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Cowardly Antics. - Printable Version

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Cowardly Antics. - ZacharyVolfire - 07-03-2015

So I was wondering how characters here deal with biggest fear? Zach is a coward when it comes to anything ice magic related. Sees a ice sprite? He's 100 yalms deep in the "GETTINGTHEXUCKOUTTAHERE" town. Black Mage gathers ice magic? He tries to stop their casting or again sprints away without hesitating. He's been insulted and called a coward before and avoiding assisting in helping his WoL friends look for Iceheart or try to fight Shiva because he heard both had a strong ice affinity. Hell he hates traveling through Ishguard cause all of the ice casting monsters. Most people think he overreacts until he explains why he fears the ice so much.

So overall im asking. 

Character Fear?

How do they cope?

How do people respond to their fear?

Do you think one day they could be cured of there fear?

RE: Cowardly Antics. - Dis - 07-03-2015

I find it hard to pin down a specific fear for my main, because she's lived a while, seen a lot of things, done a lot, and what rattles her is more deeply emotional than tangible physical fears.

Liviana is scared to death of mites.  They're large, and have a lot of legs, and all of her no.  She runs, throws things, screams like a little girl and generally tries to put as many yalms between herself and the mites as humanly possible.  If she was the WoL, she'd make it as far as the Gridania quest where you go into Tam Tara, find out about the Diremites, and immediately retire.  I don't think she'll ever get over the fear, and while she'll eventually be able to do it, it'd probably be with huge anime tears in her eyes with someone else forcing her to not run away by binding her legs to the floor, or something similar.  

I'd have to think hard on my other characters, but Livi's fear is really stark and immediate and pops out very vividly in my head because of how utterly terrified she is of them.  I'm still trying to figure out if there's a specific why, or if it's just because of how they look, but either way, just.. nope.

RE: Cowardly Antics. - Asmodean - 07-03-2015

Character Fear?
Asmodean only real fear is failing to protect around him. He's the kind of person to dive in to the heat of battle and last to leave type, regardless of the risk to his own life. 

How do they cope?
Asmodean has come to avoid letting other get to close to him. He already blames his self of something he had no chance to change, so he avoid let history repeat itself by keeping himself a loner.

How do people respond to their fear?
While Asmodean loner mind set has made his fear something he never spoke about, I think most not only would understand but would try to help midlander though his own lose.

Do you think one day they could be cured of there fear?
He's already starting to shift away from his loner mind set due a few people met in character but I think the fear will always set there in the back of his mind, effecting every choice he make from here to the grave.

RE: Cowardly Antics. - Blue - 07-03-2015

Character Fear?
Physical contact, invasion of personal space.

How do they cope?
Jet'a always keeps a safe distance from others (and what better job than Black Mage to do that?), as well as an appearance and behavior meant to intimidate and discourage people from trying to be intimate/confidential with him.

How do people respond to their fear?
He doesn't explicitly inform others of his fear, but so far he has done a good job at keeping others way. His icemancy did the rest for those that still insisted and tried to approach him more than he was comfortable with.

Do you think one day they could be cured of there fear?
Probably not, or maybe in a distant future only for very few individuals (like, one or two at most), definitely not on a global level.

RE: Cowardly Antics. - LadyRochester - 07-03-2015

My character has three fears:

1. Losing her freedom.

How she copes: She goes to rather extreme measures to preserve her freedom, to the degree she ironically locked herself in a place with less freedom than she started because of her own fear of losing it. 

2. Losing her ability to use magic/manipulate aether. (And being an underachiever in that area.)

How she copes: This is one of the things that she really cannot control. Her obsession with magic has led to severely deteriorating her health. She's aware of how self-destructive she's being, but she thinks "Well, I've gotten this far, not going to turn back now." To her, magic is her life purpose, and it leads to very skewed priorities on her part.

3. Endangering/Losing a friend because of her own incompetence. 

It takes a lot for her to feel truly close to someone, and endangering them because of her own stupidity is something she is unable to forgive herself for. She has done this in the past, and even years later, she still has difficulty feeling plagued by guilt. She's not a very guilty person either, but this is a huge blow for her.

How do friends respond? Only two people are aware of all her fears, but number 2 is the most evident to those who are closer to her. Her obsession is often met with disapproval, as many can see how destructive her behavior can be, even though she hides most of it pretty well. Her closest friend once said that he couldn't continue watching her destroy herself, and if possible, keeps an eye on her to make sure she doesn't do something stupid. Can't say many others have seen it enough to measure a reaction from them.

Will she ever get over these fears? I can see 1 toning down, 2 has he possibility of disappearing if she finally begins to prioritize her life over her research, but 3 is bound to remain for the rest of her life.

RE: Cowardly Antics. - Rahal - 07-03-2015

Reiko has severe entomophobia and arachnophobia. This included vilekin. Her reaction is usually to run the fuck away. When force to fight she tends to use the most comically overkill spell and can come up with when dealing with them.

RE: Cowardly Antics. - -no longer matters- - 07-03-2015

War Siren's biggest fear....

Character Fear? Creatures with 
Tentacles... I mean have you SEEN Morbol's?????

How do they cope? She freaks out then tries to kill it with fire, or sword or axe or what ever. Creatures with tentacles should not be allowed to exist!

How do people respond to their fear? Weird looks, and laughs usually.

Do you think one day they could be cured of there fear? When all the tentacle creatures are dead.. maybe.

RE: Cowardly Antics. - Amielle - 07-03-2015

Ami has a fear of heights, as she has never been off the ground until a few months ago.

She deals with it by walking down the very middle of the walkways in Limsa, and avoiding cliffs!

People have been generally supportive so far, which is nice, although you can feel the surprise!

She'll learn to deal with them one day, I'm sure.  It'll just take time.

...not the most intersting or exciting phobia, I know, but that fits her just fine.

RE: Cowardly Antics. - Rosamund - 07-03-2015

Character Fear?
Inarah's main fear is what she calls "unnatural magic". Ghostly apparitions and delving into the spirit world, that sort of thing.

How do they cope?
She's run across it a few times and, well, she ran away the first time! Even left her friend behind to fend for herself. The second time, she stayed there to help her friend but wasn't a lot of use as she was mostly whimpering and trembling in fear.

How do people respond to their fear?
I thought she'd get more backlash for turning tail and fleeing, to be honest, but people were quite sympathetic. She's a lot harder on herself for abandoning her friend than anyone else is.

Do you think one day they could be cured of there fear?
Eh, well, she's able to at least stand her ground now but I don't think she'll ever stop being afraid of it.

RE: Cowardly Antics. - Scaraphae - 07-03-2015

Nhia has the typical rather shallow fears of growing old and losing her looks, such as they are. She also has almost a phobia of dodos and reacts by throwing things at them or taking a 5 malm detour to avoid stepping into their territory. How do people react to this fear? Well, not with sympathy, that's for sure!

RE: Cowardly Antics. - Lilia Lia - 07-03-2015

I don't know if it rises to the level of "fear" exactly, but Lilia has a very strong aversion towards alchemy.  She treats it kind of like a curmudgeonly old woman would respond to any of their prejudices... eyebrow-furrowing when the topic arises, deep well-meaning concern expressed when she learns that a friend of hers is dabbling in alchemy, complete unwillingness to use potions or to accept them as a solution to important problems she's faced with.  I'm basing it partly in the fact that alchemy is something that until recently was considered a "dark art" and viewed with suspicion. 

It's gradually being tempered by her experiences but every so often something will come up that will bring her back to square one:  any time someone explains something as an "alchemical accident," for instance, Lil gets some pretty strong confirmation bias.

I'm legitimately not sure where she's headed with this as it will entirely depend on things outside of my control, namely the way that alchemy is used by other characters in my RP circle.  She may come to accept it or she may even grow more fearful towards it.

RE: Cowardly Antics. - cuideag - 07-03-2015

Character Fear?
Losing friends and family. Might not guess it, seeing as Delial has a way of being kind of a butt (and an occasionally murderous butt at that), but the thought of having no one to turn to is one that does not sit well with her at all.

How do they cope?
Overcompensation, sort of. Tries to make a lot of casual acquaintances, brief contacts, and the like so that she might stay relevant to someone at least. She calls it business, and sometimes it really is.

How do people respond to their fear?
Some people seem to humor her, and put up with her company more than she would honestly expect them to. As long as she has something of interest to others (information, for example) then she feels she has an edge. Others might end up being alienated and move on.

Do you think one day they could be cured of their fear?
Probably not. She might be able to change how she goes about it but I'm not certain she'll ever get over it.

RE: Cowardly Antics. - 13uddy - 07-03-2015

I actually have a few fears for my character, but most of them are completely ridiculous fears based on stories he heard as a child that were merely superstition or just made up entirely by whoever told him the story.  He'll slowly overcome some of them, but it won't be an instantaneous change.  

The humorous part is I'm loosely basing it on my own experiences.  I spent a good deal of my youth in and out of hospitals or confined to home, so I never had a chance to realize a lot of what my relatives told me was completely false until I was in my mid teens.  Even upon learning that something I feared wasn't what I thought it was, it still took a while for me to drop the fear completely because it was so ingrained.

RE: Cowardly Antics. - C'kayah Polaali - 07-03-2015

C'kayah's biggest fear is betrayal. It's happened to him before in a big way, and so now a large part of how he runs his current organization is culture management, to reduce the chance of this happening again.

RE: Cowardly Antics. - Talon Morrigan - 07-03-2015

Character Fear?
Talon recently lost his new bride to assassins on the eve of their honeymoon, only to find that the group responsible for it had targeted members of his mercenary troupe. So his greatest fear would be the loss of others he cares for and feels responsible for looking after and leading.

How do they cope?
He copes by constantly trying to improve his current skills, and by learning new ones. He's a man who thrives and excels at martial combat, and thus if it's a new weapon or fighting style he has to try to learn it, to master it to the best of his ability. And while he's never going to be the best at everything, he's at least confident he'd know which end to point at the bad guys. 
Other than that, he's quickly learning to rely on others to help protect what he feels is most important to him. 

How do people respond to their fear?
Most of those who figure out Talons fear are pretty understanding. Many of his company members have taken to thinking of him as the "Always too serious older brother". It's made for many  an interesting moment at the Wanderer's Lantern of late. 

Do you think one day they could be cured of there fear?
Doubtful as he will always strive to protect those he cares for and I honestly don't see why that would be something that needs "cured".Â