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How will 3.0 effect your RP? - Printable Version

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How will 3.0 effect your RP? - Erik Mynhier - 03-11-2015

I know we can't see the future, but seriously, this is Final Fantasy, and this franchise loves to repeat itself. Also we are getting info and will start getting more as we inch to June. So with what you are seeing, be it hinted story/lore or just good old story mechanics, how are you thinking this will effect your overall story?

Me and the RWs are waiting out the Ul'dah MSQ so see where we land, but me personally it is the IC airships for me. OMFG since launch I have waited for these bad-boys. Its one thing to go about say "hey, we have airships ic, ok?" but a whole different thing to be at the helm doing gods know what kind of awesome.

This is going to send me and mine straight into the........ well.....

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So what are you all thinking. Who is moving to Ishgard? Who will become a master of duel monsters.... I mean an Astrologist? Who will become a ic Blacksmith Specialist? What's you guys got?

RE: How will 3.0 effect your RP? - Duskwright - 03-11-2015

My RP will more/less stay the same. Rhyllona will end up taking Astrologian as a IC profession if it suits her how I'm hoping it will. Otherwise, Her thirst for knowledge and to invade peoples personal space won't change. I look forward to seeing how things will change people ICly though. :>

RE: How will 3.0 effect your RP? - Boo the Hamster - 03-11-2015

3.0 is going to be a big point for Enju from what I know.  Seeing his homeland after five years as a 'stranger' is going to be rather disturbing for him, let alone what other things he's going to discover about at least one of his friends that he knew for a long while.  Going from renegade to a phantom in Ishgard is an odd transition thanks to the time warp from Carteneau and how it affects others' memories of him.

Au Ra and himself are not going to get along very well, if at all.  He's hated dragons and hunted them for most of his life, and a draconian looking humanoid isn't going to help him feel better about it.  They're just reminders of the 'evils' that heretics bring upon others.  That mind set of order above all else gets in the way of pursuits he desires and keeps him strictly business, and I don't think that's going to change too much, if at all.

Depending on how his interactions go, he'll either be in that hateful rut, or he'll support factions of dragons if such a thing even exists. He's not exactly stable when it comes to his mind, despite his best efforts to have it appear and be so.

RE: How will 3.0 effect your RP? - Virella - 03-11-2015

Virella will be returning home before 3.0. in preperation for some serious dragon slaying. Like any good loyal Ishgardian, she will be a part of the Dragonsong war. I'm horribly hyped to say the least. 

As well I've got a few students to be for Virella lined up, given I'm already roleplaying her as an Astrologian! Next to that, she is dragging people back with her to Ishgard. In truth, I doubt I will leave Ishgard (and areas around it) any time soon, once it is released of course. And on top of that, people have shown interest on letting Vi predict the outcome of their personal stories way ahead already, so that is very sweet of them as well, and gives plenty to work with in the future.

I cannot wait to see what the stance is on Au Ra, from the Ishgardian point of view. It has so many possible storylines. But got to wait for more lore to get some plotting going.

RE: How will 3.0 effect your RP? - Kurt S. - 03-11-2015

Maybe Nako starts sending Kurt to Ishgard for long periods of time to go get dragon parts maybe not. Maybe I can add one more layer to Keil's personal storyline, some other Ishgardian tied to his Ishguardian, that means the riddle trail died and made way for something bigger.



Warrior Machinst Weaver Cook Monk- Kurt Steel

Dark Black Mage Knight Warrior - Ramona Spencer

White Astrologian Dragoon Mage- Keil Amalle

RE: How will 3.0 effect your RP? - TheLastCandle - 03-11-2015

The gears are already in motion and the stage is set for Yvelont to make a return to Ishgard. Maybe permanently, maybe not; that depends on the path the story takes. Either way, that alone will be a huge change to my RP.

As for Hibito, he's always been a Machinist IC and it'll be nice to be able to see that represented in the game finally! Beyond that remains to be seen.

RE: How will 3.0 effect your RP? - Cynel1 - 03-11-2015

Im Still debating on going to ishgard as a mission either as a  Flames Solider or a Sultansworn.

RE: How will 3.0 effect your RP? - X'shah Zinbhe - 03-11-2015

I am in the middle of undertaking a massive move so I probably won't be able to hop in immediately.

I'm going to be leveling Astrologist to an unknown extent yet to represent the mysticism involved with Kimah's tribe that she left behind. Another goal is to work on her blacksmithing since that's her main profession, intertwining the two into one.

I really hope that they release some sort of veiled garb so she can begin to properly fast and practice modesty.

RE: How will 3.0 effect your RP? - SessionZero - 03-11-2015

My exiled ex-Knight of House Fortemps will be absolutely giddy to return to the homeland and not leave again (he's one of the ones going with Virella up there). Right now he's sort of a smarmy rogue type but with an axe, but I imagine once he returns to Ishgard and once again becomes more heavily involved in the Dragonsong War that might change. He'll also be going DRK IC, barring any DRK lore that directly flies in the face of his backstory or character.

RE: How will 3.0 effect your RP? - Kellach Woods - 03-11-2015

My RP is almost non-existent at this point so 3.0 won't change much. Kell isn't involved much into the goings on of the cities.

At best I'll have to find a way for him to cover up, but then again, DRAGOON AF COMPLETELY IGNORES THAT COERTHAS IS COLD AS FUCK SO.

RE: How will 3.0 effect your RP? - Maril - 03-11-2015

Well, my character L'nessa is going to be moved to a new toon-slot with a namechange/fantasia x2 to make way for an Au Ra that I want to make, I've been levelling Nessa from 15-50 (almost there, 46 atm) over the past few months to make ready for it. Originally I was going to simply scrap her as a character as I never rp'ed on her much, but I have decided to simply move her over to one of my non-IC toon-slots. I have them all filled cause loltryingtorollanythingonbalmungnope. 
Other than that, based on the Reddit interview, my FC may have to move our bar "The Bottom" up from the basement.. and.. Probably rename it since it wont really make sense otherwise. This would happen if they do indeed place the workshop in the basement, I just can't really see how we'd be able to have the size of our bar intact when there's a presumably pretty big workshop that needs to be there too. 

We will have to work on a reason as to why we would eventually have an airship we'd be able to man (The interview mentions you can't man it until a later patch) though with being a trade company among other things, I don't think it'll be a big challenge - and it may more be a step up the company ladder for us. 
And obviously, we're following the happenings of Ul'dah with a keen eye as whatever happens there may lead to some consequences for us.

RE: How will 3.0 effect your RP? - Gegenji - 03-11-2015

Other than the brief hiatus to clear through all the new stuff, I don't see Chachan's RP changing all that much. Most of his "major" points have been hit at this point, save for a couple things I'm hoping to have wrapped up before 3.0 drops. After that, my plans for him are pretty loose and freeform, so he'll probably just go with the flow. Unless, of course, something in the MSQ presents something for him to run with.

Judge, on the other hand, will be getting his actual IC race and classes made available, so that's going to be nice. Since I'm having him run around in his tin can outfit, it won't overly change much... but if he ever gets unmasked, at least he'll be able to look the part and react accordingly.

RE: How will 3.0 effect your RP? - Steel Wolf - 03-11-2015

Wow, Kenny Loggins, Erik? Really? I'm really surprised you didn't use the actual Red Wings theme.

On point...

As I've been constantly squee'ing about in this forum...and in my FC...and to everyone within earshot...Dark Knight is a pretty pivotal point for Steel. It's the class that will give her the sense of empowerment and ability she demands of herself. What she does with that power is yet to be seen, but things are in motion to help her reach a new level of personal martial ability.

As for her personal involvement with the Dragonsong War or anything else going on in Ishgard, she'll likely be pretty far removed from it unless the gil bags are properly full. Being a born and bred Lominsan pretty much means any society that lords over the freedom of its people with the heavy cloak of zealotry is immediately despised. Still, she's not above selling her blade to the service of the Holy See at the right price or the lesser castes for the sake of kindness.

I'm still undecided on how she'll handle the personal airship thing. I'm kinda leaning towards her being very leery of the idea...which, ideally, would make for some amusing RP moments as she steers her craft into rocks or other airships in a fit of nerves. This also means she's gonna clutch onto her flying mount with a death grip. Could be amusing to have her land near others and her gryphon going into a coughing fit because it was flying at altitude under a Roe headlock.

RE: How will 3.0 effect your RP? - V'aleera - 03-11-2015

V'aleera is presently being set up for a return from Ishgard and a pretty abrupt uprooting from the few friends and companions she's made in Eorzea. When she is finally recalled, she'll pretty much throw herself headfirst into the war and the defense of the city.

What happens beyond that depends on how events unfold through the expansion.

RE: How will 3.0 effect your RP? - Warren Castille - 03-11-2015

Ask me after 2.55 lands. I can't see Warren having much to do with Ishgard currently.