Hydaelyn Role-Players
In the Shadows of Death's Wings - Printable Version

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RE: In the Shadows of Death's Wings - Lillith Cale - 09-25-2014

Tonight was so much fun! Sorry Meta and I had to bail so quickly afterwards, there is only so long we can delay going to bed xD see you all tomorrow!

RE: In the Shadows of Death's Wings - Meta Xi - 09-25-2014

Apologies for the disappearing act last night. As Lillith said, we needed to hit the hay asap.

RE: In the Shadows of Death's Wings - Askier - 09-25-2014

Hey no worries you two! Rl responsibility and stuff. I stayed up late and have a long shift to polish off. Should have been smart like you two. Lol.

Anyway, thank you all who came out last night for mini event. Getting to fight 9 people solo was an interesting experience. 

Can't wait to wrap up this event Saturday with a big finale event! Smile

RE: In the Shadows of Death's Wings - Lillith Cale - 09-25-2014

It REALLY was a lot of fun! I just wish the dice would have been nicer to me that night T_T I didn't get to show off at all *hurt ego*


RE: In the Shadows of Death's Wings - Askier - 09-25-2014

Between the constant, aggressive  swarms of various bugs and ultimate Tea Cup Fu, The Voice did enough showing off for my next ten rp sessions. -.-  The dice liked me right till the end, then I was betrayed. Lol.

RE: In the Shadows of Death's Wings - Lillith Cale - 09-25-2014

I was quite glad I didn't get attached by any bugs T_T Lillith doesn't have an issue with them, but I have a pretty big aversion to several different types of bugs.

RE: In the Shadows of Death's Wings - Meta Xi - 09-25-2014

Meta, on the other hand, became quite close with several varities of bugs. All of who wished to make sure he had enough stings, bites, and poison to make doctors scratch there heads on how he survived.

RE: In the Shadows of Death's Wings - Aldotsk - 09-25-2014

I should be there for Saturday's event, looking forward to it!

RE: In the Shadows of Death's Wings - Askier - 09-27-2014

Hello all! For this evening check in is at 8 CST and we should start rolling around 9 CST.

Heroes are to meet with Misha and Iron for instructions at Dry one. Misha will be splitting you up into groups and.giving you your location to go to fight the cultitsts.

Baddies are to meet with Rotunda and Ragnar at Black brush station for your orders. Raganr might show up to help organize heroes ooc. Any instructions these event hosts are running are to be done as instructed so we can keep this from getting to chaotic. Lol.

This will be the final event of this event. I just want to thank all the wonderful people who have helped and I am looking forward to this, even though I maybe late. Lol

RE: In the Shadows of Death's Wings - Lillith Cale - 09-27-2014

I look forward to it! It's been such a fantastic event so far!

RE: In the Shadows of Death's Wings - Askier - 09-28-2014

Thank you to all whom.attended the event last night! This is basically the main end of the cult and this event
 Now there are some left over threads and rp hooks left around (namely Rotunda and his squad of Crows) but that will be handled more slowly and via smaller less planned rp sessions. 

This event went very well and the second part at the Dry docks was certainly the largest turn out for one of my events and was awesome. I hope this has brought many people.together that never would have met otherwise, which was my intention with my events all along.

This being said, I will be stepping down from organizing and planning events for awhile. These past months of plotting, planning, bombing and -kindness- are something I have been honored to have taken part of and have had a lot of fun. At this time though, I am burnt out as they require a ton of work and just can't devot as much time.planning them as I once did. I will still be online rping, and plotting but no major events as I have RL obligations I need to spend more time on. Thank you for all the awesome times together and look.forward to rping with you all soon as I can log on tonight. Smile

RE: In the Shadows of Death's Wings - Lillith Cale - 09-29-2014

Askier, it was amazingly fun and I am only sad it will be a while before I get to play in one of your events again <3

I have made a bunch of friends during this RP, and established some really awesome connections for Lillith. It was a blast!

If anyone wants to RP with me outside of this, or bring Lillith along for a crow hunt, let me know!