Hydaelyn Role-Players
The Question Box - Printable Version

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RE: The Question Box - Yssen - 02-15-2013

On the subject of slavery. I cannot say for sure that actual full blown slavery exists in Eorzea. I do know that some of the Ul'dah quest lines make reference to a situation similar to indentured servitude happening when someone cannot pay off a debt. Also, there are several mentions of the poor being put into various forms forced servitude in Uldy (good old Ul'dah, great for making you think twice as to whether or not the city state is even worth saving). I would also think it is an sentence option for lawbreakers. I think acceptance of the concept of slavery largely depends on where you are from, and the particular flavor of slavery being talked about. The concept is there, but I think they tend to sugar coat and pretty it up with words. They call it something other than what it actually is, basically. Hope this was helpful.

RE: The Question Box - Weffrey - 02-15-2013

A few more questions cropped up.

23. When IC, can the guilds be referred to as "the lancer's guild" or should they only be known as their names(i.e. Wailing Barracks)? Or are both wordings okay?

24. Can npc quests ever be referenced to? Such as let's say there is a sidequest in ARR that calls for collecting 4 wolf fangs. For this example pretend the npc name is Fllyonn and the reasoning behind the collecting is she needs the fangs to create a necklace for her sister. Then let's say my character does this quest. Obviously, I can't say, "Hey I helped Fllyonn with getting her necklace made for her sister!" because many other players probably have done this quest as well. However, could I make a reference to this quest (if I was talking to another player IC) by saying something like, "Today, I collected some wolf fangs that were needed for someone."? Basically, without giving the names or too many details about a SE-created quest can I talk about it in IC or is it best not to?

25. A chocobo, a moogle, and a sylph are forming a party. Who's the tank, the dd, and the healer? When items are dropped from defeating a monster, would you RP them out such as skinning a beast for its fur? If you do RP dropped items, what about NMs that drop weapons, armor, crystals, or any other unique items? Are only certain items RPed out for how a character obtained them, or all are, or none are?

RE: The Question Box - Eva - 02-15-2013

23. When IC, can the guilds be referred to as "the lancer's guild" or should they only be known as their names(i.e. Wailing Barracks)? Or are both wordings okay?
Both wordings are generally accepted and understood ICly.

24. Can npc quests ever be referenced to? Such as let's say there is a sidequest in ARR that calls for collecting 4 wolf fangs. For this example pretend the npc name is Fllyonn and the reasoning behind the collecting is she needs the fangs to create a necklace for her sister. Then let's say my character does this quest. Obviously, I can't say, "Hey I helped Fllyonn with getting her necklace made for her sister!" because many other players probably have done this quest as well. However, could I make a reference to this quest (if I was talking to another player IC) by saying something like, "Today, I collected some wolf fangs that were needed for someone."? Basically, without giving the names or too many details about a SE-created quest can I talk about it in IC or is it best not to?
I would keep it vague, but each RPer will probably handle this differently. You may want to be careful how much you say about a sidequest ICly for no other reason than spoilers for those who haven't done it yet. Apart from that, I see no reason why not to indicate what sort of work you've done, if you want that to have been conducted in an in-character fashion, so long as it's not giving away details or as you pointed out, something that would not happen more than one time like in the necklace example.

25. When items are dropped from defeating a monster, would you RP them out such as skinning a beast for its fur? If you do RP dropped items, what about NMs that drop weapons, armor, crystals, or any other unique items? Are only certain items RPed out for how a character obtained them, or all are, or none are?
In my experience this is very seldom RPed. It varies a lot as well depending on what your character is like and what you're willing to have them do. For instance, my character will often go to Coerthas to shear sheep for wool. IC I regard this as going there with shears and actually doing that. OOC it's more of a karakul slaughter. But Eva's not one to slaughter a bunch of sheep in-character for their wool like that, thus the change in how it's conducted. Different people will have different opinioins and attitudes about this, however.

RE: The Question Box - Weffrey - 02-15-2013

Thanks as always Eva! You're very helpful! (You didn't answer the secret question this time. Cry )

RE: The Question Box - Eva - 02-16-2013

Yeah I had a hard time with the struck question this time. Laugh

25. A chocobo, a moogle, and a sylph are forming a party. Who's the tank, the dd, and the healer?

I'm pretty sure the chocobo would be either tanking or DDing. It's kind of a toss-up on healing between the moogle and the sylph.

I guess in a pinch I'd put the moogle on DD, let the boco tank, and have the sylph take care of healing~

Cactuar Cactuar could be extra DD. Tonberry Tonberry can join the fray as well~

RE: The Question Box - Moltove - 02-16-2013

23. When IC, can the guilds be referred to as "the lancer's guild" or should they only be known as their names(i.e. Wailing Barracks)? Or are both wordings okay?
As Eva said, I'd consider this interchangeable, mainly because there is no two lancer guilds. There's only one, and it's located in Gridania and Gridania alone. If they ever add more than one, You could denote which city, or if you knew the names of the guilds, just reference that. The actual term "<class> guild" certainly won't break immersion as they are a viable part of the lore and simply, that's just what they do!

24. Can npc quests ever be referenced to?
I'd actually disagree slightly with Eva, but the mere fact that that disagreement exists gives proof that she's probably more right than me. What I was going to say is that I've never seen a small sidequest like that referenced in particular detail, so you needn't worry. However, what I have seen is references to what you had to do (gathering wolf fangs) for a purpose (for a friend/for someone in need-- especially easy to say since we're all adventurers!). The more I think about it, though, and considering Eva's post...I'd reference it vaguely. While chances are low that someone would reference that particular quest from that particular person, there's still the chance. And considering walking up to people and asking if they need help may not be an in-character thing to do, it may not even be something /to/ reference. But that's getting all technical. One point that clearly stands out to me is the spoiler mentioning from Eva, as that's absolutely true, though a true sidequest in the city won't have much of them. If you happen to explain which wolves and where you found them, I don't think a person could get mad at you for telling them a hint in character, but it's something to be mindful to.

25. A chocobo, a moogle, and a sylph are forming a party. Who's the tank, the dd, and the healer? When items are dropped from defeating a monster, would you RP them out such as skinning a beast for its fur? If you do RP dropped items, what about NMs that drop weapons, armor, crystals, or any other unique items? Are only certain items RPed out for how a character obtained them, or all are, or none are?

Choco for tank, moogle for healer and Sylph for massive DD, though only if it's pissed. Otherwise moogle for DD and Sylph for healer... Often times, trash loot isn't RPed out, unless if it's something you were looking for or were to reference later (hunting for sheep furs!). Dropped gil and trash weapons are usually ignored, not only for their immersion breaking (was that sheep stabbing me with a bronze dagger? And dropped gil? Sheep bandit!), but SE doesn't have too much of that anyways. NM or special weapon drops is where I have a little beef.

In EQ2, there was a new holiday event for Halloween. You had to form a two group raid to down a headlesshorsemanthing. When it premiered, it took a while before he actually was killed, and I happened to be in the second kill of the server and won Souleech--and there was even a server-wide discovery notice that was sent to everyone saying that I discovered it first. Boy, did I gloat it! I actually RP'd with it a little more than I should have, because I claimed that Molt was the only one with an item like it. I justified it by considering I'd not seen it on anyone else, and that it was REALLY difficult to get and the opportunity to get it was only for no more than two weeks, and after a while dedicated raid groups camped the mob for drops, which meant pick up raids couldn't form. All that, and knowing that RPers were generally lazy on end-game/raiding fronts, I felt I laid claim to it all on my own.

NORMALLY...If it's a special item, particularly named, I would evaluate several things. Named monsters are...hard to RP, especially the loot from them. Since they're constant and they're easy access, more than likely, you can RP an encounter with them, but I can't imagine you can say you or your party killed it. Loot on the other hand...eh, It's hard to say that you got loot from a monster you bumped into, attacked and retreated from. So if you get a particular item, you can make up a story on how you found it. If it was a planned group outing, this is a little easier, especially in a dungeon setting, as treasure and dead bodies are plenty to take advantage of, though you have to be careful, as everyone else will also have access to said dungeon. If you make up a story about a weapon you have, you can either give it a name or just call it your lucky sword. I suppose that's easy too.

Erm, this post is taking a long time to finish, sorry >.<. I guess the point is, strongly consider all aspects of the gear you're hoping to get from a specific area and flaunt. It's a bit challenging. BUT, consider, too that, like a lot of these questions you have, depend on if the actual RP comes up. I don't go asking people where they found their weapons, but it could lead into some interesting story telling. If, on the other hand, they make a note of it, or if it looks unique, then sure I might, but ehh...it really depends and relies on some good ol' judgement.

RE: The Question Box - Eva - 02-17-2013

This brings up another point which is one of those things that kind of irks me in RP, but is left to characters' individual preferences. I should point out first that this is simply my opinion. But "accomplishment RP" and the speaking of rewards received in-character in specific terms has always kind of rubbed me the wrong way. I can appreciate that some items are difficult to attain, but an individual character isn't necessarily going to be the only one to obtain such an item. I've seen this a few times in XIV since I started - where someone speaks at length about an item they received and an IC story behind it which is tied specifically to some series of events in the game, possibly including spoilers for anyone else who might be trying to attain a similar item (AF armor, for instance). Some of those storylines make you out to be like the sole hero of the Universe. If you take all that stuff literally according to the quest lines and such, than it's likely some RPers aren't going to regard you very seriously.

At a certain point it almost seems like that endgame mentality of "I got X item!!" seeps into some characters. I suppose I can understand being excited about finding a certain treasure ICly, but I think to a lot of folks it comes off like using in-character channels to brag about something OOC. For myself I'm usually happy for any fellow RPer's accomplishments, but I can see how others might feel sore/jealous/whatever, and I've seen that happen now on two separate occasions.

I hope this doesn't upset anyone. To clarify I couple of points:

24. I would say that it's not always wrong to reference NPC quests. I think it makes a lot of sense for repeatables and such. I would just recommend that some discretion be made for possible spoilers. I've never really encountered an instance where someone was really upset about a minor quest. And telling someone in-character who may be newer that so-and-so-NPC has been looking for able-bodied adventurers to help him out with some stuff seems well within reasonable parameters to me.

25. Obtaining rare and special items should certainly be celebrated OOC. How that transitions into IC should be thought through carefully, however. Smile

I like that these questions are kind of open-ended and open to individual interpretation!

RE: The Question Box - Moltove - 02-17-2013

Eva, you're completely right. I sorta took a bit much to the fact I had found that sword for my character a little too much, which I may have missed that point in my last post.

The point should be, above all to use your discrescion. Then consider the actual use and relevance to RP it actually yields, stay away from exact game items and find ways to show that you earned such a weapon or piece of armor of notability that won't ruffle feathers with those who've also earned it.

While I did not get to do as much RP as I would have liked in 1.0, so this is a frail example, but there's a NM that drops a bandit mask. I guess that's a pretty good example of a NM item, as it's named, but anyways, when I got it, I thought it'd be perfect for a Thief attire. For ME, since I had no RP build up of being a Thief yet (as it was more of an end result as Molt transitions through his life) and had no RP backstory anyone knew of, I was able to say, yeah that's just a slightly enchanted mask he inherited from his father. Just a run of the mill bandit mask with +Acc on it to help with vision and for..."dexteritous" purposes.

As you go on, it may get a little more difficult, as if you find a weapon of some significance, you may want to consider whether or not you want that weapon to show off OOCly. This will make you want to incorporate it ICly, of course, but if you can't figure out a special reason to have it, you may be better off saying you made or found the weapon and while it looks neat it actually slices and dices too!

RE: The Question Box - Weffrey - 02-17-2013

Thank you Moltove and Eva!

Based on your answers it seems better to not worry about explaining every item dropped of an NM or other mobs. Although if you can up with a good IC reason such as Eva shearing sheep for their fur rather than slaughtering them, then it can work.

As for hinting at quests, it seems better to keep it vague or not mention it at all to avoid spoilers.

Thanks again for answering and enabling me to learn a lot about RP! More questions to come if anymore arise. Also, great responses to the secret question. Thumbsup

RE: The Question Box - Moltove - 02-17-2013

You're very welcome! A lot of these questions got me thinking, and I think for the more experienced with the community we have, it probably made them reconsider a few things as well.

As you may have noticed, too, there's a lot of people here with their own opinions, so as you strive to use your best discretion, or follow these answers to a perfect T, you may have to realize that you won't be able to please everyone. As long as your new, people will actually guide you, not to change your character, but to really just drop hints to let you know when something is a bit....much.

I don't mean to shroud this with a bunch of negativity, as I'm sure you'll do wonderful, but it's just a precaution to take I suppose, especially with these few past questions in mind. I certainly wouldn't worry about it though, and I wouldn't be offended if someone RP's there character to not like yours right off the bat, as that's probably who their character is...or they're having a bad day. Figured that's something to mention too, as it's something related >.>

RE: The Question Box - Weffrey - 02-17-2013

(02-17-2013, 02:05 PM)Moltove Wrote: You're very welcome! A lot of these questions got me thinking, and I think for the more experienced with the community we have, it probably made them reconsider a few things as well.

As you may have noticed, too, there's a lot of people here with their own opinions, so as you strive to use your best discretion, or follow these answers to a perfect T, you may have to realize that you won't be able to please everyone. As long as your new, people will actually guide you, not to change your character, but to really just drop hints to let you know when something is a bit....much.

I don't mean to shroud this with a bunch of negativity, as I'm sure you'll do wonderful, but it's just a precaution to take I suppose, especially with these few past questions in mind. I certainly wouldn't worry about it though, and I wouldn't be offended if someone RP's there character to not like yours right off the bat, as that's probably who their character is...or they're having a bad day. Figured that's something to mention too, as it's something related >.>

I get what you mean. With many of my questions it's just to get a feel on what RPers ICly need to know or may ask. Just because I ask certain questions doesn't mean my character will have anything to do with what I asked. (Such as the dye question. I will not RP that my character dyed his hair. He'll be born with green and purple hair if SE allows those color combos.) 

These questions are mainly for RP information gathering since I have never done it. I am learning a lot on what matters and what one does not have to worry about. I am very thankful this community is open to helping new RPers. (Another reason for the questions, I worry a lot so just want to ensure I RP decently and deal with what matters when IC.)

RE: The Question Box - Asyria - 02-18-2013

Chocobo could heal too!
Choco Cure, FF Tactics style!


As far as referring to quests goes, I figure story quests are a big no-no, but guildleves seem to be very much In-Character, judging from the old intro video and the how the Adventurer Guild works, if I recall.

RE: The Question Box - Weffrey - 02-25-2013

(Only have one to add right now that has me stumped, so no secret question this time!)

(Having a hard time putting into words what I mean with this question. Hope someone understands what I am asking.)

26. How are spells' designs/animations/looks RPed? (Example taken from 1.0 since probably all spells will look somewhat different in ARR.) For example, stoneskin puts up a wall on a character. Is that actually happening IC, such as any characters nearby would notice the temporary wall rise then disappear? 

Follow-up Question: If spells are seen by other characters ICly, are they ever referenced to? For example, if a LS was conducting a training exercise, would the leader say something like, "Make sure to cast protect before we begin. Wouldn't want anyone hurt badly."?

RE: The Question Box - Eva - 02-25-2013

From my experiences it has usually been left more vague, or to each RPers interpretation perhaps.  Nobody really emotes in great detail the spellcasting process unless there's some good reason for it.  I have participated in RP where people were training with elemental magic and a bit of freedom was taken with this - conjuring fireballs or such, or creating spouts of water and things of that nature.

But I don't think anyone actually emotes the context of the spellcasting process while casting spells, nor do I think there's really any expectation that it's anything out of the ordinary.  To give a kind of example, it might be like saying "Eva ties her shoelaces," rather than going into details about taking one shoelace over the other, pulling it through, making a loop, etc.  It just normally doesn't need to go into that much detail for any reason.

I think it's generally safe to assume that there is some visible 'tell' that lets a character know that someone has cast a particular spell upon them.  It just is never really RPed exactly what that is because it's one of those gray areas.  I'm not sure if this is the answer you were looking for but I do hope it helps.

Also rather than citing the name of the spell, prior to battles I've heard the command given akin to:  "Mages, please cast wards!"

RE: The Question Box - Weffrey - 02-25-2013

Phew! Your answer doused my concerns, Eva. I was worried since I'll be making my character a mage that I would have to come up with ways to describe how he's casting each spell. It's good to know it is simply accepted as any other ordinary activity. If I felt like describing it further(which I more than likely won't) I could, but without going overboard.