Hydaelyn Role-Players
Taken (Semi-closed) (On Hiatus) - Printable Version

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RE: Taken (Semi-closed) - K'nahli - 07-28-2014

((OOC Note: It was actually my fault for not notifying Clover about needing to reply. Ignore her humble post ¬o¬    I'm very sorry for the inconvenience, everyone)
Andre quickly released his hold on the girl and swapped it instead for a tight and perhaps uncomfortable grip around her wrist. He launched himself away from the tree with a sudden jerking motion and hurried forward with a swift pace, his exposed fingers tethered to the girl who struggled to keep up with him. Clover did well to listen and follow his instructions closely, but even so, he would settle for no less than to drag her along behind him if necessary. If they were spotted by the two Ixali then it was all over; for them and possibly even the others to whom they were the only witnesses of their capture. After all, there was simply no way that either of them could even hope to fend off such powerful beasts while unarmed.

The distance in which they needed to traverse was rather short but for the hyur, each second seemed to drag out to an eternity of its own. He cursed every tiny hollow that had been engraved into the soil and every tangled bramble that would attempt to trip him were he to dare take his glance away from them for even a moment. His mind was in a total state of chaos as too many questions raced through his mind at one as he led Clover to the nearest “safety”.

Were the Ixal still running toward the decoy?
Were they making enough noise to cover the movements of their prey?
Had they been discovered already?
Would stopping behind the log only ensure their death?

Each question would sting like a pin-prick as they continued to hound his mind without rest in the final few seconds before they finally reached the log. Once they stopped to take cover however, he would have his answer to all of them.

Leaping over the final obstacle, Andre immediately dove toward the ground, bringing Clover along with him to come to a stop on the forest floor next to him. The ground had grown a little damp from the weather and the leaf litter in this particular area seemed to ice perfectly over the soil like an emerald-coloured frosting, offering them the tiny grace of a softer, and more muffled landing.
Andre quickly reached his arm over Clover's lower back and latched her down forcefully to ensure that she made no attempt to move.

Seconds passed as the pair lay side-by-side on the ground in silence for a moment as they anxiously listened for a particular sound; the oncoming sound of trampled leaves and twigs that would have all but confirmed their detection. The wind in the forest was growing progressively stronger by the minute as the oncoming storm drew nearer, causing the massive branches to sway and creak loudly overhead. Nesting birds chirped happily above in response to the gentle rocking of the canopies as they remained completely oblivious to the scene below and the low rumble of a distant, tumbling river could be heard as it reverberated dully against the maze of trees around them. The sounds of nature carrying on harmlessly around them gave way to an uncomfortably peaceful and inappropriate image, but even so.. they were in fact the only sounds that could be heard.

Nothing seemed to be approaching.

Raising his head slightly, Andre peered through a small crack in the log that allowed him to see out ahead of himself. It wasn’t quite large enough to see through at an angle, but the rotten wood appeared to be flexible. Bringing an index finger to his lips in an effort to instruct Clover to remain still and silent, Andre released the arm that had unconsciously pinned her down toward the ground and reached forward to peel back the damp bark that obstructed his view. A soft sigh of mild relief pressed past his lips as the wood obliged without much complaint, allowing him to get a much better view of the area ahead. Hawk-like eyes scanned the woodland before him, adjusting minutely to overlook the shrubs that hugged the fallen log they resided behind. Andre’s heart began to race once again the seconds continued to pass before finally the Ixali returned to view, an almost strange sight to be grateful for. The hyur sighed heavily to himself as a wave of relief washed over him.

So, they really had made it. For the moment at least, they were safe.

A short distance away, a loud ‘thunk’ echoed through the woodland as one of the Ixal sliced at the nearest tree in frustration, allowing a low grumble to roll out of it’s throat at the same time. The other Ixal blinked calmly, his demeanour and body language giving the impression that he were oddly unafflicted by their lack of fortune in their pursuit and instead continued to sample the air around with him, creating soft yet indicative snorts with each long and drawn-out breath it took.

“Enough time has been wasted here, let us return with the others” the first Ixal finally stated after having apparently thought on the matter for a moment.
“Their scent still fills the air…” was the other’s response as he continued to suck at the air and slowly survey his surroundings, his head gently bobbing with each inhale.

“And even so, we could spend much longer merely trying to seek them out” the first debated with insistence. It was clear, even from his grated voice, that he was not eager to abandon their prize so hastily but he seemed to understand that they longer they tarried, the more risky it would become for them.

“The featherless-ones will surely be here soon in numbers, we must make away” the first repeated, suddenly turning to make a hasty retreat without so much as confirming his companion’s obedience.

The remaining Ixal took one step back in the direction the first had run off, and then another... though something seemed to have caught his attention. He was more insistent than the others about sourcing whatever scent he had captured. A third step backward was taken as his head slowly revolved for what seemed – judging by his arched posture – to be be a final glance around before retreating.

Suddenly, however, his eyes fixed on something.

The Ixal made no immediate movements but it was clear that something had definitely earned his attention. The Ixal slowly took one more step, and then another… and another....

But this time he wasn’t moving backward; no.... this Ixal was steadily moving directly for where Clover and Andre were hiding. His pace calm, yet accelerating.


Andre withdrew from the log suddenly as the Ixal began marching toward them. He grimaced with apprehension as he realised that his hand may have been forced. His eyes reached for the floor as he began to scan frantically among the leaves in a vain hope of finding a more reassuring solution, but he quickly realised that there was simply no choice left for them. Without warning, Andre suddenly spun around, gripping Clover roughly by the collar and pulling his face in close to hers.

"Clover, you need to run. Now" he spoke darkly in a tone very unfamiliar with his character, allowing the girl no room to argue with him.

"Do not look back and do not stop for anything. Get to Gridania and inform the authorities of the ambush."

Without releasing his grip on her, Andre quickly turned to peer through the log once more. The approaching Ixal appeared only to be suspicious of their hiding place for he was still only walking and hadn't even attempted to call for his fellow scout when he was still within range, but even so, there was absolutely no avoiding it now. They would be found.

The blonde hyur shot his glance back to meet with Clover once more. His eyes burned with a fiery determination as he focused his mind on the one, remaining task at hand.

"Now, as fast as you can! Go!" he ordered in an elevated whisper as he pushed Clover away from himself with a forceful shove. His eyes followed the girl for what he believed would be the final time as she clumsily pushed herself back to her feet and hurried away through the trees, before he himself, while still crouched and hidden behind the fallen log, turned forward once again.

As expected, the Ixal had quickly launched into a charge as he beheld the sight of his prey fleeing before him. The sound of the twigs and branches being crushed under his massive, clawed feet grew increasingly louder as he quickly closed the distance between them. Andre's drew in a long and shaky, deep breath as his hand slowly glided along the ground to reach out to reaffirm his grip on the object he had spied earlier.

The young and inexperenced knight's anxiety was difficult to suppress, but he was ready for what came next.

RE: Taken (Semi-closed) - Clover - 07-29-2014

Forced against the ground, Clover did her best to hold her breath, to remain as motionless as possible. It was a difficult moment for many reasons. The most crucial was, without a doubt, the risk of being found by the Ixal. Were that to happen, it'd be unlikely for them to survive or avoid being taken as prisoners. Andre wasn't armed, and Clover's Conjury wouldn't be enough.

When one of them started moving in their direction, Clover frowned and quickly covered her mouth with a hand. Her breathing was struggling to come out, the need growing as the distance with the enemy diminished. If there was any bit of hope left in her mind, it disappeared as soon as Andre started speaking. He forced her to look at him, to listen to a voice she could barely recognize, closer than he’d ever been. It felt like the end, somehow.

"A-Andre..." she breathed, noticing, as if she was a ghost again, that the voice coming from her throat had trembled. Ah, fear could be strangely paralyzing, she thought afterwards. But his words sounded like sacrifice, and it was hard accepting the idea that this might be the last time she'd see him.

"Andre, you s--"

Clover could never finish her sentence. The boy pushed her away before she could, and then there was no turning back. Her breathing and heartbeats became loud again as she did her best to stand on her feet, almost tripping in her attempt. Her knees felt weak at first, but the girl still managed to start running through the trees. Behind her, the roaring of a beast; beyond her, a familiar small figure guiding her steps, so that she'd only have to focus on running.

In her mind, the words she still wanted to say echoed.

'Andre, you should run with me.'

RE: Taken (Semi-closed) - Xydane - 08-03-2014

As the clouds began to fade, the sky above slowly darkened and Xydane’s mood followed suit. The walk was well away from the city and all he had to keep him company was the occasional chirping of a bird or two. The leaves on the branches started to sway back and forth, signaling the wind’s speed growing stronger. The breeze brushed sharply against the expose skin beneath his hood but aside from noting that it was getting colder, he pays it no further mind and continues walking.

After a while, Xydane halted and stared into the sky that had become a darker color than it was not too long ago. The birds were gone and their calls were replaced with the silence of the cold. The Hyur narrowed his eyes, bringing his head back down as he lowered his hood even further.

‘Something seems… off.’

Before he could even continue, a breaking in the silence tipped him off. Xydane quickly turned toward the source of what sounded like the rushing of footsteps. In the distance, his eyes picked up the silhouette, feminine in shape and approaching with haste. The closer she came, the more she became clear and in a matter of moments Xydane’s eyes widened in astonishment once he realized who she was.

RE: Taken (Semi-closed) - Clover - 08-03-2014

She didn't notice him at first. Not until she was too close to avoid the imminent collision, which luckily didn't send him down to the ground. With wide open eyes, the girl raised her head to look at the male she'd just crashed against, finding a familiar face she hadn't seen in a while.


She managed to say with something akin disbelief, still breathless from all the running and her own fear. Finding him in the forest, at that precise moment... it was odd, almost as if Xydane wasn't a real being but a part of her imagination. Had it been a tree she crashed against? No; he was warm...


Desperate as he'd never seen her, Clover placed both hands on the boy's shoulders, trying to get his full attention.

"The Ixal attacked the carriage! One of them is following me!" She warned him, summarizing the best she could, for time was a luxury they didn't have. In fact, the Ixal scout wasted no time in making its apparition, all claws and eyes injected in blood. It came to a halt as soon as the figure of another hyur was caught in his field of vision, adopting a defensive stance.

RE: Taken (Semi-closed) - K'nahli - 08-03-2014

It was almost time. Crouching, hidden behind the fallen log as the Ixal beast drew ever nearer, oblivious to his presence, the hyur was relying completely on his sense of hearing. The sound of everything being destroyed under those massive talons filled his ears and became his whole world. Nothing else mattered beyond the sound of it’s approach. Not the past and not even the aftermath. There was no room for distraction nor hesitation. He just needed to get this right.
*Crunch* .. *Crunch* .. *Trundle*
("Here it comes") was the hyur’s single thought. His index finger tapped rhythmically against the object he held in his hand to each step Ixal took, calculating the remaining distance and timing carefully.
("Just a little more and...")
*crunch* *crunch* *crunch*
Drawing near to the log, the Ixal’s pace suddenly quickened as he prepared to launch himself over it with a single stride, an effortless task for a creature of his stature. Andre’s knuckles grew white as his grip on the thick branch tightened with determination.

Suddenly launching himself upward, Andre drove the log with all of his might until it struck the legs of the airborne Ixal, sending the beast into a tumble as it lurched forward to land heavily in the soil behind them, causing the ground around them to tremble slightly from the impact.


The unsuspecting Ixal grunted heavily as it slowly scrambled to push itself back to it’s feet, having momentarily been dazed by the sudden fall. The colliding force of the beast and log had briefly forced Andre back to his knees though luckily he had escaped the daring attempt uninjured. With a sharp exhale he too, returned to his feet and turned to face the Ixal whom had also regained it’s composure. The two of them quickly met eyes as a dark atmosphere quickly descended down around them. The surrounding environment almost seemed to grow dark, the world around them shrinking, as both man and Ixal faced one another - both with an impassioned intent to kill. A low and threatening growl escaped as the Ixal bared it’s fangs menacingly and reaffirmed it’s grip on the large blade that it carried by it’s hip. Taking a moment to size up the creature that stood before him, Andre slowly strafed around to the side, placing himself further away from the large log behind which he had been hiding, his eyes locked with a permanence against the Ixal’s beady orbs. The creature’s gaze followed him closely; refusing to break away from the arrogant scum that had dared to assault him. His dark eyes burned with an uncontainable fury as he stared the hyur down. This Ixal, as was typically their kind’s nature, would not sacrifice vengeance in exchange for the girl. Andre drew to a halt once more and awaited the beast to make it’s move. Holding his attention for but a little longer would ensure Clover’s escape.
A sudden roar of anger filled the air as the Ixal suddenly charged forward and began swinging long and powerful strikes in the hyur’s direction. Andre narrowed his eyes in focus as he quickly responded with evasive dodges and crouches, anticipating each attack well as the fury-driven beast hastily threw wild slashes in predictable patterns. He retained his grip on the log in both his hands, holding it firm and close to his chest protectively, ready to use it at a moment’s notice but holding himself against retaliating too hastily.
Andre’s attention was momentarily diverted as his back collided with the trunk of a tree, its rough bark pressing sharply against his back with warning. Hurriedly returning his attention forward, his gaze focused on Ixal just in time to see a downward strike slicing through the air down toward him. A sudden gasp pushed out of the males pressed lips as he launched himself away from the tree, barely escaping the Ixal’s fatal wrath as he nimbly dodged beneath it’s sword and passed behind his assailant. The sharpened steel drove cleanly into the aged, tree bark with a mighty crack, pinning the Ixal for a fraction of a second as it quickly jerked away to pull himself free again. It was a small window but not one that was wasted. With a forceful heave, Andre slammed the log against the Ixal’s back to strike it’s tough body with it’s entire length. The heavy piece of lumber struck cleanly against the Ixal’s spine, pushing it roughly into the tree before it.
Andre withdrew a couple of steps to regain his own balance and to allow his breath to return to him. His eyes seemed to grow a little wider with surprise as a sudden feeling of hope stirred within him. He was certain he would die, or at least be captured here... but now he had briefly been captured with the idea that perhaps it didn't have to end that way. If he could just remain focused then perhaps even with only a mere log...
He tried to control his excited breathing by returning to take in slow and deep breaths, his eyes still focused on the Ixal’s back as it agitatedly turned to return his glare upon the hyur once again.
The Ixal snarled angrily, as it turned away from the tree he had been thrown into. His merciless eyes appeared to grow even more fierce as it became progressively more agitated, his glare focusing intently on Andre once more. Andre returned it’s glare in silence as he, once again, awaited the beast's next move - to launch into yet another attack. The Ixal grunted loudly before charging forward again, resuming it’s flurry of strikes all thrown with an unrivaled aggression in the direction of the blonde male. Despite his elevated aggression, the beast’s strikes had grown slower and more precise this time as each one was more cleverly delivered than from the time previous. A raspy breath escaped the hyurs lips with each dodge as the blade drew nearer and nearer to striking it’s target, quickly slicing away the thin veil of hope that had only barely begun to creep over over the male. He knew that he was quickly approaching his limit.

A small cry escaped as the beast’s blade eventually made it’s first mark. A cleanly cut laceration to his upper arm almost forced the male into a spin as the blade dragged across his flesh with great force. A thin lace of crimson danced through the air and landed amongst the green shrubbery that nervously spectated from beneath the safety of the nearby trees. Andre fought against the instinct to protectively grip and seal his wound as he forced his gaze back upon the Ixal. He was hardly given the opportunity to so much as respond to the pain before the Ixal quickly followed through with yet another downward strike aimed directly for the man’s skull, but this time there was no time to dodge. Andre quickly threw the log upward in an arcing pattern across the blade’s path as he had no option but to attempt to parry the strike. The Ixal’s steel blade sliced deeply into the log, causing the air around them to resound with a fearsome crack as it almost completely snapped through, but otherwise succeeded in stopping the blade in it’s path. The Ixal didn’t hesitate for even a moment. Retracting his weapon suddenly, Andre was roughly drawn in toward him before being met with the beast’s massive, driving claw. The creature’s harsh grip spread out firmly across his neck, choking the hyur with a frightening level of malice before casting him backwards to collide against a nearby tree. Andre’s head harshly struck against the trunk of the tree, forcing his back to slide down along it's length until he came to a seated position at it’s base. The young male grunted weakly as he slowly reached up behind his head to attempt to alleviate the pain that pounded furiously from within the back of his skull.

Knowing that his foe had been momentarily incapacitated, the Ixal strode toward him with a bitter satisfaction, his pace moderated but anxious.
Andre’s eyes struggled to lift themselves away from the ground that was shaking dizzily beneath him. He blinked repeatedly as he vainly tried to regain focus and clear away the darkness that had moved in to occupy the borders of his vision. Eventually, with a slight shake of his head, the hyur laboriously forced his gaze upward just in time to see the Ixal draw to a stop before him. The creature appeared no less determined than it had been all along but there was something else… a faint hint of joy that was struggling to creep past the raw anger that dominated it’s naturally-sculpted, threatening features. With a low hiss, the Ixal’s sword rose high into the air as he prepared to deliver the finishing blow.
In the end, it was as he had initially predicted. There was no recovering now, this is where he was to die.
Beyond his daze, within the corners of his vision, the hyur could once again see the fleeting, ghostly form of the young girl’s back as she rushed through the woodland to escape the scene behind her.
Andre blinked wearily as he tried to focus on the image. If nothing else, he could take with him the satisfaction that at least she would survive. Her innocence, Clover’s.. innocence.. it had no place here. For her kind to be taken or even to have loved ones taken from them by the violence and corruption that tainted the hidden reaches of this world was just too cruel of a thought, and yet... it happens… it has already happened.

Hidden reaches...? The thought echoed back through Andre's mind. It no longer even seemed that way to the hyur. The dangers of the world had always been present, but they were not something that could just reveal themselves to anyone... least of all the people he knew and cared for. Was it that the world was changing or had he truly been so naively ignorant to it's extent all along?

A grunt echoed from the pit of the Ixal’s throat to interrupt his train of thought, announcing it’s readiness to deliver the final strike now.

Forcing his eyes to a close, Andre tilted his head away away as he awaited his fate.

RE: Taken (Semi-closed) - Knight Kat - 08-04-2014


A silhouette of a figure leaping to just above the Ixal's head from a position behind the beast-man would have been the sight Andre beheld if he had not closed his eyes at the last moment. Kiht Jakkya felt as if time had slowed down as she sailed onto the Ixal's back. All the momentum of her roughly 110 ponz body suddenly slammed into the Ixal; knocking him away from his position above Andre.

Clasping her thighs on his torso, and wrapping her left arm around his head; she pulled back with all her strength to expose his long neck. As if part of a singular motion, her right hand brought her hunting knife around and thrust it into his neck. She grit her teeth, and let out a furious growl as she buried the blade deep into the thrashing Ixal's flesh. She then pushed the hilt like a lever to slice his neck wide open. No hesitation, and no holding back.

The Ixal did not stand for long after that. He fell down on his chest with the full force caused by his literally dead weight. Kiht ruthlessly yanked the knife from the Ixal's neck, and stared down at his corpse for a long moment.

She turned her gaze to Andre. She was panting heavily after having ran quite a ways over rough terrain. She regarded him as she held her knife down at her side. The blade was coated in Ixal blood.

"Are you dying?" She asked in an apathetic tone. It might have been a silly question, but she figured if he could answer it, they could get right to the point of what she would have to do next. She sheathed her knife on her belt then surveyed the area in the direction Clover ran.

Because of the angle in which Kiht arrived on the scene, she had not surveyed the road where the caravan was, nor did she witness the army of Ixal. To her, this looked like a pair of Hyur lovers out on a frolic in the forest who got tracked by a couple of Ixal scouts. It did not leave a good first impression on her, but she showed no indication of her feelings in that regard.

RE: Taken (Semi-closed) - K'nahli - 08-04-2014

The unmistakable sound of flesh being sliced open forced the hyur to flinch even harder as death's brutal call beckoned toward the hyur, drawing him into it's domain. Though, oddly, the afterlife as he had imagined it was not what greeted him...

As the seconds past he soon began to question if he had already been killed. He was well enough to tell that he still remained seated against the tree, upon the same damp, forest floor on which he had last drawn certain breath... but...... where was the pain? Why was it that he could he still hear his flesh being torn so brutally asunder?
Finally, curiosity overcame all else. Andre forced his eyes open as he anxiously sought to find the answer to the questions that plagued his mind.

As Andre looked on before him, his genuine bewilderment was disguised well behind a pained expression as the defeated Ixal crumbled lifelessly before him into the soil. The perpetrator, an unfamiliar miqo'te whom, after pulling herself and her weapon away from the beast, seemed momentarily transfixed on the results of her handiwork before eventually moving her gaze on to that of Andre.

"Are you dying?"  she asked bluntly, seemingly absent of both emotion and interest.

Her question, regardless of it's tone, had no immediate bearing on the hyur as his eyes scanned from her, to the Ixal and back to her again as he struggled to make sense of the situation that had so unexpectedly unfolded before him. Was this... real? Or had he instead passed out and fallen prey to a deceptively, real dreamworld? He watched the miqo'te for a moment longer in silence before his lips parted slightly in an attempt to answer.

"I... uh.."

He blinked furiously as he dried to alleviate himself from the daze whose effects continued to dull his wits.

"I'm... I'll be fine... thank you.." he finally managed to blurt out as he struggled to pull himself back to his feet with evident difficulty. His answer, too, was lacking a connection if its own as he seemingly still appeared unsure of what had just happened. His eyes met with the female as he silently hoped for an explanation.

Just who was she and what was she even doing here?

RE: Taken (Semi-closed) - Xydane - 08-04-2014

His shock broke the moment she placed her hands on his shoulders, the touch bringing him back to reality. Her warning prompted Xydane to alertness and sure enough, the Ixal scout appeared. He looked at her with sincere eyes for a moment before turning to face the beast, no trace of sincerity lingering in Xydane’s eyes. Now, they were full of blood-lusted determination.


Placing himself between the girl and the Ixali, Xydane unsheathed his sword and slowly began walking towards the beast. Without turning his head back, the Hyur spoke in whispered words.


His fingers twitched as they gripped tightly onto the hilt of the sword, the blade extended fully as Xydane charged. Sprinting as fast as he could, Xydane brought his sword high and swung it down at the Ixali with his entire might. The beast roared, rearing it's ugly head back as it parried this new enemy's attack. The Ixali's grip on the blade shook - the Hyur's strike was strong indeed. The Ixali roared, attempting to intimidate the Hyur as he swung his jagged sword at the Hyur's head. Xydane ducked, parrying the blow with his own sword before bringing his free hand towards the beastman's neck.

For a moment, the Ixali merely blinked before realizing what has happened. The Hyur's hidden blade had stabbed him clean in the throat. Spitting out foul blood, the Ixali hissed at the unknown Hyur as it stomped and cried in pain, dropping it's weapon to hold it's own throat. Within a matter of seconds, Xydane had swung his sword at the creature's neck and watched as it's corpse fell onto the ground before him.

Xydane's expression was one of abhorrence.

'I will not lose her again.'

RE: Taken (Semi-closed) - Knight Kat - 08-05-2014

"I'm... I'll be fine... thank you.."

Kiht just nodded at his answer then surveyed the area more. She started to sniff the air, and her ears began moving about on her head. The overcast sky and typically thick canopy helped provide better lighting conditions for her eyes despite the fact that it was day-time. Once she noticed Andre stand, she nodded to him again.

"Good, you can stand too. We need to go after your mate. There is never just -one- Ixal. They scout in groups, and I have been tracking a massive force of them. She will likely run right into them." Kiht stated in a calm tone.

It was at that point that Kiht took an opportunity to examine Andre. She gazed upon him with her blue eyes. He was handsome. Blonde hair, blue eyes as well and a strong build. Kiht was impressed that he managed to put up a fight against an Ixal; considering Andre was only using a stick. However, she said nothing further. Her stern expression softened a bit as she waited for his reply.

RE: Taken (Semi-closed) - Clover - 08-07-2014

That look. Clover had witnessed some changes in Xydane's eyes before, but they'd never looked as murderous as they did now. It was the first time she saw him face an enemy, the first time she saw the young man transform into the warrior she knew he was. Clover was no longer scared, for some reason. It was as if she had blind trust in Xydane's ability to survive, as if he were the main character of a book who had far greater things to do than to die at the hands of a single enemy. Reality was a strange phenomenon.

Obeying his command, Clover stepped behind one of the trees. Xydane wouldn't die; that much, she was oddly certain of. But heroes could still get injured. She looked at her surroundings then, and found a small branch near her feet. That'd do. Her power as a conjurer was limited, but she might still be of help.

Not like it was necessary at that moment, apparently. As soon as she raised her body and her head after grabbing the branch from the ground, the grotesque image of fountain of blood was locked in her wide open eyes. The Ixali's dying cries hit her ears with sheer force, a crimson nightmare that took shape at that right moment. The sculptor of such a painful scene remained motionless after the beast fell, familiar and yet unrecognizable. Xydane.


He was no demon, no, even if he might look like one. Xydane had seen and done things she could never imagine, all to protect people like her. He wasn't a demon but a human sacrifice with blood stained hands. Even now, her hands were still clean…

Albeit Clover's expression became serious and firm for the most part, it was also softened by a brush of melancholy. She stepped away from the tree.


There were many things she wanted to say, many things she could apologize for. Oh, but words could cost lives when time was so scarce, how to forget? And yet she still took a few seconds of simply looking at him, before she spoke again.

"...Please help Andre, he stayed near the carriage so that I could escape,” she said, her tune filled with urgency.

RE: Taken (Semi-closed) - K'nahli - 08-07-2014

"No... you don't understand" Andre breathed with discomfort, his tone sounding almost irritated that he needed to force out even more words to explain the situation.

"The Ixali... they already attacked our group. The girl I.. assume you saw... she and my-..self, by a stroke of luck, had been briefly sep-arated from the rest... right after our caravan was stopped..."

He paused briefly as his eyes rolled away back down to the ground, seemingly in thought, though his expression was a blatant revelation to his bitter feelings.

"...and before the Ixali attacked....".

Andre scowled slightly as he found himself stuttering and even speaking more slowly than he'd have liked, but simply finding the words necessary to properly summarise the situation was a challenge on it's own to him at this very moment. Each word he formed came with a new, tortuous pain that refreshed the pounding sensation which seemed to be radiating even further across the back of his skull, leaving the hyur to struggle against simply wincing from the sheer agony.

"They... took the others... and sent two scouts to try and find us, though just as one had returned to rejoin his group the other... he began to approach our hiding place.."

Andre slowly blinked a number of times as his focus was slowly but surely returning to him. Giving his skull one last firm squeeze of relievement, he slowly shook his head and raised his gaze away from the forest floor and brought it back to meet with the miqo'te's stare.

"Still... I'd appreciate if we could find her first....before anything else.."

RE: Taken (Semi-closed) - Knight Kat - 08-07-2014

Kiht listened intently as the Hyur struggled to tell her about the situation. She suddenly fully understood. He did not describe much, but Kiht had heard and seen many scenarios like that in the Shroud. That was something the Ixal did often.

"They... took the others... and sent two scouts to try and find us, though just as one had returned to rejoin his group the other... he began to approach our hiding place.." Andre had said while struggling against his own disorientation.

"Craven monsters." She muttered in a bitter tone. Her expression formed back into a scowl.

"Still... I'd appreciate if we could find her first....before anything else.." Andre had concluded.

Kiht looked back towards the direction Clover ran. She took a few sniffs of the air. The storm was still brewing overhead, and now Kiht was dreading the incoming rain. Her sense of smell was always dulled in the Shroud's downpours, and it seemed like she would need to do quite a bit more tracking. Too much rain would cause mud to potentially cover up tracks. She felt as if time was now limited.

"Shite..." She muttered then looked back to regard Andre. "Like I said, let us go after her." She responded in a clear tone.

She would not wait for Andre's response that time. She began to swiftly pace in the direction Clover went. She unstrapped one of her harpoon spears from her back, and took it into her hands. She was preparing for the second Ixal scout that she was certain would return when he noticed his companion had not followed him.

Her ears perked up and her eyes opened wide as she went into full alertness. Her pace quickened into a swift stride as she traveled in Clover's direction. Kiht would survey her surroundings constantly as she moved.

RE: Taken (Semi-closed) - Xydane - 08-08-2014

Xydane stood triumphantly over his kill. His prey. No one else to claim but his and his right alone. In the world of predator and prey, he was the hunter. The feeling was glorious and the adrenaline pumping through his body felt like a drug - an addicting drug… and he wanted more.

As the Ixali’s head severed from it’s neck and fell onto the forest floor, the sequence triggered flashbacks that left Xydane staring at the corpse with animosity. The vivid scenes that haunted his mind reminded him how he wasn’t strong enough to save Rose. He wasn’t strong enough to save anyone.

But not anymore.

Baptism through fury, revenge, and war was what granted him the power to fight. Clover was in trouble and Xydane knew that he’d rather send himself to the seven hells than let a second chance be killed by something as foolish and weak as one Ixali.


Xydane blinked, returning to reality after Clover’s voice brought him back from his own blood-driven logic. He slowly turned to face her, meeting her eyes and returning the gaze. He felt the momentary silence between them was not at all awkward. Rather, it was fleeting serenity amongst the deafening chaos of the world.

But as the tone of her voice shifted, Xydane listened and gave a quick sigh of relief, thankful that she escaped from harm’s way. But now they had to return there, back into danger, and he was anxious for it, but not with a sense of worry. No, he was eager. Eager to kill the enemies, to see their blood spilled. He felt his arm aching to swing his blade down, the need to see red consuming him and he allowed it to. But as she had done before, and he was sure it was unbeknownst to her that she has this power over him, one look at Clover and the blood lust disappears.

He knew better than to waste time and yet he still extended his arm towards her, lightly grabbing her and pulling her in for a tight embraced. It was quick and he said nothing throughout it, but he hoped the feeling of thankfulness translated through because without her, he would have been so different. He pulled back from the embrace and took her hand, leading them towards the direction she ventured from.

RE: Taken (Semi-closed) - K'nahli - 08-08-2014

Andre quickly followed after the miqo'te as she led the way in the direction that he had last seen Clover run. He failed to conceal the occasional, gentle grunt of pain as he hobbled along dizzily but his movements, too, were slowly improving as the debilitating feeling that had once smothered him began to lift.
His eyes briefly travelled up to gaze upon the overcast sky that lay beyond the interlocking branches above before quickly retreating forward again. Nothing had been said by either of the two fighters, but the weather had certainly not been forgotten. The inevitable downpour had yet to commence but the occasional interjection of droplets tapping loudly against the large and springy ferns in the distance was a sore reminder of that time that they did not have.

Andre's eyes remained fixed ahead of himself as they hurried along. Clover was safe, he had made sure of that... and yet, a creeping doubt continued to seep inside of himself, causing his heart to ache with a new pain from the uncertainty and anxiety of never being sure enough for comfort.

RE: Taken (Semi-closed) - Clover - 08-08-2014

Safe, yes. She felt safe. The brief embrace didn't feel too wrong, and neither did the touch of his hand on hers. She let him guide her through the woods in silence, staring at his back as they walked. This was the young man she'd never get to know, for all the things he'd seen, and all the things he'd lived through, would be forever locked inside his head. Xydane simply didn't want to contaminate anyone, did he?

A sound behind the lush vegetation made her come to a halt. Someone was approaching, but it didn't feel like an Ixal. It didn't sound like them, or at least not like the one who was scouting the place. The creature's breathing had been heavy, almost tied to a permanent grunt.

Clover's eyes grew wider when, not much later, two figures emerged. Like some sort of miracle that makes your own thoughts become a reality, one of them was exactly what she'd hoped for. Or almost.

"Andre..." she said to herself, barely audible, and wasted no time to let go of Xydane's hand to run towards her friend. He was injured, that much was obvious even before she could approach him. When she was right in front of him, she didn't smile, didn't say anything for a moment. Only her eyes spoke of how it was, how it felt when a dear friend you thought dead was standing right in front of you, even if soaked in blood. No smiles and no warm embraces. Just well open eyes that hid nothing.

"Please let me see your wounds," were her first words, her tone urgent in her usual softness. She wondered who the miqo'te was, but Andre's injuries couldn't really wait for introductions.