Hydaelyn Role-Players
An Unscheduled Luncheon [Completed] - Printable Version

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RE: An Unscheduled Luncheon [re-opened] - Warren Castille - 07-12-2014

Warren kept his gaze away as she dabbed at him with the kerchief, not knowing quite how to respond to the act. He was relieved once it was over and she moved on.

Once she was finished with the pencil and pad, he took it from her, scrabbling as well as he could with useless hands.

Will find
will remove collar
will resolve this

He handed it back, meeting her in the eye if she managed to look towards him. There wasn't a discussion evident on his face; He was writing down facts.

RE: An Unscheduled Luncheon [re-opened] - Coatleque - 07-12-2014

Coatleque saw the scribbled notes beside her. She read them as best she could from her peripheral then stared at the floor again. She knew he was serious, even without seeing his expression. It was getting harder for her not to maintain herself in front of him, and single tear slipped down her cheek.

Her silence broke with a shallow and shaky sigh. Looking back to him with now red eyes all she could stammer out was "I'm scared..."

Her resolve was fading fast now. Not knowing what else to do she leaned over to rest her head on his shoulder.

RE: An Unscheduled Luncheon [re-opened] - Warren Castille - 07-12-2014

Warren held his breath as she confessed to him, a thousand more thoughts piling on at once. She moved towards him and set her head on his shoulder and he responded, frowning at the cracked pauldron that met her there. His armor was shot, insufficient to survive the freeze of Coerthas and what he'd been through there.

"It'll be alright." He kept his voice low and steady, trying to offer what comfort he could. He wished he could at least get the harness off, but his hands were no longer useful for much anything.

"I promise."

RE: An Unscheduled Luncheon [re-opened] - Coatleque - 07-12-2014

The armor was cold, uncomfortable. She didn't care. Nothing much mattered at this point. Even his words offered little comfort, as heartfelt as they were. Then she heard another voice, quite unexpectedly.

"Do not be afraid, Lady Crofte. For we are kind."

She sat up suddenly and rubbed her eyes trying to pull herself back together. She looked at the other two in turn then said "I think... I would like to be alone for a time."

RE: An Unscheduled Luncheon [re-opened] - Warren Castille - 07-12-2014

Warren looked at her, trying to make sense of her sudden rapid shift of emotions. He didn't have the details, but he wasn't in any position to argue. He bowed his head at her request, murmuring acceptance.


Begrudgingly Warren rose from the bed, stepping heavily away. He examined the handle to the door for a moment and flexed his fingers inside of the heavy bandages, then sighed and pawed at it uselessly before getting the portal to open.

Warren stepped across the hallway to the wall opposite Coatleque's room and leaned his back against it, sliding down to sit on the floor and evidently not going far.

RE: An Unscheduled Luncheon [re-opened] - Jancis - 07-12-2014

Jancis leaned against the wall, partly dozing after the long night. The quiet sound of absent slurps, spoon clatters, and time together was strangely soothing. Despite the dire situation the moment was like the calm in the storm where the objective was simple and attainable.

It was frustrating, as a caregiver this was the only care she could truly give? Her thoughts wandered aimlessly until she heard paper rustle and the sound of writing, particularly Sir Castille's awkward scratchings, and she became more aware as Cici started to break down. Jancis looked over, concern unhidden in her eyes as she sat there in silence.

"I think... I would like to be alone for a time."


Jancis felt her side of the bed get closer to the floor as the large knight stood up. Standing, she silently followed him.

There wasn't much in the hallway. The occasional sound came from the kitchen and Jancis was glad the blood was gone from the wall. She mimicked Sir Castille, sitting down on her feet, a tiny molehill in comparison to him, and looked up.

Taking a deep calming breath she sat for a minute before confessing in her normal voice, "I have never seen such hatred before. Such a willingness to cause pain. I try to understand it, but nothing comes to me. Thaliak never felt so far away before."

RE: An Unscheduled Luncheon [re-opened] - Coatleque - 07-12-2014

Once she was alone, her expression changed again. She arose from the bed and began to pace nervously around the room. Finally she spoke again at length, to nobody in particular.

"I do not know who you are, or what you want. I know you are listening. And I know that you are a coward who forces others to fight his own battles. Whatever you want with me, you could at least have the honor of telling me in person rather than sending your lackeys."

RE: An Unscheduled Luncheon [re-opened] - Warren Castille - 07-12-2014

Warren turned towards Jancis, his expression plainly concerned.

"I don't know who it is or what they're after, but they made a mistake by involving her."

His voice remains low and quiet, one of certainty. "Thank you, by the way." He holds up his hands to reflect what he's talking about. "I don't do a great job of taking care of myself when I'm worried about everyone else. It's counter-productive."

"Thanks for being here for her. She's going to need friends."

RE: An Unscheduled Luncheon [re-opened] - Askier - 07-12-2014

Jin'li's head rose slowly as Croft spoke back, her voice entering his left ear via the pearl that connected him to all the collars. The miqo'te's onyx black eyes stared at the wall dully, his face devoid of any emotion as he spoke, his voice monotone, never once changing speed or pitch.

"Lady Croft, this humble slave owes you an apology. We were not aware that you had not been introduced to myself and my masters properly. Please forgive our rudeness. This slave is known as Jin'li, and I serve my masters most faithfully.  I regret I was not able to meet you in person but matters prevented me from meeting youdirectly, thus why we dispatched our associate. We wish to assure that it was not for a desire to be rude or cowardly that this slave did not meet with you, he was simply unable to be in all the places I needed to be at the same time. We hope that this explanation is to satisfaction and you can understand. Now then, Lady Croft, you were chosen to have the honor of wearing that collar because of your reputation and position.  You are said to be noble, righteous, kind, and a capable fighter. Someone we desired to aid us. You shall serve and be rewarded once my masters plans come to fruition. And my masters have informed me, you are to have a wonderfully important roll to play in the coming chaos. Does this please you Lady Crofte?"

RE: An Unscheduled Luncheon [re-opened] - Jancis - 07-12-2014

"I dare say that is what I should be thanking you for." she commented. "She has built up the trust of enemies and friends alike, I believe, and they will come out into the Sun before the night comes. Though, forgive me Sir Castille, my concern for you grows in like."

Pursing her lips, she murmured another apology for talking to the knight so bluntly.

"I know not what you will do."

RE: An Unscheduled Luncheon [re-opened] - Warren Castille - 07-12-2014

Warren listened to her with solemn regard.

"It hurts to see her like this. Someone's targeted her and I worry for her. She's strong, but..."

He trails off, lifting his hands uselessly and letting them drop. "If I can do anything to help her, I want to. To be honest, I'm afraid, too."

The corner of his mouth tucked to the side as Warren turned back to face Jancis, his usual demeanor frayed enough for her to see in. His voice dropped near to a whisper. "I don't know what I'm going to do, either."

RE: An Unscheduled Luncheon [re-opened] - Coatleque - 07-12-2014

"I have been a slave once, I did not much care for it."

She continued her pacing

"I may be your hostage, but I am not your servant. I care not for the 'kindness' of your masters. You no doubt know where I am. I shall remain here as instructed. I suggest you collect me while I am still cowed."

She sat once more on the bed.
Her fate would be in Od'hilkas's hands now.

RE: An Unscheduled Luncheon [re-opened] - Jancis - 07-12-2014

Jancis' eyes grew wide, his tone giving her more than the actual words. It was enough to make her eyes shine in un-shed tears as sympathy flooded her mind.

Apparently the only thing bigger than the man was the burdens placed upon his heart.

It made her stand up, suddenly and awkwardly, so she was now the taller of the two. Placing her hand on his broken armor she gave him a shake, standing close enough should he need to lean on someone he was welcome to.

"Then there is not for us to know. The Twelve provide us each a path to follow and it seems yours are not fated to cross today."

"I know little of the Jewel," she confessed referring to the city of Ul'dah, "but I know something is amiss and it needs defenders. May chance you will have to tend to it and yourself first, Sir, before her. I dare say she would admit to the same were the situation reversed. You evoke the same mannerisms and fondness of her within me; so if my guess is off, do not hesitate to say so."

RE: An Unscheduled Luncheon [re-opened] - Askier - 07-12-2014

"My Lady Crofte," Jin'li replied slowly as he blinked. " we were unaware that your were once a slave. You and I share a bond then and this slave is pleased to know such. Though I fear you misunderstand. You are not our hostage. Lady Crofte you are our implement, to be weilded and pointed by our masters as they see fit. For the present time, they ask only that you rest for a few suns, to become accustomed to the collar and to be mentally and physically ready for the tasks to come. This slave shall contact you when it is time and we shall meet face to face and I shall reveal to you your purpose at that time. We hope this is satisfactory. However, if it is not, we apologize for the inconvenience but we will use you as needed. We trust you understand obeying, as a former slave."

RE: An Unscheduled Luncheon [re-opened] - Coatleque - 07-12-2014

She sat in silence for a few minutes before responding coldly.

"I understand."

With that she wrote two messages for her friends. She folded them and went to the hall. She handed the messages to each of them in turn and calmly said "Thank you for seeing to my well-being. I believe I shall retire early tonight.". With that she retreated though the door and latched it behind.


My dear sister. I cannot express my thanks for your help these past few days. I wouldst bid you return to your Alveo now. Do not fear for me, my course has been set by those of higher power. You must now accept your own fate, as I have mine.


Ser Castille,
I will not deny my heart has felt greatly relieved at seeing you returned and alive. You must go now, for Ul'dah has need of you. Twelve willing, when we next meet it shall be to rejoice rather than weep. Know that my heart goes with you on this endeavor.
