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Seekers of the Sun - Zu Tribe - Printable Version

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Seekers of the Sun - Zu Tribe - S'zhuto - 05-04-2015

Hello, denizens of the Hydaelyn Roleplayers Coalition!  I am S'shai, a pilgrim of the Zu Tribe, and I am here to share with you some of the history, lore, and legends of my people.  I am a new player to Final Fantasy XIV, having been brought in by a friend of mine, and I have been inspired by this post and the efforts therein to bring to life the twenty-six tribes of the Seekers of the Sun.  While I wait for Balmung to unlock in the wee hours of tomorrow mourn, I have decided to post what I have thus far constructed for the Zu Tribe in hopes of garnering feedback, suggestions, and perhaps the attention of other players who have chosen this tribe who wish to collaborate with me in this endeavor.

Some of you may notice that the Zu Tribe seems to have already been claimed according to that list - a devastating blow, as I had already decided upon which tribe that I would like to represent before I had even discovered that thread.  Fortunately for me, however, the individual(s) responsible for the Zu entry in that thread focused their efforts entirely on a specific Sept within the Zu Tribe, leaving the remainder of the group as fair game.  It is also quite fortunate that their sept is nomadic in nature, which fits well with what i have established for the greater tribe as a whole.  If the men and/or women responsible for that sept of the Zu Tribe happen upon this post and wish to collaborate with me in fleshing out the remainder of the tribe, I whole-heartedly welcome the interest.

With that small disclaimer out of the way, let us take a moment to discuss the Zu itself, and what it means to the tribe.

The Zu of Final Fantasy

The Zu has been a staple enemy in the Final Fantasy series since the fourth installment.  While it does change slightly from game to game in appearance, temperament, and abilities, the most consistent information about this creatures is that it is a large avian creature of great physical strength and that it is usually found either alone or in very small groups.  The Zu's strength is so great, in fact, that is also commonly appears as a boss in one form or another.

"But this is Final Fantasy XIV.  What the Zu was in past games doesn't matter here for our RP."

While I could not agree with you more, I assure you that the information is relevant.  I may be a new player, but I have done my research while putting together information for this tribe and I have only been able to find two accounts of a Zu appearing in this game.  One appearance is in a dungeon (as a boss, as they have known to appear as) and the other is of a Zu racial offshoot, the Cornu, appearing as a rank A elite hunt target.  With such limited occurances of this creature appearing in the game, and with both of those appearances being that of a boss-type creature, it is safe to assume that the Zu of Final Fantasy XIV conform to what we already know of the Zu.

As that seems to be the case, the Zu is certainly a king among beasts.  It is not be difficult to see how such a creature would command fear, respect, and adoration from the ancestors of the present day Seekers of the Sun.

There was, however, one additional piece of information that I was able to uncover and that is the information that the Zu are migratory in FFXIV's universe.  To be more specific, they seem to travel between Eorzea and the Near East.  This migritory instinct has, over the generations, become imprinted on the Zu Tribe of the miqo'te.

Zu Tribe Information, Customs, Traditions


Most Zu Tribe septs make their home in small villages within the region of La Noscea, where the Zu is known to nest during its stay in Eorzea.  The Zu septs outside of La Noscea are few and far between, but they do exist; often in entirely nomadic family groups who only settle in a specific area for no more than a few months at a time, inspired by the Zu on a near constant journey of spiritual attunement to their totemic protector.


As with the other tribes of the Seekers of the Sun, the chief deity among the Zu Tribe is Azeyma the Warden.  The Zu Tribe, however, also hold Oschon the Wanderer in nearly equal respect due to the venturous traditions of their tribe.  Friends and family all pay heed to Oschon, that he may bless and protect their loved ones during their pilgrimages away from their residing villages.  At the end of each pilgrimage, with the safe return of a pilgrim to the tribe, Oschon is even mentioned among the spirits honored in the proceeding celebration.

The Pilgrimage of Zu

The Pilgrimage of Zu is a tradition among the Zu Tribe that dates back as early as any tribal tales can recall.  Originally manifesting in the tribe as a means of honoring and attuning themselves to the guardian spirit of the tribe's totemic namesake, the pilgrimage has since evolved and holds many significant meanings to the tribe.

First and foremost, the pilgrimage maintains its original purpose of honoring the spirit of the migratory Zu, the tribe's totemic protector who is known for its own voyages across great distances.  The pilgrimage has also become seen as a right of passage among the Zu Tribe, with individuals who have undertaken the pilgrimage gaining favor as potential mates.  This honor holds such power in the selection of a mate that a Tia who seeks to become a Nunh without first embarking on a pilgrimage of his own will find little favor among his sept's females, despite his title.

Lastly, it is common practice for the pilgrims to bring gifts back to their sept from the world beyond the horizon.  This act serves as a way to bring small amounts of wealth and rare materials to the village.  In this way, each successful pilgrimage improves the life of not only the pilgrim him/herself, but it also serves to better the sept as a whole.

As these pilgrimages are viewed as attunements to the spirit of the Zu, rights of passage that bring favor to those who complete them, and ventures by which an individual may better the sept, members of the Zu Tribe are often urged to undertake the pilgrimage at least once in their lives.  This holds especially true for young Tia, who would find little favor as a Nunh should they ascend the position before completing at least one pilgrimage.  This must be done before becoming a Nunh, as the Nunh are prohibited from taking the journey.  Being away from the sept for such an extended period of time would interfere with their duties as Nunh.

Closing Statements

This is currently what I have developed.  It is all still a work in progress, as I am still reading about the world and the lore surrounding it.  In the coming weeks, I hope to learn much more, refine the information that I have thus far, and further develop the identity of the Zu Tribe.  Suggestions and critique from those who are more versed in the Realm Reborn that myself is most certainly welcome.  Those interested in what I have written thus far and who wish to be a Zu miqo'te themselves are more than welcome to collaborate with me in these efforts.

Looking forward to your feedback,

RE: Seekers of the Sun - Zu Tribe - Aysun - 05-04-2015

Well, most of us treat the Seeker tribe thing is that there are smaller sects of each tribe. So that no one is stepping on any toes or claiming to write lore for the tribe as a whole (or 'the remainder' as you put it). There are plenty of people playing that they are S tribe that AREN'T part of the established sect, but that doesn't mean you can write for them! I would encourage you to apply this to your own sect of the S tribe rather than 'the rest.'

That said, kudos on the research. I like the migratory influence leading to pilgrimages. At first I figured you'd go with the 'wanderer' aspect as far as migratory goes, like they lived 'on the road' all the time rather than established villages.

Some other things to think on as a RPer would maybe be how they handle 'outsiders' or how they interact with others (like the Limsa citizens) - do they go to the city often? Etc. Smile

RE: Seekers of the Sun - Zu Tribe - S'zhuto - 05-04-2015

I had considered their relations with outsiders.  I haven't added it to the main post yet, but I would think that would boil down to a sept-by-sept basis.  Those living close to Limsa or Costa del Sol likely have run-ins with merchants regularly and likely view outsiders as a source of trade.  Other septs on coastal areas away from the big towns likely face pirate raids and view outsiders with great suspicion.

You also pose fair points.  When I go to make my first adjustments to the original post, I will go back through and reword some of my work to make it more friendly to my fellow Zu Tribe role players.  It was not my intent to write for anyone else's character.  It was my intent to open the door for others to come in with their own septs of the tribe.

RE: Seekers of the Sun - Zu Tribe - Aysun - 05-04-2015

I figured it wasn't your intent to step on anyone's toes either, I just tend to play devil's advocate and wanted to point out how it may sound to people!

RE: Seekers of the Sun - Zu Tribe - S'zhuto - 05-04-2015

I do appreciate it!  I'll fix it when I've got enough work put into further developments to justify a large-scale edit.  Smile