Hydaelyn Role-Players
Describe another character with a .gif - Printable Version

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RE: Describe another character with a .gif - Swashbuckler - 11-03-2015

Aedan Steelweaver while he's bench pressing Katja Hoax...

[Image: tumblr_n968f8fsFe1six5o1o1_500.gif]

RE: Describe another character with a .gif - Swashbuckler - 11-03-2015

Kian Daas
[Image: tumblr_inline_mpuc9oYPav1qz4rgp.gif]

Eksil Varenth
[Image: tumblr_inline_mk8cnxnpsr1qz4rgp.gif]

Jackson Ryder
[Image: tumblr_npm6zdoThq1upuk2zo1_400.gif]

RE: Describe another character with a .gif - Teadrinker - 11-03-2015

Eddard Holt on Tavern Night:

[Image: jZ2inkj.gif]

RE: Describe another character with a .gif - Zar'ine Moks - 11-03-2015

Zandrea Ashlan -

[Image: giphy.gif]

RE: Describe another character with a .gif - Eliane Dufresne - 11-03-2015

In alphabetical order:

Arcian Martel:
[Image: onj1S4t.gif]

Draco Nobis:
[Image: funny-pictures-grumpy-cat-box-face-animated-gif.gif]

Martiallais Heuloix:
[Image: tumblr_m2v1zr7ec41r1nmpao1_500.gif]

Reima Awen:
[Image: giphy.gif]

Edit: Took me a while to find Graeham Ridgefield, but here we are:
[Image: tumblr_momo9sNSDW1qjqdjto7_400.gif]

RE: Describe another character with a .gif - Edgar - 11-03-2015

Steel Wolf:
[Image: tumblr_mnj3rp4vP31s9pzsmo1_500.gif]

RE: Describe another character with a .gif - TheLastCandle - 11-03-2015

Ciel Grayve:
[Image: 5fe02ebc4cab0d13ebe32f1ae491276c.jpg]

[Image: 341.gif]

Steel Wolf:
[Image: flex.gif]

[Image: 1417448235280.gif]

Oh, and Edgar.
[Image: tumblr_nru5aeOMET1tg07vxo2_400.gif]

Signature (me):

RE: Describe another character with a .gif - Kiipa Nulstat - 11-04-2015

Kian Daas:

[Image: tumblr_nx3ixwxEk11qkqs6io1_400.gif]

Tikka Swift:

[Image: oAdF86F.gif]

Gen Quickpaw:

[Image: tumblr_nwzv5fJ2bT1rexo9wo8_250.gif]

Anton Borneheld: 

[Image: tumblr_inline_nx5wj20e3T1sf8a2m_500.gif]

Cid Cleveland:

[Image: tumblr_inline_nwtgv4WVBI1qj1wzl_500.gif]

RE: Describe another character with a .gif - Swygynwyzn - 11-04-2015

Lorraine Swygbryda
[Image: mg2Xa04baCsak.gif]

Lorraine and Swyg
[Image: NynyYFE2bL8Xu.gif]

RE: Describe another character with a .gif - Dis - 11-04-2015

Kiipa Nulstat

[Image: giphy.gif]

RE: Describe another character with a .gif - Gen Quickpaw - 11-04-2015


[Image: tumblr_mst5aqaq0F1s4omozo1_500.gif]


[Image: giphy.gif]

Jeros Redd

[Image: giphy.gif]

[Image: latest?cb=20131016005139]

RE: Describe another character with a .gif - Pumpkinweed - 11-04-2015


[Image: tumblr_m8gvmk65lw1rdt8q7o1_500.gif]


[Image: tumblr_m42ujwNgOz1qj6kc8o1_250.gif]


[Image: giphy.gif]

Berrod (When talking with Gus):

[Image: KKGIv9P.gif]

Warren (when talking with Gus):

[Image: giphy.gif]

Coatleque ("I'm okay. I just need to be alone right now."):

[Image: sad-crying-woman-gif.gif?gs=a]

Aaron Frostheart:

[Image: tumblr_n2jyxc7clb1qe4ov2o1_500.gif]


[Image: tumblr_nw3aix0u291uazugyo1_500.gif]

...that's all I can think of for now.

RE: Describe another character with a .gif - Swashbuckler - 11-04-2015

Kiipa Nulstat
[Image: tumblr_mybm7g5tbz1qivndso3_250.gif]

Chinua Goro
[Image: tumblr_mlya6j7YCz1rcy99do1_500.gif]

Daiki Hayashi
[Image: totally-awesome.gif]

Olyver Geist
[Image: tumblr_np8k12ppLc1utszdqo6_500.gif]

Athral Cartwright
[Image: tumblr_nuz212IB1d1tek1wro1_500.gif]

That's all for now.

RE: Describe another character with a .gif - Cliodhna Eoghan - 11-04-2015

[Image: 7cb6d7b1e9a125cb1444fc76aa1dc2de.jpg]

[Image: chibichibieat.gif]

[Image: tumblr_lt46lpCe671qzmunzo1_500.gif]

[Image: 5ed9ee98cc04876aff21fedc2bb94b899b526a12_hq.gif]

[Image: 13-The-Princess-Bride-quotes.gif]

RE: Describe another character with a .gif - -no longer matters- - 11-04-2015

Gwendolyn Belmont
[Image: When_047e50_91319.gif]

Aya Foxheart
[Image: tumblr_mz62uzACIH1tpsahpo1_500.gif]

Gus Pumpkinweed
[Image: tumblr_lzgxriARWo1qam5gro1_r1_400.gif]

Berrod Armstrong and Friends
[Image: untitled-14.gif?w=1000]

[Image: HQu148v.gif]