Hydaelyn Role-Players
[Balmung] Kiipa's Character Caravan - Printable Version

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Kiipa's Character Caravan - Kiipa Nulstat - 07-20-2015

I. Basic Info 
  • Characters: Kiipa Nulstat, Katja Hoax, Ondine Mistborne.
  • Primary character: Kiipa Nulstat
  • Linkshells: The Rosebuds
  • Primary RP linkshell: None


II. RP Style 
  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
  • I'd say I split my IC/OOC time about 75/25, and when I'm IC I tend to lean more towards my surroundings than my own personal habits. I find it easier to make people comfortable if you mirror how they are, so if a group I'm with doesn't use OOC in public, I won't. If left purely to my own devices, or I'm in a crowd of people with varying styles, I'd probably be classified as a heavy - no OOC in /say, no goofy emotes, just my character.

  • Views on RP combat and injuries:
  • I prefer to discuss things prior to the event than use dice. I'm fine with my character losing, being beaten up, having things broken - but I draw a limit at death. Generally, if my character is going to lose in some way, I'd like them to win at a different time. It doesn't have to be combat, but it helps the give and take of it all.

  • Views on IC romance:
  • I handle this in two manners, and both are perfectly fine. Generally, I allow characters to develop on a natural level without player interference. However, I am not against discussing past relationships that might come up in present RP and either continue, or have an affect on other relationships. 

    I do, however, have a few caveats when it comes to IC romance. I prefer long-term storylines, and players who have actually put in the effort have a better chance of securing such romances. I do not lock all characters to a single player, and lastly, I do not hold characters in limbo for a return - after three or so months of no contact, the IC romance will end (but players are always welcome to patch things up on return if it's possible!).

  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
  • Family ties tend to be limited to trusted players. Anything else is perfectly up in the air and completely dependent on player/character participation.

  • Views on lore:
  • I'm fairly unfamiliar with the lore, and I'm learning as I go. I do tend to take small liberties with perceptions, but otherwise try to stick to what is known and accepted. I deal with shades of grey a lot, so I've learned that how I see something is not how another sees it, and that's okay. I do enjoy learning, though... so I'm always happy to share idea and snippets.

  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
  • /s and /em are IC unless noted. Everything else tends to be OOC, unless noted. 


III. Other Info 
  • Country:USA
  • Timezone:PST
  • Contact info:Kiipa Nulstat.


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