Hydaelyn Role-Players
Complaint/Rant/Thing: What's with all the aggression lately? - Printable Version

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RE: Complaint/Rant/Thing: What's with all the aggression lately? - Alothia - 04-22-2015

Well, there is a lot of constructive discussion going on in this thread, which is pleasantly surprising as a mod. Here are some things that I've noticed that will be re-iterations of things that people have already said, but I think are good to hear nonetheless.

As someone who has been around the RPC since 1.0:
  • There are cycles on the RPC. When things get stagnant in game, people tend to come here and throw a shit fit. Boredom breeds trolling and argumentative behavior.
  • The community as a whole now seems to be less welcoming to newcomers than it used to be. Not that people don't welcome the new people, but there is a lot of times where new people or people who don't appear to be in the "popular" crowd get glossed over in discussions or threads.
  • Even I feel ignored here sometimes. I know I'm not a part of the popular crowd, but hells, I'm a moderator and still somewhat known around these parts. Imagine how someone who isn't either feels.
  • As much as people don't like Graeham saying it, we HAVE become a circlejerk. I've said it myself, even though I try to insert myself into those threads when I can.
As a Moderator:
  • I've noticed that there are a LOT more tensions in the threads.
  • People disregard the rule of re-reading what they're writing before posting. Instead, they post blindly in the moment, and it causes hurt feelings.
  • People have this "our way or the highway" mentality, and instead of ignoring the things that people do that they don't "like," they tend to try to change those people or insist that they're "wrong."
  • There's an undercurrent of "Why are the moderators doing/not doing _______" going around.
Here's suggestions as to what we as a community can do to change this:
  • Take time to go into the welcome forum and say hello to new people. Even that is something that doesn't take much time and shows that we are a welcoming community (Hey, I have to work on this too.)
  • Remember that there are people behind the computers. We're all human. We all have triggers and feelings and whatnot. I understand that you are passionate about your RP. But that doesn't mean that you can be a douche to other people.
  • The Moderation team is working on a list of rules and consequences so that moderation is more consistent and transparent. Look for that soon.
  • Realize that you don't have to agree with everyone. You don't have to berate someone for something that they believe differently. Not only do we have RP differences, but we have cultural and social differences as well.
  • Reach out to people who are looking for RP and connections. An invite to your FC is great, but people need to know that they can RP with you without being a part of your FC. Don't just recruit. Be someone who is encouraging to others.
  • For the love of all that is holy, take a step back from the computer if you are agitated. Don't post with high emotions. Come back and post later once your head has cleared.
I think that this thread is fantastic, and I thank all of you for at least trying to solve some of the problems that we see around here. The RPC is only as good as the community using it, and I think that we have the potential to make this a place that is used by more people and lauded for our ability to help guide and welcome new RPers.

That's all I had to say. Carry on. Smile

RE: Complaint/Rant/Thing: What's with all the aggression lately? - No Longer Exists - 04-22-2015

*Yawns, peeking out from under the hat again*

Tis morning, so I greet you all with fresh eyes and a sluggish mind. Let's see if I can keep the word count down this time. (I failed, you've been warned.)

I see a lot of "Don't take it personally" statements and that is sadly not good enough. We are complex organisms with an even more complex emotional system embedded in our brains, we will take things personally for a thousand reasons that seem like sheer poppycock (love that word) to others around us. The variable is in the word-spew. Some, like myself, generally do not release the kraken from our minds and find personal ways to resolve whatever is making us feel salty. Others look to outside sources. However, just like none of us have the capacity to control the weather, we cannot control the emotional responses of others.

Unless you develop superpowers.

So really, statements like "People need thicker skin" and "Don't take it personally" are wasted words. -I- think that better statements would be "People SHOULD take a step back from any altercation and think it through before posting" and "Be respectfully open to the opinions and feelings of others". That's just me. I'm a hat.


I feel the desire to point out that buzzwords like "toxic" actually damage these conversations. Psychologically, the colors red and green trigger stimuli in our minds that tell us human critters that we're hungry. Neat, right? This happens with words too and more often than not, it is the lynchpin in the lynch mob. Group mentality feeds on buzzwords to take a "temperature" of a situation. So I'd like to suggest that while we discuss the state of affairs here in our beloved forum, we do our utmost to avoid buzzwords. I know, I know. tl;dr. But give it a try, watch the perceived tone of the conversation change.


I adore all your little voices (Buzzword, see what I did there? I bet some of you went "Little? .....prick") but in reality, we're all little voices in a large room. Consider that analogy and some of the perceived concerns about cliques might become clear. Some little voices are heard by more, some little voices are drowned out. This is normal, this is natural. Everyone cannot be heard all the time, all we can do is try to listen more acutely.


While the compliment thread and silly threads are cute and funny, they are not team-building or community inspiring. They're like 80 pages long (I may be exaggerating) and when you tl;dr something that long, you skim for points. When skimming reveals six to seven of the same names in a revolving blur over and over and over and over again, a theory is born out of perception. Is anyone at fault? No. Perhaps it might be time to excise the super-old pages? I dunno. I don't post in them because I personally do not feel that they add anything to my experience.


This is a two-parter about participation. Bear with me.

First, I took time and effort to write two fantastically absurd tales about Captain Seishuku and post them to the forum RP section. I labeled it "Open". No one engaged the thread. How did that make me feel? Pretty damn shitty. I was hurt, because I went into it thinking "This should be great for a lark, it's funny, it's absurd, and it'll get my crazy character out there." and I walked out of it going "....what a waste of time. Maybe no one likes my character concept." So I poked around the town hall for other thread RP to get into and as indicated in the above section, I found gobs of long threads that either were labeled "closed" or had weird time period lengths like two months between posts. So I stopped looking at Town Hall. I gave up.

Second, I spent at least a month wandering around RP events trying to engage people in RP. With the exception of the one Grindstone event I threw the Captain into, I walked away from that experience thinking "Maybe, it IS my character." And frankly, Warren was the only one at the Grindstone that actually gave the Captain the time of day, Gods bless him. The Arbiter, busy doing event moderation, took time to chat, answer questions, and joke a little bit.

Second, part two. I've had Zealous Oak at three Grindstones so far, that's the only RP event other than the masquerade ball that Oak's been in and the masquerade ball was so delightfully cliquey that it actually felt like High School. (High School was 20 years ago for me, people. Just a point of reference.) So much so that I laughed at my screen and spent the next hour participating in the moogle circle instead. The Grindstone, Oak's been part of the healer platoon which allows for sporadic, brief moments of RP between duels. What's most notable about these events though? The first grindstone, Oak was treated like a medbot. HEAL HIM. HEAL HER. OKAY, GO TO YOUR NEXT MATCH, PEOPLE. Which was entertaining, but made me feel less like an RPer and more like a utility. The second Grindstone, some of the healers talked a little bit about their skills and I got to illustrate Oak's devotion to the mythos of Conjury. YAY ME. That felt good. The third Grindstone, Vahl'Sae (Sorry if I butcher the name) actually stopped and complimented Oak's new robe. Awesome! Later, he had a few brief conversations with combatants and took some time out to further heal one's wounds before the next round started. 

You might be wondering why I'm rambling on about this? Well, I'm illustrating to everyone that involvement isn't instantaneous, it takes time and effort. Unless you're flamboyant like Reddard (Yes, Kudos for being amazingly outlandish), PLEASE be patient and stay involved. 


-Black Hat

RE: Complaint/Rant/Thing: What's with all the aggression lately? - Seye Qhesu - 04-22-2015

(04-22-2015, 07:36 AM)Black Hat Wrote: NEXT!!!

While the compliment thread and silly threads are cute and funny, they are not team-building or community inspiring. They're like 80 pages long (I may be exaggerating) and when you tl;dr something that long, you skim for points. When skimming reveals six to seven of the same names in a revolving blur over and over and over and over again, a theory is born out of perception. Is anyone at fault? No. Perhaps it might be time to excise the super-old pages? I dunno. I don't post in them because I personally do not feel that they add anything to my experience.
I wanted to post towards this just because I know I am one of the major people who post/spam the Compliment/Ban the person above you thread.

I don't want anyone to think such threads are there to add post count. In truth, they are there for me to entertain myself during slow hours at work. I sit and read the forums often but, some posts (which this thread has been about) keep me from posting responses.

*rolls off to work now*

RE: Complaint/Rant/Thing: What's with all the aggression lately? - No Longer Exists - 04-22-2015

(04-22-2015, 07:42 AM)Brianna Dunham Wrote:
(04-22-2015, 07:36 AM)Black Hat Wrote: NEXT!!!

While the compliment thread and silly threads are cute and funny, they are not team-building or community inspiring. They're like 80 pages long (I may be exaggerating) and when you tl;dr something that long, you skim for points. When skimming reveals six to seven of the same names in a revolving blur over and over and over and over again, a theory is born out of perception. Is anyone at fault? No. Perhaps it might be time to excise the super-old pages? I dunno. I don't post in them because I personally do not feel that they add anything to my experience.
I wanted to post towards this just because I know I am one of the major people who post/spam the Compliment/Ban the person above you thread.

I don't want anyone to think such threads are there to add post count. In truth, they are there for me to entertain myself during slow hours at work. I sit and read the forums often but, some posts (which this thread has been about) keep me from posting responses.

*rolls off to work now*

This part was more in reference to the concern over "popularity" and "cliques", it's no one's fault. Some of us loiter on the forum for fun and we DO generate a high post-count, especially those who participate in these playful convo threads. It -does- create a perception that there are cliques involved though, which lends credence to certain concerns in earlier pages. 

I'm not saying you should stop. I have no solution to that particular issue. I only mention it because I too made that assumption at first glance.

RE: Complaint/Rant/Thing: What's with all the aggression lately? - Kellach Woods - 04-22-2015

(04-22-2015, 12:18 AM)Unnamed Mercenary Wrote: Kellach, I would recommend reavaluating some of your words on occasion. I'm unsure of your intent, but many can come off quite harsh and bitter, which does affect whether people may want to reach out. A positive attitude (or at least the lack of a negative one) can do wonders. It's not the fault of a well-established RPer to not reach out. Nobody is stopping you from reaching out yourself (whether in game or here). Not everything character will be a perfect fit. But calling it a failed attempt before trying just seems overly pessimistic.

I was mostly reacting to the fact that when I think about it this forum has zero purpose for me as it currently stands. My RP I get through the game and I experience through the game. I use the wiki/IC forums for supplemental material. If people want to use these exclusively for RP that's fine. 

Said it before in previous threads - I get RP. People are interested in the character when they see him - it helps that he looks different from the usual fare and I like to consider myself somewhat decent at RPing that I can keep interest going. However, if there's no in, there's no in. Those who've RPed with me will attest that what I consider an "in" really isn't much. 

As far as reaching out is concerned, I don't see the point in PMing people and essentially guilt-tripping them over reading my stuff. To me, if I didn't catch the eye of people with thread title/thing, I failed at being interesting first and foremost. If it's something that's specifically targeted at someone I do try to at least communicate to them but I don't go out of my way to write such pieces so yeah.

Also, Oscare, bruh, you know tolerance doesn't breed acceptance. When you have tolerance you still hate them, you just tolerate their existence but you'd rather they not be here.

Also, Black Hat, I have a ridiculously high post count compared to many others. I dare say few would accuse me of being in a clique.

* * *

To stay on topic - It's more how the RP Discussion forums and the FFXIV Discussion forums became completely useless over time because you can't get good info there anymore, or a good discussion going, without snark or dismissive thoughts.

In so far as re-reading and re-writing posts go, you have no idea how much I re-wrote that post to try and be as emotional as possible without snarking up the joint. I don't believe in emotionless posting, it serves no purpose because it just makes the text harder to read unless you're communicating information strictly. If I'm angry you deserve to know I'm angry. People can, however, control their words. You don't deserve to be called names or have negative stuff implied.

When I said my most appreciated posts were essentially shitposting I wasn't lying - I looked over my rep history and went "wait people +1d me for THAT?", especially lately.

Anyhoo - mod team said they were gonna be stricter on stuff and sadly it's actually necessary this time around.

RE: Complaint/Rant/Thing: What's with all the aggression lately? - Cest - 04-22-2015

Though I've not posted much here on the RPC I have lingered around for the better part of a year. I have witnessed several shifts in the way people have reacted to each other in that time. So here are my personal views.

I've moderated for a few RP communities in the past and have seen firsthand just how aggressive players can get towards each other, this tends to derive from poor communication or people simply forgetting that real people are beyond the computer screen.

The issue as a whole has no quick fix, instead people need to try and become more respectful towards one another. It is fine if you dislike something, or even talk about it! But trying to force your views down that persons throat to get your point across? That isn't civil. Remember that many play the game and RP for enjoyment, they come to the RPC in hopes to perhaps meet new people to continue to enjoy the game with, don't take that away from them by scaring them off.

This applies to both new and old players of the community, I've enjoyed watching this community grow and I really feel like it can go in a better direction if people try.

RE: Complaint/Rant/Thing: What's with all the aggression lately? - Kaniko Niko - 04-22-2015

Admittedly, I skimmed maybe the first five pages of posts before the overwhelming urge to jam my two cents into the quarters slot took hold.

I'm in the "People are outraged for the sake of validation" camp. I've yet to see this perceived toxicity. Or these ultraexclusive roleplaying cliques. I've been on Balmung for two months now without a Free Company and very little presence outside of my fondness for silly hats. I've been approached by members of several roleplay groups during server-wide events—the most recent being the Guided Tour of Upper La Noscea. I made a post saying I was interested in it a few weeks ago and Nailah found me in game and sent me a reminder message out of the blue the day of. I'd have missed a wonderful event otherwise. In that same event, I had to AFK at the end of it and when I came back, I was immediately invited to a group of people who were still RPing at the hotsprings.

Speaking of: I apologize to you guys if you're reading this. Unfortunately I got a little busy-busy.

Also unfortunate, but I'm going to actually have get a little on the toxic side. However, I do not apologize because I feel this is the proper thread in which to bring this up:

The many of you who oftentimes complain of exclusivity and being ignored need to start spending your stat points in Patience. There aren't many personality flaws that dig at me. Betraying your own ideals. Constantly selling yourself short. The big one? Entitlement. I cannot begin to stress just how much the passive-aggressive sighing, that "Everyone's ignoring me" shtick, gets under my skin. As if you're the Yellow Emperor whose needs need to be met for civilization to continue. Honestly, if there's any toxicity in this group, this... culture, whatever it is you wish to call our community it's the negativity that's radiating from those who feel wronged when they don't get what they want right now and place the blame on the community itself for not fulfilling their needs.

And to me, those people stick out like sore thumbs because I find this community positively wonderful.

RE: Complaint/Rant/Thing: What's with all the aggression lately? - Fox - 04-22-2015

(04-22-2015, 08:11 AM)Kellach Woods  Wrote: If I'm angry you deserve to know I'm angry. People can, however, control their words. You don't deserve to be called names or have negative stuff implied.

When I said my most appreciated posts were essentially shitposting I wasn't lying - I looked over my rep history and went "wait people +1d me for THAT?", especially lately.

This is something I whole heartedly agree with, we do control what we say. I'm really hoping that things do return to some sort of normalcy where threads aren't derailed into angry topics-r-us.

Edit (not related to Kellach): And just to say, I'm personally not looking for validity of RP or whatever have you. People can rp with whomever they want. It's not even a 'hey I don't feel like I'm getting enough rp'. (I'm actually really busy right now personally with end of semesters finals coming up so I don't have time to properly rp.) I'm personally not even looking at this as an RP point of view. It's just... overall negativity that's around; as to where it roots from, it's not a specific person or even a specific group of persons- I'm not really certain. I'm sorry, I hope that makes sense? It might not I should get some sleep- been binging on a tvshow. Hah...

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RE: Complaint/Rant/Thing: What's with all the aggression lately? - Alothia - 04-22-2015

(04-22-2015, 08:38 AM)Datenshi Wrote: I cannot begin to stress just how much the passive-aggressive sighing, that "Everyone's ignoring me" shtick, gets under my skin. As if you're the Yellow Emperor whose needs need to be met for civilization to continue. Honestly, if there's any toxicity in this group, this... culture, whatever it is you wish to call our community it's the negativity that's radiating from those who feel wronged when they don't get what they want right now and place the blame on the community itself for not fulfilling their needs.

The problem is when people who are new or trying to drum up connections in the connections forum get passed over. Or when new people say hello, and people ignore their threads. It's not even a matter of those people saying that they're being ignored. It's a general sense of seeing that they're being ignored.

Trust me, I'm an advocate for people getting out there and finding RP, starting it up with people randomly. It's how I met some of the best friends I have in this game. It's how I met my current RP partner. 

But pretending like it's not happening is just as bad as people who don't advocate for themselves. It does happen. You may not have experienced it, but it doesn't lessen the fact that it does happen to other people.

It reminds me of a camp that I went to for the school I teach at. It was a diversity camp thingy, and one of the things that they taught us was that "We are the owner of our own story." We cannot invalidate someone else's experience simply because it's an experience that we have never had. Count yourself lucky that you don't feel that way, and make a point of ensuring that others don't have that experience. That's how we're going to fix it. Not by telling people that it's their own fault for feeling ignored.

RE: Complaint/Rant/Thing: What's with all the aggression lately? - Cato - 04-22-2015

(04-22-2015, 08:38 AM)Datenshi Wrote: The many of you who oftentimes complain of exclusivity and being ignored need to start spending your stat points in Patience. There aren't many personality flaws that dig at me. Betraying your own ideals. Constantly selling yourself short. The big one? Entitlement. I cannot begin to stress just how much the passive-aggressive sighing, that "Everyone's ignoring me" shtick, gets under my skin. As if you're the Yellow Emperor whose needs need to be met for civilization to continue. Honestly, if there's any toxicity in this group, this... culture, whatever it is you wish to call our community it's the negativity that's radiating from those who feel wronged when they don't get what they want right now and place the blame on the community itself for not fulfilling their needs.

And to me, those people stick out like sore thumbs because I find this community positively wonderful.

To be fair there's plenty of people are putting time and effort into finding role-play and they're still struggling to find it through no fault of their own. You can't expect people to be patient forever.

I think it's unfair for people to brush off the concerns raised so readily. It's great that you have found a steady supply of role-play but what you experience isn't the same as what everybody else experiences.

I also don't think it's a matter of 'entitlement' (can we even use that term to describe people who want role-play on an unofficial role-playing realm?) as much as it's a matter of frustration. Not everybody is keen on attending bustling events either - especially if they're more in favour of something much more personal and character driven.

RE: Complaint/Rant/Thing: What's with all the aggression lately? - Gegenji - 04-22-2015

I've... hit the post reply button, stared at the blank screen, and backed out from posting in this thread several times. What to say? How to say it? Is it something that I feel needs to be said?

Ultimately, though, I guess I can only say this: I am certainly getting tired of seeing a possibly interesting thread bogged down by sniping and personal agendas. I used to go through lots of threads in my downtime at work, click on them and read through. If they caught my interest, I might say something, otherwise it was just an interesting read.

These days, I find myself making heavy use of the "Mark All as Read" button. Threads that I would've followed before, I get about a page in before someone says something passive aggressive or takes an offended stance and it all descends into squabbling. A couple times I've fallen victim to it myself, hence why I've pulled back - I can't find myself being able to add anything that wouldn't be possibly just adding to the flame-pile.

I was actually really worried this thread would (ironically?) fall into the same pile. A couple posts threatened to do so. But this is honestly an issue that resonates with me, so I settled down and read through it.

And, really, there's not much more I can add that hasn't already been said. Just emphasize that I would really enjoy it if people had personal issues with another poster, to take them to PMs. And cut down on the personal lament posts that interrupt or even derail discussion into said personal agendas. I don't mind the occasional derail (especially if it's for comedic value or to just to help lighten the mood), but a lot of said derails seem to involve turning immediately onto Sensitive Topic Boulevard or "this topic doesn't matter because of my personal problem."

How much is honest anger at another person? How much is honest frustration at RP/the RP community as a whole? How much of it is just trolling? I don't know. But, if there are grievances - can't they either be aired privately or, if it's a widespread matter, try to solve it civilly in its own thread instead of being injected wherever it can gain a foothold?

A good example is in this very thread - the "I can't find RP/Popular Cliques" sub-argument that has no place here. I'm not saying it's not an important topic that shouldn't be discussed or addressed - but it shouldn't be in here. I get that people are trying in the Making Connection threads and whatnot to try to get into RP and having difficulty - but that is not the point of this thread. Can't such things be brought up and discussed (again, civilly) in its own thread instead of tacked onto a completely different discussion?

... Still, I'm rambling, so I'll just stop here before I lose any more track of where I was going with this. Blush

RE: Complaint/Rant/Thing: What's with all the aggression lately? - Maril - 04-22-2015

(04-22-2015, 08:47 AM)Alothia Wrote:
(04-22-2015, 08:38 AM)Datenshi Wrote: I cannot begin to stress just how much the passive-aggressive sighing, that "Everyone's ignoring me" shtick, gets under my skin. As if you're the Yellow Emperor whose needs need to be met for civilization to continue. Honestly, if there's any toxicity in this group, this... culture, whatever it is you wish to call our community it's the negativity that's radiating from those who feel wronged when they don't get what they want right now and place the blame on the community itself for not fulfilling their needs.

The problem is when people who are new or trying to drum up connections in the connections forum get passed over. Or when new people say hello, and people ignore their threads. It's not even a matter of those people saying that they're being ignored. It's a general sense of seeing that they're being ignored.

Trust me, I'm an advocate for people getting out there and finding RP, starting it up with people randomly. It's how I met some of the best friends I have in this game. It's how I met my current RP partner. 

But pretending like it's not happening is just as bad as people who don't advocate for themselves. It does happen. You may not have experienced it, but it doesn't lessen the fact that it does happen to other people.

It reminds me of a camp that I went to for the school I teach at. It was a diversity camp thingy, and one of the things that they taught us was that "We are the owner of our own story." We cannot invalidate someone else's experience simply because it's an experience that we have never had. Count yourself lucky that you don't feel that way, and make a point of ensuring that others don't have that experience. That's how we're going to fix it. Not by telling people that it's their own fault for feeling ignored.

Presently speaking though, all of the threads in the welcome desk has replies and some of them even have upwards of ten. I don't know if you were specifically meaning for the welcome threads, but getting a few replies to something like that is pretty good in my eyes. They're hard to reply to in the sense that usually you can say little more than some variation of welcome and maybe toss in a compliment to their character design. I try to do it because I like doing stuff like that but I can also understand why someone wouldn't bother so much with a one-five word reply. 

I also feel like there shouldn't be so much blaming involved when it comes to finding and not finding roleplay. It's not to anyones fault because it's not just one persons responsibility, it's everyones responsibility. You, me, even the lurkers. So if one is to blame we're all to blame in the same bout and that doesn't really lead to anywhere constructive. 
I have posted in a lot of making connections threads, and so far I have been contacted by a fraction of the OP's, I usually try to encourage people reaching out to me in game because I will forget to do it, I have the memory of a sieve. I have a slight expectance for people looking for connections also following through with a tell or a PM or similar. Though I think this talk has happened before. 

If someone is struggling to find roleplay, my advice is always to try and get in the fray and do some walk ups. It's hard to start storylines with strangers, so try to have a stab at the crowd and see if you can turn some of the strangers into regular contacts. That might mean showing up at large events that doesn't always suit your character (eg. I try to spectate the grindstone now and then, none of my characters fight however, and there's not always someone to cheer on. But you might just meet another spectator to idly chat with about the fighting that's going on) 
Sometimes bringing your characters into envirionments where they wouldn't exactly thrive can help develop them as well, maybe a positive experience means they wont be so opposed to it in the future. Mind you I'm not saying break your character, cause that's no fun. 

And then.. Persistence. I know it's hard, but it does pay off in the end. Despite being a GM, I do go through times of RP starvation, and generally wanting to RP with someone outside of my company as well. I end up facing the same challenges.

If there's anyone out there compatible with my activity as an EU'er, feel free to reach out and poke me. Nailah is a very versatile character, save for coerthas and northern thanalan there's not a place where she wont go, and she will absolutely start the conversation too. She isn't overly great with paralysingly shy characters, though. 

This ended up being longer than I expected. I sorry. Please accept a cookie.

RE: Complaint/Rant/Thing: What's with all the aggression lately? - Melodia - 04-22-2015

As someone who has been guilty of being passive aggressive in this site, and on threads, having PM fights, and even "quitting" multiple times. I went through a huge overhaul of myself and how I interact by realizing that it's okay to have differing opinions. It's okay to not rp with everyone. It's okay not have the best gear or coil achievements or what have you. I have learned that I am but one person in this community and if everyone likes me or wants to rp with me, that's cool. And if no one does, that is also cool. Because we each have a level of responsibility in the community and that is simply to engage in a constructive manner or at least a peaceable manner.

I don't know if any of that makes sense lol. But I do love the community and even those I've butted heads with are like family in a way. I may not have ever rp'd with 99.9% of people here but I still enjoy what they have to say here and in game. I still enjoy hearing their points and even reading debates.

I just mean to say, I own my own share of blame for toxicity, which I have been working hard recently to put to bed once and for all. And I accept my role in the community as but one member, one voice....being peaceable and constructive. All other stuff (rp, events, this or that) elements are good...but that base foundation is now how I operate here and in game and hope that others see how that can be a positive way to move forward and leave the angriness and sadness at the login screen because I will be the first to attest...none of those things help the community nor yourself. *Hugs*

RE: Complaint/Rant/Thing: What's with all the aggression lately? - ProvaDiServo - 04-22-2015

I guess I've been on bad forums to long or something, Snide remarks are common practice where I'm familiar with, I think other than the thread where everyone Zerg'd on Reddard I haven't really been alerted to anything toxic, I just saw it as debates. Ad hominem is bound to happen, I'm not advocating any type of behavior unbecoming of the sites expectations and I may not even be one hundred percent sold on that Kumbaya pact either. Personalities clash, I just ask we all keep it professional and solve your beefs in PMs.

If®it aint personal don't take it personally.

Cliques happen and senority breeds that. It happens. I just post what comes to mind and leave it on the board, if it goes unchallenged or unrecognized I don't take offense it just like w/e and keep moving. (Besides the fact I'm a horrible poster XD) If you are seeking roleplay or to establish yourself in the community, learn how to network, it's gonna be a bit of work definitely, but there will be payoff. It's just like fishing.

Just thoughts on a few things. take it how you want

RE: Complaint/Rant/Thing: What's with all the aggression lately? - Alothia - 04-22-2015

Hey, guys. I'm going to split off your posts because the images don't contribute to the discussion, and it's just derailing the thread.
