Hydaelyn Role-Players
The Guilds/FC/Alliances/Etc. That You've Been In! - Printable Version

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The Guilds/FC/Alliances/Etc. That You've Been In! - Parvacake - 03-30-2015

If I don't have the thread in the right place, mod-senpais, go ahead and move it Big Grin


For myself, I'm passing on DOVE and moving on to do my own thing in the game. I fostered and nurtured my FC baby and now it's time to let it crawl on its own with all the active people and accomplishments already at its heels.

I gotta say, it's been awesome being so successful. Even more awesome to watch it grow and see people come and go and watch how that's affected the direction of the company as a whole.

So here's my question for you all~!

In your gaming experience, what has been the best guild you were ever in? Was it in this game or another or do you have more then one favorite?

RE: The Guilds/FC/Alliances/Etc. That You've Been In! - Claris - 03-30-2015

Mysterium. *nodnod*

Even in a few turbulent times, I have never not been happy with this FC. We raid, we dungeon, we RP. Just a helpful, awesome group of folks. I'm glad to call them my friends.

RE: The Guilds/FC/Alliances/Etc. That You've Been In! - Melkire - 03-30-2015

(03-30-2015, 01:43 AM)Lilithium Wrote: In your gaming experience, what has been the best guild you were ever in?

The one I'm in now.


RE: The Guilds/FC/Alliances/Etc. That You've Been In! - Maril - 03-30-2015

I'm going to say a guild that I was in before I even started Rping. I believe it was called Arachnoid or so, on Aggramar EU in WoW. They took me in after my now-ex stopped having the go for leading his own raid guild, and let me raid with them. It was a very nice guild, I don't remember there being much drama and everyone just looked out for one another. The raiding conditions were the perfect mix between casual chatter and focus, the moment a boss was pulled everyone's attention shifted in an instant. It was impressive to be a part of, and I honed some of my first english skills with them voice-wise. I still remember some of the super tense situations and can recall my raidleader shouting at me cause I was the only one left alive in one encounter xD Sadly I lost track of them after I moved servers and started to RP and as far as I know they disbanded some years later. I'm not sure I'd have kept at MMORPG's if it wasn't for their awesome guild, since community and friends is a large part of what kept me going then, similarly how RP is the glue for me these days.

I've been a GM for the past four years in several games and, whilst I love my Kindred and Clandestines to bits, I figured I'd pick one from before I became a gm.

RE: The Guilds/FC/Alliances/Etc. That You've Been In! - Warren Castille - 03-30-2015

I've been playing games with my current set of friends since 2008, and I'm the baby in the group by several years.

I imagine I won't ever go elsewhere.

RE: The Guilds/FC/Alliances/Etc. That You've Been In! - Erik Mynhier - 03-30-2015

Well I'm in the Red Wings now, started on launch day, folded it for a few months to help out a friend, then reopened it. Now this FC is my baby, and I love it and its members, even if they don't love me all the time lol. But that said its not my best, mostly because being in charge always takes a bit of the fun out as you have to work to keep things moving while keeping everyone happy which is impossible.

I would say the best was my guild in FFIX, and in extension, in EQ. In FFIX I was part of a smallish (50 members) guild called the Crimson Watch. We were all friends and played extensively together. We all came to FFIX and RO (played both at the same time) together as we had been part of a guild of the same name in EQ for years. All together we rolled together almost for 10 years. In the end though, like any good highlander, there can be only one.

Our leader died in 2012, miss you Juliette, I still name drop you here hun. Several of them moved off gaming as they got older, or moved from rpg/rp to things like shooters. One buddy from the day I run into on Destiny some times. So the long short of it is the RWs is my baby, but the Watch was my home for a long time. And you know what they say, you can never go home.

RE: The Guilds/FC/Alliances/Etc. That You've Been In! - Gegenji - 03-30-2015

Having been a WoW raider, I actually went through a lot of guilds. I don't remember all of their names, though...

The basic story was me joining WoW to play with a friend while in Tech School in the military. I forget if there was any guild at that point or what-have-you. I do remember him getting into Unity on Dragonmaw, run by Vividorrin, which was one of the top raiding guilds on the server. Through having him in there, I managed to get a trial run and got brought in with them.

That was how Vanilla WoW went. At some point or another, a group of us splintered up to form... Ixion? Something like that. And we made a bit of a name for ourselves by being this little upstart guild that managed to get through all the content from what looked like out of nowhere.

Then we decided to transfer to Proudmoore... and things kind of declined from there. Not everyone came with us, so we had to grab new players - and along with them came problems. Egotistical tanks, players who stuck around only long enough to get gear... that sort of thing. We still managed to do a lot, though!

I quit for a while around this point, and ended up coming back in at some point during Lich King out of boredom. Friend had gotten into a new, progressive guild whose name I can't remember and I managed to trial and get in after bringing my Hunter up to speed. Did content with them... and I think I took a break again from it before Cataclysm came out? I don't quite remember.

Either way, Cataclysm through Pandaria went well enough at first. I don't remember if it was the same guild or a new one... but we had cleared all the Cata content and were pushing through Pandaria. And then all the things I've mentioned over and over again when talking about why I'm burned out from raiding occurred - more people using us as stepping stones, horrendous guild drama, people continually bailing and forcing us to get and reteach new players... all ended up with my friend (who by this point was guild leader AND raid leader) just up and disappeared on us, leaving me and one fresh officer recruit in charge of the remains...

... Anyway...

When I got into FFXIV! I started on Zalera, playing with my sister and chilling in the supposedly pretty laid-back FC she was in. Don't remember the name, again. All that I can remember is that the clique in it got upset at my sister for not liking her attitude or something... and booted her. A few of her friends left after that, and so did I since there was nothing I really had worth staying for there.

I ended up joining my sister's own FC - Black Waltz - which was just her and her friends and me. Very very small, only JUST got a house a couple patches back. Sister's main, however, hopped from FC to FC as part of statics and whatnot. Since I wasn't doing that, I just sat in a usually empty FC and talked with her and her friends over a shared LS.

Made Chachan, and got into Coral! Which is full of all sorts of fun folks, and have a bunch of fun events for me to RP in. There's no real pressure to do any actual raiding (which is delightful), and we all seem to step up to help out when one of the others needs help with crafting or a dungeon or whatever. It's nice.

... Definitely better than the drama-filled nonsense I've had to deal with up until then.

RE: The Guilds/FC/Alliances/Etc. That You've Been In! - Nebbs - 03-30-2015

Hmmm.. no sure, things change so much.

I will pick my first ever guild in WoW "Wyrmspawn" that I started on AD and moved to SWC. It was a great place until RL tapped us on the shoulder. However, it spawned another guild that is still going strong today.

In FFXIV I would say the start of the game and TTG was quite exciting, but as personalities came into play rifts started to appear. After that I can't say I have been in what I would class as a guild long enough but some are looking promising.

I would say back in the day (~2005+) there was more need for cooperation and guilds had a clear sense of purpose, there were not that many games to go after so it was more stable.

Over the years as the number of gaming options increased churn of people means less stability and I have seen guilds rise and fall with greater frequency.

So personally I love guilds at the start, where you build that sense of purpose and all work towards a common goal. While it is still about the members I am generally happy.

I dislike when egos grow as well, it becomes about the leaders and officers and and when the guild becomes so big it fractures.

RE: The Guilds/FC/Alliances/Etc. That You've Been In! - Rosamund - 03-30-2015

(03-30-2015, 02:19 PM)Melkire Wrote: The one I'm in now.

I have to admit, I'm really, really happy with mine, even if I do say so myself. We started off with the most modest of intentions and I'm delighted to see how we've grown in a few short months. Delighted, and relieved, that everyone is a great RPer and great person behind the character as well.

That said...I have very fond memories of my guild in WoW. We RPed together, fumbled through PVE together, and just had a fantastic time. Even when the majority lost interest in WoW, we ended up together again in GW2. It was a sad day for me when even the GW2 guild died off, with so many people moving on to other games, but I still keep in touch with some of them.

RE: The Guilds/FC/Alliances/Etc. That You've Been In! - kitakaze - 03-30-2015

The very best guild to me was back in EQ, Mithaniel's Mirth on the Erollisi Marr server. It was the guild my Father played with, along with family friends from real life. They are the ones who made it possible for a kid who really wasn't old enough to be playing on his own to learn the ropes in a safe, welcoming environment. I hope they never learn what they unleashed on the MMO world stopped being awesome. 

As for FFXIV, Mysterium represent! Definitely a great group of friends who have kept me from letting my sub expire at least once! 

RE: The Guilds/FC/Alliances/Etc. That You've Been In! - Parvacake - 03-30-2015

Mine here so far has been DOVE.

In WoW on Moonguard it was The Temple: a group of me and some other friends on the Horde side who did mostly interguild RP. I eventually left because as much as I loved them all it was mostly the same few people RPing together so I left to find something more active.

Which I did on WrA! My favorite (and only) guild there being House Starfallen. Really cool group of people and I still talk to some of them to this day.

RE: The Guilds/FC/Alliances/Etc. That You've Been In! - Nara'to - 03-31-2015

The only FC I've been in so far was, can't remember the full name but I do remember the tag, ObCo.  This FC is filled with some pretty good people who aren't bothered with helping when they can.

I found myself being the guy that couldn't squeeze in to an already established group of friends so I said my goodbye and am now on the hunt for that FC for me.  I have only begun my journey here and hope I am able to meet some interesting people as I continue on.

I played WoW for years, mainly Horde, and went through so many guilds that were so quiet filled with many people who acted like they were some of the most anti-social people you'd ever meet.

After 6 years though I finally decided to start my own, Advent Soul, on Wyrmrest Accord Horde and eventually creating an Alliance guild Soul Advent.

Even though I no longer play WoW and call Balmung my home I do hope that there is an FC out there that will take on a somewhat newbie who just wants to enjoy his time here with others.  Here here Balmung ^.^

RE: The Guilds/FC/Alliances/Etc. That You've Been In! - Alothia - 03-31-2015

Mine would have to be my linkshells from 1.0, Aes Sedai Tower and Corvus Cinis.

It was a shame that things went the way they did when 2.0 hit, and we ended up splitting up and it formed rifts that haven't fully healed between us all yet. 

But during 1.0, they were my family. We had so much fun together, and I really do miss those times quite a bit. We'd have stupid death races and hide and seek events. Crafting faires where people could come, bring their mats, and our crafters would make things for them. There was RP, and even the people who didn't RP liked to sit around and listen to the RP. There were connections that I had with people in other linkshells that I still have today, even though I don't see people quite as often.

I honestly look back on it so fondly. It's probably one of the happiest times I've ever had in an MMO. Jutat is comprised of a lot of the same people, and some of the oldies are crawling out of the woodwork to come back. I do miss some of the connections, but that's why I've been posting on our FC thread and in the IC forum hoping to form some more.

If you're interested in what my time with AST and CC looked like, I can best sum it up in this video:

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To those of you who sometimes lurk and never post any more, I'd like to say thank you for making that the time that solidified my love for MMOs and RP as a whole. Thank you for making me, a newbie RPer at the time, feel welcome and loved. And although I don't know the people around here ICly as much as I would like to, I'd like to say thanks for making the world of Eorzea a bit more alive. Please, if you happen to see my character walking around and RPing somewhere, feel free to jump on in. Bump into her, overhear a snippet of her conversation, whatever. I'm more than happy to RP with each and every one of you.


RE: The Guilds/FC/Alliances/Etc. That You've Been In! - cuideag - 03-31-2015

With WoW, I was in a guild called the Sidewinder Band (Feathermoon represent!) and I absolutely adored them. It was a loose collection of people who happened to RP but it wasn't really an RP guild. Sure, there was sort of a story and sure, we got together now and then and RPed stuff, but really it was just a bunch of weird people who didn't know what they were doing and still managed to have a lot of fun with it anyway. Nobody really knew why they were working for the guild leader and that was just fine.

"Kill yourself and join the Sidewinder Band" was our slogan, and it worked.

Special call outs for the MC3 raid group (I miss you all so much!), Horde Misfits (some of y'all are here and I LOVE YOU), and the Anvil for being excellent people to raid with from Vanilla on.

For XIV, I have to give a lot of love to the Coral Sea. I have not felt as at home with a group of weird nerds in a long, long time. Great folks all around. Much love for putting up with me. <3