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RP-Relationship discussion - Printable Version

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Re: RP-Relationship discussion - Ellion Goto - 07-23-2010

Goliam Wrote:Salsa dancing jesus

That... After I read that, my mind forgot about the rest of your post and ran the salsa dancing jesus image.... and it was glorious.

Re: RP-Relationship discussion - Monadi - 07-23-2010

I just ran across this from a recent article at Massively, and it made me lol. Money quotes:

Quote:Why romance in roleplaying is a terrible idea

I'm just going to put that out there right away. Romance in roleplaying leads to almost all of the drawbacks of a relationship with virtually none of the bonuses. More often than not, it means that you get to go through every single horrible break-up fight you've ever taken part in with the added benefit of a cold, lifeless computer screen relaying all of the words to you.

And the extra benefit that you're paying money for the privilege of having a relationship argument.

Ideally, yes, all of this is done completely in character. But unless you know a group of people who are supremely good at distancing themselves from the characters they play, you can't help but internalize what happens to your character. That, in turn, leads to you taking things personally, especially in matters of the heart. And thus begins a vicious cycle wherein two people keep raising the stakes on emotional blackmail for an activity that they used to find fun.

Should you be dating someone at the time, of course, you have to either explain to them why you're pretending to date someone on the Internet (which promises to be a fun conversation) or you can hide it from them (leading inevitably to an even more fun conversation, this time with bonus tears and screaming). On the flipside, if you're single, it's like dealing with your hunger by staring at a steak. Or drawing a picture of a steak and then staring at that.

The article goes on to state that even though we all know it's a bad idea, we do it anyway. Cause we're roleplayers, and to really play a role, you have to deal with your character's attractions, for better or worse.

Re: RP-Relationship discussion - Aveline - 07-23-2010

LOL! That is fantastic (and apt!).

Re: RP-Relationship discussion - Kylin - 07-23-2010

The writer of that article is actually registered on these forums FYI xD.

Glad he keeps giving the RP community some exposure.

Re: RP-Relationship discussion - ArmachiA - 07-23-2010

When in doubt, bow out is great advice for so many RP things XD

Re: RP-Relationship discussion - Monadi - 07-23-2010

Castiel Wrote:The writer of that article is actually registered on these forums FYI xD.

Is he? That's awesome. :approve:

Re: RP-Relationship discussion - Goliam - 07-23-2010

Monadi Wrote:
Castiel Wrote:The writer of that article is actually registered on these forums FYI xD.

Is he? That's awesome. :approve:

Find him, hunt him down. GIVE HIM A MEDAL.

Truer words have never been spoken.

Re: RP-Relationship discussion - Kashemia - 07-23-2010

When I just read the quote here, I was thinking that that was a really narrow minded way to look at it, but reading the entire article, I pretty much agree...

It's never as black/white as to say it's either a brilliant idea or a terrible idea, always. For some, it will never work, it will always be a lot of drama, for others it might work some of the time.

Re: RP-Relationship discussion - ArmachiA - 07-23-2010

And for others still, it will work most of the time.

I didn't agree with the hyperbole, but the article after it was true. It's hard, it's not easy, and may be too much to deal with for some people since it's not supposed to be real.

But, you know... RP in general isn't what I would call easy. Takes a lot of creativity and a lot of trust in your fellow rpers.

Re: RP-Relationship discussion - Kashemia - 07-23-2010

One thing I don't agree with is that you only get the bad sides about a relationship and not the good ones. Even the bad sides can be interesting and funny to play out, exactly BECAUSE they're not happening to you.
Also, I don't agree that partners IRL playing relationship IC is silly <.< For pretty much the same reason that he states you roleplay relationships at all; It's something else.

Not having a dramatic relationship myself, it can be interesting to roleplay that sort of stuff out, just to try something else Smile

Re: RP-Relationship discussion - ArmachiA - 07-23-2010

I totally agree, I dislike drama in my irl relationships, but tend to find it interesting in RP environments.

It's something different and it's not really happening to me, so it's easier to roll with the punches XD. Course, it's usually my character doing the punching (Sorry, Siben =X)

Re: RP-Relationship discussion - Xaefan - 07-24-2010

Oh man, here's a category I've lived time and time again.

Yes, it interests me that much that I must post.

Honestly, beyond random stupid cybering when I was younger, FFXI and WoW were the only places I had 'relationships' on actual MMOs, otherwise it's been RP or tabletop games through messengers and the like. So, I'll just stick to the MMO aspect.

Back in FFXI, when I was in my RP LS, my character was rather attached to this one mithra who was both uninterested, interested but not single, and single but uninterested again throughout our mutual careers in the LS. Needless to say, my character was quite the bumbler, since I played the rather perverted humor-centered anti-hero who evolved more into a emo-fag as time went on, and I actually got a larger piece of the spotlight thanks to some bawwing on my part (Mind you I was 14 at the time, and horribly immature). Needless to say, I moved on with this character to WoW, of course in a different format.

WoW, however, made me want to not really have anything to do with 'drama' or 'serious RP'. So I made him into an undead with a horribly lusty mind set, and a bunch of parts falling off inappropriately, or, at best, him detaching them for his own amusement. But, he developed slowly into his old slightly less emo anti-hero self, before some really bad RP gave me the idea to make him into an anti-villain, which apparantly made him 20x more desireable.

Don't look at me, I kid you not.

Anyway, at this stage, either every 'female RPer' on the server is either horribly loose, or he's just that charming, and he becomes the manwhore of the server, while I somewhat god-mod the shit out of him while trying to explain his evolution and character role as he wanders around the world due to not really having any real story to follow except the firm rear ends of assorted horde women.

Then, I meet my now fiance online, and we set our characters up slowly, and they end up married with quarter-dragon babies (Shh.)

My point:

RP Relationships, great for character development,

Bad for your sanity.


But, no, seriously. Don't take it too lightly, that kind of human interaction never really leaves you the same.

Re: RP-Relationship discussion - Siben - 07-25-2010

ArmachiA Wrote:Aion: Flirted around and lightly dated Siben, heavily dated Lloire. Lost them both because she was... not normal. Both took months to even consider.

What about Siben x Trys? That was an amazing 'relationship' based solely on the dialogue between them.

Re: RP-Relationship discussion - ArmachiA - 07-25-2010

Yeah Trys and Siben were awesome and hilarious XD

Re: RP-Relationship discussion - Trizzip - 07-25-2010

I love RP romances (as long as they come about naturally and organically without being forced). I do very well at keeping a very strict wall betweeen my IC and OOC life. I look at RP'ing in MMOs as being an actor in theater. When I am IC, I am all the way in and act accordingly to how my character would act. The only thing I plan out for my character is his or her backstory, after that.....I just go with the flow. This is how I am able to do RP romances.

In FFXI, my character fell in love with a mithra. IRL the mithra was controlled by a guy (however, there are many times in theater where a man will play the role of a woman, so I have no issue with this) IRL when it comes to my sexuality, I am straight as an arrow, however, when I RP'd, I didn't see a guy playing a mithra, it was just my character interacting organically with this mithra.

We even went as far as getting married and having a child together. Now, when it comes to the intimate part of the relationship, I keep it on the same level that you would see in a theater. I don't care for getting all into the whole nasty gritty and overly descriptive part of doing the deed (really no need for it). Instead, I like to keep things to a more 'romantic' level and settle for the ocassional kisses and hugs. None of these things we planned out in OOC either. Like I said, the only thing I plan OOC is the backstory of my character. After that, I do not plan for my character to do anything. He or she will act accordingly how the character is expected to act based on the foundation that I have created for him or her. I hate planning RP out in OOC....it kills the fun and suprises. I'm not here to run the story, I want the story to run me....in a sense, I guess.