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The Question Box - Printable Version

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RE: The Question Box - Momo - 02-25-2013

Something else that adds a little fun Weffrey, don't know that anyone has mentioned it otherwise is: assigning a say command to your spells.  This allows creativity and a little depth to be added to each spell so that you can do them easily with little explanation, but as stated by dear Eva you don't have to give emotive words for motions or steps taken for spells.  Of course there is always a visual display of casting if you wish to rely on that solely, but I think it is more fun when someone casts something like Cure to have a little say like: "By ::random god's name here::'s power, I give you strength!", or some such less dramatic/more creative little ditty to go along.  Be aware this can get repetitive for some more casual casting activities at which point I usually just start clicking and skip the command over and over.

Hope this helped a tiny bit!

RE: The Question Box - Weffrey - 02-26-2013

(02-25-2013, 10:55 PM)Momo Wrote: Something else that adds a little fun Weffrey, don't know that anyone has mentioned it otherwise is: assigning a say command to your spells.  This allows creativity and a little depth to be added to each spell so that you can do them easily with little explanation, but as stated by dear Eva you don't have to give emotive words for motions or steps taken for spells.  Of course there is always a visual display of casting if you wish to rely on that solely, but I think it is more fun when someone casts something like Cure to have a little say like: "By ::random god's name here::'s power, I give you strength!", or some such less dramatic/more creative little ditty to go along.  Be aware this can get repetitive for some more casual casting activities at which point I usually just start clicking and skip the command over and over.

Hope this helped a tiny bit!

Thank you for your response Momo. It helps getting many viewpoints! I think I'll just stick to casting without anything at first since I am new to RP. Then, maybe when I feel comfortable with it I'll come up with something clever. Smile

RE: The Question Box - Darkfae - 02-28-2013

(02-03-2013, 09:37 AM)Weffrey Wrote: Weffrey1. What if IC I am supposed to remember something, but OOC I have forgotten. Should I use the (( )) to ask to be reminded, or should I roleplay that my character has forgotten too?

This is the only question I'm really going to answer, as the rest are pretty well covered - I just have an interesting addendum to this sort of thing.

As mentioned, it's up to you if you're character has ICly forgotten something. It might not be a good idea to have this forgetful trait for all your characters.

As an example, I have severe memory surpression issues due to medical stuffs, to the extent of where common things I know are suddenly no there; sometimes I'll be in the shower, and forget if I washed my hair literally minutes after doing so, or I'll forget how to spell a word/name that I've never had a problem with. Over the years, this has presented a lot of problems with role playing, as even though I try to keep notes of things that have happened, I still end up forgetting things my characters should not.

While I have had a character or two who had memory problems as bad as my own (didn't keep notes with that character, so that it was natural XD), it just doesn't work for every character I ever play in every MMO or table top or LARP.

I would be utterly appauled if anyone ever hardlined the "you don't remember, your character doesn't remember" thing if someone asks OOCly for reminders. Even my hardcore Gygax style DM for D&D is kind about it, and has me roll an intelligence check to see if I really did forget it. For the more part, people know that memory is ultimately flawed in every human, to an extent, and are understanding about it.

Where this gets to be a problem...instances where you don't realise you're forgetting something till after a bit of RP has happened. At that point, I strongly suggest pausing the RP, explaining you forgot and asking for a bit of a soft ret-con on the situation; I really hope most people will be understanding of this, as if not in my own case, it would quickly lead to just not RPing at all. For the more part, most people I've encountered across a variety of games over the past few years are okay with this, which is why I strongly suggest the pause/ret-con request.

Just my whole 2 gil on the subject, even though it was pretty well covered previously.

RE: The Question Box - Weffrey - 02-28-2013

(02-28-2013, 03:05 AM)Darkfae Wrote:
(02-03-2013, 09:37 AM)Weffrey Wrote: Weffrey1. What if IC I am supposed to remember something, but OOC I have forgotten. Should I use the (( )) to ask to be reminded, or should I roleplay that my character has forgotten too?

This is the only question I'm really going to answer, as the rest are pretty well covered - I just have an interesting addendum to this sort of thing.

As mentioned, it's up to you if you're character has ICly forgotten something. It might not be a good idea to have this forgetful trait for all your characters.

As an example, I have severe memory surpression issues due to medical stuffs, to the extent of where common things I know are suddenly no there; sometimes I'll be in the shower, and forget if I washed my hair literally minutes after doing so, or I'll forget how to spell a word/name that I've never had a problem with. Over the years, this has presented a lot of problems with role playing, as even though I try to keep notes of things that have happened, I still end up forgetting things my characters should not.

While I have had a character or two who had memory problems as bad as my own (didn't keep notes with that character, so that it was natural XD), it just doesn't work for every character I ever play in every MMO or table top or LARP.

I would be utterly appauled if anyone ever hardlined the "you don't remember, your character doesn't remember" thing if someone asks OOCly for reminders. Even my hardcore Gygax style DM for D&D is kind about it, and has me roll an intelligence check to see if I really did forget it. For the more part, people know that memory is ultimately flawed in every human, to an extent, and are understanding about it.

Where this gets to be a problem...instances where you don't realise you're forgetting something till after a bit of RP has happened. At that point, I strongly suggest pausing the RP, explaining you forgot and asking for a bit of a soft ret-con on the situation; I really hope most people will be understanding of this, as if not in my own case, it would quickly lead to just not RPing at all. For the more part, most people I've encountered across a variety of games over the past few years are okay with this, which is why I strongly suggest the pause/ret-con request.

Just my whole 2 gil on the subject, even though it was pretty well covered previously.

Thank you Darkfae! It seems best if I forget something OOC that asking OOC shouldn't be a problem. The other person probably would rather have questions asked anyway to ensure the "RP scene" goes in the right direction rather than a jumbled mess.

RE: The Question Box - Eva - 02-28-2013

Another helpful thing you may wish to consider doing - and this is strictly up to the individual RPer - but I have personally found it helpful to keep a file handy (mine is just a simple notepad TXT file on a dropbox so that I may access it if I think of something anywhere).  You could even use your wiki page for this I would imagine.  But any time your character makes any sort of reference which you as a player might be apt to forget I've found it extremely helpful to jot a note there.  For myself this mostly encompasses names of various NPC's from Eva's backstory and a timeline of events - even ones that are seemingly insignificant - that she's alluded to in the past.  I don't know that I'll ever need for Eva to tell anyone that her father gave her an enormous, elaborate harp for her 10th nameday or that her mother selected her true name when she was born from a book titled "Fleet's Ward", but having such consistency can be helpful so that you're not floundering to remember something you may have had your character allude to at one point in the past.

It's not something one needs to do, but I've personally found it very helpful - especially with the quantity of character journal entries I write.  Your mileage may vary~

RE: The Question Box - Weffrey - 02-28-2013

(02-28-2013, 11:51 AM)Eva Wrote: Another helpful thing you may wish to consider doing - and this is strictly up to the individual RPer - but I have personally found it helpful to keep a file handy (mine is just a simple notepad TXT file on a dropbox so that I may access it if I think of something anywhere).  You could even use your wiki page for this I would imagine.  But any time your character makes any sort of reference which you as a player might be apt to forget I've found it extremely helpful to jot a note there.  For myself this mostly encompasses names of various NPC's from Eva's backstory and a timeline of events - even ones that are seemingly insignificant - that she's alluded to in the past.  I don't know that I'll ever need for Eva to tell anyone that her father gave her an enormous, elaborate harp for her 10th nameday or that her mother selected her true name when she was born from a book titled "Fleet's Ward", but having such consistency can be helpful so that you're not floundering to remember something you may have had your character allude to at one point in the past.

It's not something one needs to do, but I've personally found it very helpful - especially with the quantity of character journal entries I write.  Your mileage may vary~

That's a great idea and what I planned to do once Bhav has some RP events play out in ARR. 

A quirk I'm making him have is he always wants to inform his adopted parents what he's up to, therefore he'll write letters to them explaining his travels, who he meets, etc. It will serve as my method of remembering past events. Also, I'll keep a little folder for screenshots, information, and all the letters related to Bhav or anything he's apart of.