Hydaelyn Role-Players
The Bee-Lister (Open) [COMPLETE] - Printable Version

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RE: The Bee-Lister (Open) - Warren Castille - 11-19-2014

The lalafell was certainly full of surprises.

Warren barely hand time to respond - to the new adventurer's credit he didn't give away his feint until he would have been nearly closing for a shield butt anyway - and his reflexes were all that caused him to deflect the tossed shield high over his head. He was aware of movement under him and turned his hips hard, but by the time he was stepping over the lalafell Chachanji had already struck. The flash of metal was followed by the telltale sound of metal on metal again and Warren grinned as he finished turning. He'd certainly been hit, there was no doubt about it, and he was glad that his armor had held. The intricacies of the sollerets caused the blade to shear off mostly harmlessly though there would be a mark.

Warren beamed down at the lalafell with a mixed expression of amusement and pride. He shrugged and let his hands fall to his side, rattling lightly as the chain links were moved by his gesture. "Well. You hit me."

RE: The Bee-Lister (Open) - Gegenji - 11-19-2014

Chachanji just lay there for a bit, breathing hard as the adrenaline coursed through his body. His violet eyes stared skyward, not seeing the smiling face of Warren leaning over him. It was only the Hyur's words that snapped the Lalafell out of his daze, and the green-haired lad slowly sat up.

"I... I did it..." he breathed, still seeming to stare off at something in the distance that wasn't there. He gazed over his shoulder at the towering form of the Highlander, the realization still slowly setting in his mind. An awkward little smile crept across his features. "Ha... haha... I did it! I did it!"

He didn't care that his shield had gotten flung off somewheres. He didn't mind that his wild swing had ultimately amounted to nothing. He just knew that his blade had clanged off something that wasn't just Warren's shield. And it was the best feeling.

"Yeah... Yeah! I toldja I'd hitcha!" he proclaimed proudly, waggling a finger the Highlander's way. That shaking finger slowed soon enough, though, as the rush slowly drained away. Soon he was on his feet again, crouching next to Warren's leg and eye-ing it nervously. All that vim and vigor had almost immediately been replaced with worry and concern.

"Um... um... I-I didn't hurtcha, did I?"

He looked up at the Paladin from his hunched over postion, eyes that had just moments ago been lit with determination and then revelry were now pleading.

RE: The Bee-Lister (Open) - Warren Castille - 11-19-2014

Warren lifted the leg and turned it this way and that, then shook it for good measure. "Doesn't hurt to stand on. I'll be fine with some bed rest, I think." He laughed softly, fairly certain that the lalafell would take him seriously.

"In the future, I'd suggest against throwing your shield at your antagonist. Though it's good sometimes for a surprise attack, like you just saw, it's generally bad for you in the long run. Better to keep your guard up and wear your foe down than do anything so risky. Since you're shorter than most people're gonna be used to fighting with, use that to your advantage. These boots are heavy, after all. Having to dance and move in them's tiring work."

Warren scanned for the lalafell's shield and nodded towards it, some yalms away. "You adapted well. That's good, shows you've got a fighting instinct. Most folks would be too timid to try anything that bold so soon. If you practice on staying focused and not squinting away from your target, you're liable to have bees running from you before too long."

RE: The Bee-Lister (Open) - Gegenji - 11-19-2014

Even joking about bed rest got a worried whine out of Chachanji, his lower lip wibbling a bit. He just wanted to show that he had what it took to be a hero, that he could totally learn how to sword for when it might be needed. He didn't mean to actually hurt Warren; the Paladin had gone out of his way to help him, too! What was heroic about hurting someone like that?

He only half-heard the Highlander's comments and suggestions, lost in his own self-denigration as he was. The praise helped cheer him up a bit, since he was able to link that to Warren not being mad at him. Still pouting a bit at the end of the spiel, there was only one real thing Chacha needed to know for certain:

"Are... are ya sure yer okay?"

RE: The Bee-Lister (Open) - Warren Castille - 11-19-2014

Warren was slightly surprised that the lalafell was so concerned about the paladin's well-being. He didn't want to tease him or cause him to remain worried, though, and the poor fellow's worry was written plainly across his face.

"I'm fine. Really. What was it you said earlier? When all else fails, your armor will protect you?" He hopes jogging back Chachanji's family ideals would brighten his spirits. "I can't say I've made this armor, but I do tend to it. I'll set about making sure the boot's just fine before my next patrol, I assure you." There was a certain bit of pride that carried over into his words. Warren really did relish the time he got to spend over an anvil, and he always felt that working so closely with your equipment really did bond it to you.

"Next time I'll be ready for you!"

RE: The Bee-Lister (Open) - Gegenji - 11-19-2014

"Y-yeah... that's what Papa always said 'bout th' armor he makes," Chachanji admitted, though it didn't cheer him up as much as Warren might've thought. All those statements his father had made had been about Gegenji-crafted gear, and those greaves didn't the have the familiar trademarks inherent in his family's smithing style.

In fact, looking at them, it seemed they had been... reforged from something far older. Or perhaps refurbished? Chachanji wasn't entirely certain; he had seen repairs done and even done some himself, and noted some of the basic signs of casual maintenance, but there was something... different lurking deeper within those greaves. Maybe he was just over-thinking it, but his musings definitely helped quell his worries about whether or not he had actually injured Warren.

The Highlander's declaration pulled the young Lalafell's mind back from his remembered lectures from home. He looked a bit confused at first, replaying the statement back in his mind to register it. Once that was done, though, he seemed to perk up some more, clambering back to his feet.

"O-oh yeah?" he countered, shakily trying to sound heroic as he pounded lightly on his breastplate. "I... I'll face ya anytime, ser Warren!"

Just as quickly as he had stared up at the Hyur, he dropped his gaze again towards the ground. Bashfully, he scratched at the back of his head, wondering if he had overdone it. His ego deflated some, he added a much softer: "Y'know... If'n ya don't mind..."

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RE: The Bee-Lister (Open) - Warren Castille - 11-19-2014

Warren frowned inwardly when his attempt to pick the lalafellan lad's spirits up didn't quite stick. He did seem to perk up at the idea of a rematch, though, so Warren stuck with that.

"I've got no problem keeping my skills sharp, too. I'm used to fighting folks that are my size, or bigger, so you might even teach me something or two on the way." He wasn't just trying to puff the guy's ego, either - Warren had seen enough fighting at the Grindstone and some other, seedier fighting tournaments to know what a confident lalafell could do to someone who took them seriously, let alone the messes made when someone underestimated them.

"There's a weekly gathering of fighters every week that gets together not too far from here. It's a bit of a rough crowd most nights but the idea is simple enough. We all pair off and beat the hells out of each other until there's only one guy left standing up. No magic, no tricks, just weapons and instinct. I'm not sure if it would be up your alley at all, since some guys go just to see how badly they can hurt someone without killing them, but there's always healers and clerics nearby to patch up anyone who gets hurt."

Warren considered his next words carefully, but figured it wouldn't hurt too much, even if it put Chachanji off of attending the Grindstone. "Easiest way to get over a fear of being hurt or dying is to get hurt or come close to dying." He shrugged the idea off casually, as if it wasn't that big of a deal. "Makes the hornets not seem so scary anymore, that's for sure."

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RE: The Bee-Lister (Open) - Gegenji - 11-19-2014

"I... I could teach you sumthin'!?" Chachanji seemed much more thrilled about the idea of helping a Paladin out more than anything else. He didn't even bother wondering if that might just be buttering him up or a continued attempt to cheer him up. Just the thought of that made him all giddy inside and that was pretty visible on the little Lalafell's face. That eager, almost-ready-to-bounce-around pose he had used before didn't hurt either.

The idea of a big ol' gathering of folks who fight each other sounded really exciting, too... at first. The added comments about guys who hurt people just to hurt them and the need for healers on-hand kind of soured his mood. It also brought back to mind Chachanji's quite recent concerns about having hurt Warren. He was lucky in this case; the Paladin was willingly training him and his armor had deflected the boy's wild attack. Out at this gathering, though, it would be completely different.

"That fightin' thing sounds neat 'n all..." he started, poking his index fingers into each other bashfully. "But... I'm still learnin' how ta sword, as ya can rightly tell. I think somethin' like that is a bit outside me reach right now."

He gave a nervous chuckle.

"I mean... there's th' fact that I could get beat up real bad, too. 'n... 'n there's th' chance I could hurt someone else real bad too. I know ya said there'd be healin's 'n stuff there but... I'd still feel real bad. I want ta beat up bad guys, not jus' people."

His expression turned a bit more thoughtful.

"Also, I dun want people hurt or dyin'... so shouldn't I be a'feared o' it?" He folded his little arms over his chest. "'n them bugs're just mean."

RE: The Bee-Lister (Open) - Warren Castille - 11-19-2014

Warren felt a little bit like he'd just told the guy ghost stories. It was hard to sell the Grindstone; Depending on who you got matched up with determined whether or not you were in for a spar or a real fight, but learning was the real purpose. Warren could give over all the training in the world, but that didn't matter where real combat was concerned. He had trouble thinking of how to bring that point up.

"Those are pretty good points. Maybe once you're more comfortable with yourself and that sword. I've managed to not hurt anyone too seriously and have only been hurt a handful of times, and the insight was valuable.

"There's no reason you can't teach me something, you know. I don't get to see how many people much smaller than me would attack me, so today was already a learning experience for me. I know to watch out for flying objects next time." He laughed again and shrugged.

"There's still plenty of light left in the afternoon. I can help you go over your footwork and how to balance with your sword while swinging and stuff if you've got the time and discipline to work on it. A few good swings makes for good exercise but remember your fundamentals!"

His tone was eased but structured. Warren didn't want to lecture the poor kid so he was hoping it wouldn't sound too much like take-home work, even if it was in disguise.

RE: The Bee-Lister (Open) - Gegenji - 11-19-2014

The eagerness returned to Chachanji's face.

"Y-yeah! That'd be great!" he stated with the nod. "I gotted all'a my errands done fer today, so I have plenty'a time ta learn th' thunder-mentals!"

A snort from Gran interrupted his excited thoughts. The little behemoth shot his master a knowing look, then settled his head back down with a snuffle to enjoy this nice chocobo-wrought shade some more.

"... Err... jus' as long as we're done a'fore Gran needs his supper."

With that clarification made, the Lalafell padded his way over to his discarded shield. Strapping it back on to his arm, he turned back towards the Paladin and got into what he assumed was his basic fighting stance, ready for some pointers.

"Akay, so what do?"

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RE: The Bee-Lister (Open) - Warren Castille - 11-19-2014

"It was a lot easier with an eager student than I thought it would be. Poor kid kept forgetting what I'd just told him a tick or two prior, but it was good work. Good work."

Warren was retelling the story some hours later over a hot meal. He'd just broken a hot dinner roll in two and let the steam rise out of the center while to his left and right sat a pair of listening miqo'te. Sei was uncharacteristically quiet while he told the story but she kept looking at him with amused, knowing looks. Howl, on the other hand, simply listened and hung on every word while Warren made mention of what transpired.

It had only been a bell, maybe one and a half, since he'd departed from Chachanji's company. He'd done as he said he would and the two went over proper technique- the thunder mentals- and stance. Warren showed him how to properly put his weight behind his swings and tried to emphasize how he had to make the most of what he'd been given. Warren gave him pointers for how to keep his head tucked under his shield but his vision clear over the edge of it. Visibility was important, he'd harped, and knowing what to look for moreso.

He wasn't kidding when he said it helped to have someone eager, either. Chachanji seemed to soak up everything Warren said and then some. He strived to get down every detail perfect which... had the predictable outcome of everything being a little bit off, but Warren just tried to patiently correct him and repeat his instructions. It was a productive few short bells before they finally had to go, and Warren made sure to give him a couple of steps and exercises to memorize.

"You can practice these in your inn room before bed, and when you wake up. Just... don't slay any innocent flower vases or tables. Momodi gets mad when we break her decor."

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RE: The Bee-Lister (Open) - Gegenji - 11-19-2014


And that's a wrap! Thanks to both Warren and Desair for playing along with me and little Chacha! I had a lot of fun, and I hope everyone that participated or just followed along enjoyed it! Now I just have to figger out how to lock this thing (Guidelines says there's a dropdown but I don't see one, what do?), and we'll be all set here.

Thanks for reading!