Hydaelyn Role-Players
Treading Lightly: Meiko's Little Black Book - Printable Version

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Treading Lightly: Meiko's Little Black Book - Jaliqai - 02-21-2015

Treading Lightly
Meiko Amano's Journal & Notes

[Image: small_harcover_leather_journal_dsc_0307.jpg]

Typically kept on Meiko's person at all times is a small, plain leather-bound notebook.
Within this book, one would find a number of different writings:  information on business contacts and deals,
rumors overheard, observations made, 
and even mundane details about her day to day life.

Most of the content appear to be written in the Eorzean alphabet, though occasional Doman passages also appear.

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The majority of this information is provided here simply for the OOC amusement and interest of others, as well as a kind of record keeping for myself. That said, please refrain from using information here ICly without legitimate reasoning to.

RE: Treading Lightly: Meiko's Little Black Book - Jaliqai - 02-22-2015

A passage, written in the common tongue.
As one would expect from Meiko, the tone is short and biting.

24[sup]th[/sup] Sun, 1[sup]st[/sup] Umbral Moon

Made contact with Seth, spoke briefly at the Quicksand on the matter of the Flea. So far, my suspicions seem to hold water. Must keep an eye on this one. Will speak to him again soon.

Another bout at the Grindstone. Nothing significant to note, save that there's a special place in the Seventh Hell for the plate-wearing sort. Next one I get in front of me what's wearing heavy armor, I'm forgoing the knives and decking them right in the gob.

Arjn knows of Hiroko. Better him than anyone else, I suppose. Offered help, but I'd rather go at it alone. I won't be indebted to anyone, not even to an ally.

He did have work for us already, though. A client requesting Ceruleum batteries, and a lot of them. No idea what the man's name is or what his intentions are, and the pay is all Imperial coin. Sounds like a giant pain in the arse and dangerous to boot. But I feel like there's enough leeway for us to do some backpedaling, if things go south. And there was more than enough of that Imperial trash to make it worth our while, once we can find a fence what'll take it.

Need to track down lead on potential Magitek smugglers. Might be there's a privateering ship in Limsa coming in with Imperial plunder, or some not-so-legal dealings going on. Will have to hit the cobblestones and ask around.

RE: Treading Lightly: Meiko's Little Black Book - Jaliqai - 02-23-2015

A passage, written in the common tongue.
The contents are short and vague - obviously intentionally so.

25[sup]th[/sup] Sun, 1[sup]st[/sup] Umbral Moon

More to this business than meets the eye. Suspicions confirmed, though slightly different than imagined.

Will leave it be for the time. Dangerous to stick nose in where it doesn't belong with so few details. Might have an 'in' soon, anyway.

Things looking up, but still no leads on any Magitek smuggling. Must keep searching.