Hydaelyn Role-Players
Varicar Rhylas - Printable Version

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Varicar Rhylas - Kagewoe - 03-19-2015

I. Basic Info
  • Characters:Varicar Rhylas, Veroga Clades
  • Primary character:Varicar Rhylas
  • Linkshells:None yet!
  • Primary RP linkshell:None yet!
II. RP Style
  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
    Typically medium to heavy. I prefer to type up larger descriptive posts which can make me a little slower sometimes, but can shorten them and do not mind light roleplay and enjoy its quicker dialogue, where characters snap back and forth at each other till one's wits cease functioning first. I'm not always IC, such as in dungeons, but if you want to see if I am or not, feel free to send a tell! I can typically quickly switch to an IC set and make myself in character in a matter of moments, if I was wearing gear that would not be something my character would be caught dead in.

  • Views on RP combat and injuries:
    I'm open to injuries and combat, but only so long as it isn't unreasonable or excessive. Killing outright without giving the other party a chance, or anything extreme like removing a limb without their express OOC consent to that damage is something I do not tolerate. If your character would attempt to do so, I do not mind so long as you leave me options that I can take to keep my character whole, even if he ends up suffering more as a result. Final results of encounters, such as scars and permanent changes to my character, are entirely up to me, as the final result for any combat damage my character may do is up to the other party, unless both parties agree what kind of damage should be done. I'm open to discussion regarding final results and effects on the character itself, but it is always the creator's final call when either side is affected by this kind of roleplay.

  • Views on IC romance:
    I generally do not roleplay with the intention of characters ending up in romantic relationships, but am ok with it if it does occur. Attempting to romance is perfectly fine, as long as it is what your character would do! My preference is that longer term relations occur over the course of RPs naturally if they are to happen, rather than dramatic introductions, but I'm fairly open to ideas.

  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
    That kind of roleplay is fun and my main preference, especially with all the twists and unexpected turns it can take, but  I prefer to be contacted OOCly first regarding potential family members or connecting backstories. If forged in the middle of RP as things develop, I'm more than OK with it! I do enjoy seeing ties created and broken, and all the changes a character may go through as a result of these new bonds or the loss of them.

  • Views on lore:
    I rather enjoy the lore and all the details regarding it, but do not mind it being bent or interpreted in different ways. Everyone has their own unique take on things, and I love to see how people have used it to shape their character or see what they have created. I try to stick to lore for my character, and welcome guidance when I do err, as I do not know all of the lore.

  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
    While I prefer to use /say and /em to RP, linkshells can be just as fun to use depending on the RP. I typically use quotation marks for when my character speaks, and what isn't in quotation marks is a movement he is performing at the same time, with parenthesis being used to designate OOC questions. /party chat is preferred when doing RP outside of a local hub and there's running involved, since I sometimes stop to try to type and get out of range of /say as a result if moving to a location.
III. Other Info
  • Country:United States
  • Timezone:Eastern Standard Time (EST)
  • Contact info: I can be contacted as Kagewoe on Enjin, through the Forum, ingame, or if you wish to add me on skype so we can talk, send a tell requesting for the information! Feel free to add to friends if you want to send a mail regarding anything as well.