye? She might o' been carryin' a bomb or some very heavy books."

4) You are reading a book. She has always had a habit of pestering people about what they might be reading, no matter how obscure the subject. "The fundamentals of coastal botany? How fascinating. Is it any good?"

5) You are bullying or picking on someone. She may be a coward but she can't stand a bully. Nuff said.


Some ways to approach her might be.....

1) Stand squarely in her path and wait until she runs you over. (No joke)

2) Offer to pay for drinks and/or dinner. She will never turn down free stuff no matter how pointless.

3) Make a loud noise behind her. (Especially gunshots, fireworks, or explosions) It's easy to do and guaranteed to scare the pants off of her. Klynzahr may not react positively at first but I will be nice to you. Promise!

4) Ask her about one of her tattoos or her history in the ring. Her wiki hasn't been up for very long so I'm still waiting hopefully for someone to use this.

5) Talk about Limsa Lominsa, sailing, fishing or fighting oppression. (All topics very close to Klyn's heart)

Seriously when it comes to me, it really doesn't matter what you do to but in. If you look vaguely interested, I will RP with you!

RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger (And Other Prompts) - Qhora Bajihri - 02-23-2016

Qhora will approach a stranger:

1) Out of sheer curiosity. She'll approach people if they say, do, or look something, anything, that piques her attention, for a wide variety of reasons. This is the basis for almost all the things I do, when I do them. Unfortunately, it often turns into a one-sided interrogation.
2) If she's looking for an answer to somebody else's question. For example, she's been hired to do a PI-type job that directly or indirectly involves said stranger. Sometimes I'll invent the question and the somebody else, so that she does actually happen to be looking for said stranger. Sometimes I'll know she has the wrong person, but let her do it anyway, for the sake of the game.
3) If she's afraid they might know who she really is. It almost never comes up, because the people who run in the circles she used to don't usually talk about it in public, but if someone did mention thievery and assassination, especially in organized terms, she might try to insinuate herself into the conversation to try and determine the possible level of danger to herself.
4) For help, of the mercenary and mundane varieties. If she needs help finding something at the market or with some upcoming Grand Company chore.
5) For fun. If people are doing or saying something amusing in a relatively objective way, she'll often stop and watch. She makes a good crowd/audience. She's maybe less likely to interject if she's just there to be amused, but she will offer compliments when particularly impressed. She may also interrupt a stranger if she thinks she can stir up a situation that will amuse her, possibly to said stranger's chagrin (think gentle pranks).

Qhora will accept being approached when:

1) Oddly enough, someone asks personal questions about her. She likes to talk about herself, but she also likes to play the game of deciding how much to give away, how much to lie about, how much to make sound more mysterious than it really is, etc.
2) Someone disparages the women in their lives, especially mothers and sisters. Wives and daughters are also good. She would be happy to commiserate in such a circumstance.
3) Invited to take part in something that seems like an adventure. If she can twist it in her mind that any given invitation might lead to fun or interest, she'll hop on the bandwagon easy as pie. She's not afraid of the unknown.
4) Someone waxes poetic. She likes words and the power they have. She'd drop what she's doing to listen to a speech (or even someone's manner of speech) that she finds particularly artistic or to converse with someone on the topic of lyricism.
5) Someone mentions ghosts. In particular, actual, for real hauntings, the dead that somehow return to pester the living in various ways. She's not that into the spooky side of the world, but has a bit of trouble with her own ghosts. She'd be unable to resist getting into that conversation.

RE: Five Reasons Your Character Would Approach a Stranger (And Other Prompts) - Mordred Lyloche - 02-23-2016

1.) Most likely the person is a Xaela, leading to a self-inflicted curiosity to test his patience around those of other tribes while seeking other Dotharl tribesmen.

2.) Recognition of mercenaries, monster hunters, and gladiators, the sorts of Eorzeans that Toqto'a can most generally get along with and understand.

3.) Highlanders are of some interest to him, those of warrior's blood and once-proud technological know-how.

4.) Fortunately for the shift of atmosphere, Toqto'a has grown to admire many of the more scant clothings that are popular among the denizens of Ul'dah, something he finds reminiscent of his own people and home.

5.) Individual curiosity, whether there is something about the character that sticks out, they say something incredibly interesting or stupid, or perhaps there is simply an air about them that draws him in.

-1.) Toqto'a is wary of approaching Lalafell due to his business relationship with Saruto Baruto.