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Ideas and headcannons for Au'ra(xaela) - Only a few days left! - Printable Version

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Ideas and headcannons for Au'ra(xaela) - Only a few days left! - Seye Qhesu - 06-13-2015



Since we are STILL waiting on SE to release information on the Xaela ( *LOOKING FORWARD INTENSIFIES*) I have been chatting with a few others to pop ideas down about what many are hoping the race is like. These ideas/headcannons are taken from reading the Xaela and Raen information provided by SE as well as trying to figure out what they may or may not be like so we can have a list so come xpac and through questlines we can see how close we were or if we were completely off. 

-Xaela are able to hear very well and have spatial hearing (from Xaela’s page). This leads me to believe they could be on par if not just under Duskwright hearing. Not as touchy with their horns as they are with their ears however. The idea I have with how their horns work is they feel the vibrations through them, like a hollow tube which then gets amplified by the sound bouncing around inside until it reaches their cranium. This allows them to hear better as well as note where the sound came from at a much better accuracy rate then another.

-Due to their horns being sensitive (not in a sexual way) and the way their horns often stick out from their face I see their courting to be horn rubbing. Yup, horn rubbing. I figure that touching one’s horns means love/affection and gently nuzzling them together is a greater sign of affection or friendship since well (depending on how close they are), who wants to get stabbed in the face when half of them are forward facing stabby stabby horns?

-Xaela are a warring and possibly vicious subrace compared to their cousins the Raen  (per Raen’s page they are said to bloody the land). This makes me believe they are either very territorial in the lands they roam (possibly like wolf packs keeping to a large area to claim as their own) or they have low amounts of food available and thus fight other tribes for it to steal.

-Raen probably see their cousins as blood thirsty savages and may constantly degrade them on their behavior.

-Naming conventions possibly chinese/korean?

- Xaela may take after the Mongolians and how they are constantly warring and absorbing smaller tribes. Refuse and be enslaved. Happily accept your fate and be a normal one of the main tribe.

-Au'ra do not have any special aging feature. They are not demon nor dragon. They just seem to look like them.

-Close knit tribes/clans. I don’t see Xaela having large groups. The idea still hinges on the idea they are like wolf packs, traveling about to hunt a certain area of a land they claim as their own and fighting off anyone who dares enter their lands to protect their claim to the food. The question becomes do they have the ranking of a wolf pack? Alpha? Beta? Omegas?

-Othard is possibly under Garlean control right now? Not sure if they would be exerting their influence a lot there or leaving the Au Ra be somewhat.

-Possible varying sizes of tribes. Large to small. All depends on where they come from.

-Xaela may be awkward in coming to the front. With the change of lifestyle and running in to others of the world they may seem a bit misplaced with varying cultures.

-A Garlean presence potentially puts pressure on Xaela resources, and in order to survive, adaptation is required.This may or will end up causing Xaela to meet the other races due to being pushed from their home to seek resources or aid. This allows people to create their character with more personality as they see fit then following a strict rule.

RE: Ideas and headcannons for Au'ra(xaela) - Only a few days left! - Cailean Lockwood - 06-13-2015

You have some really nice ideas. ^^


[Image: tumblr_inline_npt1yiJOc31sinq8t_500.gif]

RE: Ideas and headcannons for Au'ra(xaela) - Only a few days left! - Seye Qhesu - 06-13-2015

(06-13-2015, 09:31 PM)theincubuslord Wrote: You have some really nice ideas. ^^


[Image: tumblr_inline_npt1yiJOc31sinq8t_500.gif]
Some are of my own and others from well, others. I like being able to discuss this with other people because some of them are REALLY good and could be possible :3

RE: Ideas and headcannons for Au'ra(xaela) - Only a few days left! - banndsand - 06-14-2015

I'm sort of curious as to how the Garlean Empire factors into Au Ra life, as I think Othard is under Garlean control right now? Not sure if they would be exerting their influence a lot there or leaving the Au Ra be somewhat.

Also I like your ideas. :) I hope more people will chime in as well. I'm so hungry for Au Ra lore right now.

RE: Ideas and headcannons for Au'ra(xaela) - Only a few days left! - LiadansWhisper - 06-14-2015

I'm just curious as to how you're rating the "Highly Accepted," "Generally Accepted," and "Not Accepted"?  So far, the only person who seems to be doing sorting into those categories is you.  Is there another thread I've missed, or some discussion that's taking place on other platforms?

RE: Ideas and headcannons for Au'ra(xaela) - Only a few days left! - Seye Qhesu - 06-14-2015

(06-14-2015, 11:38 AM)LiadansWhisper Wrote: I'm just curious as to how you're rating the "Highly Accepted," "Generally Accepted," and "Not Accepted"?  So far, the only person who seems to be doing sorting into those categories is you.  Is there another thread I've missed, or some discussion that's taking place on other platforms?
The highly accepted, general, and not are from talking with other people. People can chime in and say if they feel something does not work and suggest it be moved elsewhere. My only thing is not to go 'THIS DOESN'T WORK BECAUSE YOU'RE STUPID AND YOU KNOW NOTHING OMFG WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE' type posting. That doesn't promote anything but negativity when this is meant to be a fun brainstorming section. However, to make it easier, I will remove the categories and make it a straight idea area.

RE: Ideas and headcannons for Au'ra(xaela) - Only a few days left! - industrythirteen - 06-14-2015

In my own headcanon, I personally do see Xaela tribes actually be pretty large groups of folks; some being large, extended families, joiners, or members of other, formerly conquered tribes. It all depends on how people come together, and what they can do to sustain their numbers. There is no reason to say someone can't do a very small pack-like tribe, but it's not what I am personally interested in for my own background noise. 

I also see a lot of room for various tribes being in this kind of awkward position of going about life how they used to, and how they are now living with either Raen, Doman or Garlean influence putting pressure on their way of life. Intentionally, or unintentionally. As a real world example, the Mongolians did not stay nomadic steppes horsemen forever. The Mongolians were not the Mongolians overnight, either. 

People change, places change, and the idea that all these Xaela tribes will be all doing the exact same thing all the time, all the same way, especially with external factors (factors that eventually push our characters into Eorzea) seems to me a potentially odd and even unnecessary limitation. I'm personally more excited for the sense of conflict that causes the changes, rather than trying to hold on to how something used to be. Once we do know what the lore team intends, we can deviant in meaningful ways. 

A Garlean presence potentially puts pressure on Xaela resources, and in order to survive, adaptation is required. I also think it would be odd that no Xaela tribe ever ran into any Raen settlements or people. Or Doman for that matter. I have a feeling that kind of civilization would have some impact on a nomadic people, and potentially changing attitudes, whether it's material wealth, or learning about things outside of their own culture, or setting up some sort of agriculture or trade. 

All things to consider.

RE: Ideas and headcannons for Au'ra(xaela) - Only a few days left! - Seye Qhesu - 06-14-2015

(06-14-2015, 02:03 PM)industrythirteen Wrote: In my own headcanon, I do personally do see Xaela tribes actually be pretty large groups of folks; some being large, extended families, joiners, or members of other, formerly conquered tribes. It all depends on how people come together, and what they can do to sustain their numbers. There is no reason to say someone can't do a very small pack-like tribe, but it's not what I am personally interested in for my own background noise. 

I also see a lot of room for various tribes being in this kind of awkward position of going about life how they used to, and how they are now living with either Raen, Doman or Garlean influence putting pressure on their way of life. Intentionally, or unintentionally. As a real world example, the Mongolians did not stay nomadic steppes horsemen forever. The Mongolians were not the Mongolians overnight, either. 

People change, places change, and the idea that all these Xaela tribes will be all doing the exact same thing all the time, all the same way, especially with external factors (factors that eventually push our characters into Eorzea) seems to me a potentially odd and even unnecessary limitation. I'm personally more excited for the sense of conflict that causes the changes, rather than trying to hold on to how something used to be. Once we do know what the lore team intends, we can deviant in meaningful ways. 

A Garlean presence potentially puts pressure on Xaela resources, and in order to survive, adaptation is required. I also think it would be odd that no Xaela tribe ever ran into any Raen settlements or people. Or Doman for that matter. I have a feeling that kind of civilization would have some impact on a nomadic people, and potentially changing attitudes, whether it's material wealth, or learning about things outside of their own culture, or setting up some sort of agriculture or trade. 

All things to consider.
Updated with the ideas and points presented.  <3