Hydaelyn Role-Players
4 Accounts Seeking Rps - Printable Version

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4 Accounts Seeking Rps - FallenVanguard - 07-26-2015

Hi there! I've madea couple of connections here so far, but I'm still fairly new! I only have one account on Balmung, so I'm mostly going to advertise him here, but I have 3 other accounts I might transfer to Balmung in a couple weeks if nothing turns up for them before then, but I'll list them here too!

Well, here we go. Iwant you all to try and forgive this post's length in advance :p

You can contact me on any of these characters in game or you can message me on here. Other contact points, such as AIM or Skype, are available upon request.

Altan Dotharl

Sex: Male

Race & Clan: Au Ra, Xaela

Server: Balmung

Personality: Altan is a confident but serious fellow. He has a solid head on his shoulders and can read situations quite well. He's sociable and usually a pretty up beat fellow, though he can get a bit moody and withdrawn when he's deep in thought. Altan's confidence can get the better of him on ocassion and he can be a bit of a show off, but all in all he's a “good guy”.

Altan has taken to the life of an Eorzean adventurer quite well, and enjoys adventuring and exploring new areas. Altan actively looks for challenges, particularly challenges to his combat prowess. However he's not a daredevil and actually dislikes recklessness, preferring to have a battle plan beforehand. Getting into a rushed, chaotic situation will tick him off at first, but once the going gets tough Altan's Dotharl heritage starts to show itself, and he begins to thrive in the chaos.

When put into a bad mood Altan doesn't hesitate to voice his irritance and even has a sarcastic streak. Altan has a tactical mind but struggles a bit to see the bigger picture, which means he stresses when he feels he has to be a leader because he's aware of this flaw. He actively yearns to fix this flaw.

Altan wants to leave his mark somewhere, somehow, in history. His ideal method of accomplishing this would be to take over the Dotharl tribe and lead them to even further greatness. However Altan realized that he needed experience and greater combat prowess if he wanted to accomplish this, and left to go hone himelf on his own in Eorzea. Though he says this it is still his goal to return to his homeland and take over the tribe, Altan's fondness for Eorzea grows everyday. Altan wants to do something extraordinary and doesn't see the value in doing ordinary things for ordinary people, as he doesn't see how that would make him famous throughout history.

However, to Altan's chagrin, he does have a kind heart and struggles with ignoring the plights of others. He'll cuss them out and complain for a bit, but he'll never back down from protecting the innocent or the weak, even if he'd gain nothing from it. He's a mercenary, hiring himself out to fight strong opponents or face great challenges for those that have some method of payment (or free, if he thinks the challenge is worthy of him) but doesn't really enjoy working in groups because HE wants to get reknown on his own first.


-Altan is very attracted to female Roegadyn. Their natural physical prowess and sturdy bodies are appealing to him, as he would prefer his women to be near his level in fighting ability and strength, and on average female Roes meet that criteria more than any other race

-Altan is proficient in sword and shield, greatsword, and axe fighting but specializes in lances. All other forms of combat are unknown to him.

-Altan suffers from thalassophobia, fear of the ocean/open water, and despite his attempts to conquer this fear it hasn't seemed to fade yet

-Out of admiration and growing love for his home away from home, Gridania, Altan lends his strength to the Twin Adders

Main RP areas:

Altan calls Gridania his home in Eorzea, though he often travels to Coerthas to further hone his skills as a dragoon. However his still an adventurer and has been seen across all of Eorzea

Evelynn Bradford

Sex: Female

Race & Clan:Hyur, Midlander

Server: Sargatanas

Personality: Evelyn Bradford, formerly known as Evelyn Aschdenne, is a former noble lady of Ishgard. As long as things are going according to plan, Evelyn's attitude is always graceful, never blaspheming and displaying a beauty similar to that of a swan. She can weave her way through conversations with practiced elegance and displays a higher level of education when she speaks. Evelyn prefers that most people see this side of her, as she was raised to behave as such in nearly any situation.

Of course, when with someone she's close with, alone, or if she's angered, this side of her personality cracks. Beneath that facade Evelyn's voice raises to loud volumes, her graceful expressions turn to less-than graceful frowns, and her shrewd, arrogant, bossy, perfectionistic tendencies can come to light. Even then both of these sides of her personality make up the entirety of the young noble, along with many other traits, but this particular rift in her personality was caused by the stress of her balancing her personal pleasures, her emotions, and her duties as a noble for the majority of her life.

Evelyn is cunning and clever, shown in how she was able to survive and thrive in the political intrigue that surrounded Ishgard. She will say that she follows the religion of her country, but only knows enough to pass off as a worshipper of Halone. While she truly does consider Halone her patron diety Evelyn prefers facts, science, and logic over faith anyday of the week. She can come off as haughty and cold, when she's not incensed, but despite it all she does mean well for anyone she cares about. It should be noted that Evelyn enjoys teasing others, playing with their emotions in a harmless manner, but she tends to take opponents more seriously. She especially enjoys teasing serious people and men that she's come to crush on, as a distant method of flirting.

Because she desires to return to wealth and potentially nobility itself once again, Evelyn does not tolerate excessive spending. However, she knows that such spending of money in meaningful ways is hugely beneficial. One subject Evelyn avoids discussing is the high possibility of a political marriage to raise her family's status. She has a high elitism attitude as a former noble and has always seen others from above, but does try not to look down too hard on commoners. After all, she's a noble no longer. Evelyn is bitter about the fate of her family and noble house, harboring a grudge towards the Holy See and thoughts of vengeance as well.


-Evelyn hates all alcohol but loves the taste of fine wine, and is very bad at handling her wine at that

-Evelyn is highly talented mage in every area but a failure at other forms of combat, resulting in her figure being rather soft despite how slim she is

-Evelyn will not accept any suitors that lack the intelligence to match her own wit, and tends to prefer other Hyur or Elezen over any other race

Main RP areas:

Evelyn is studying arcanima in Limsa Lominsa at the moment, but as she doesn't have a set home in Eorzea she tends to travel between the three city states a fair bit.

Brave Shine

Sex: Female

Race & Clan:Roegadyn, Hellsguard

Server: Jenova

Personality: Brave Shine is loud and not afraid to get in someone's face. She's crude with how she speaks and how she acts, the type of girl to snort in derision and roll her eyes when she sees something she doens't like. Brave has no problem saying what she feels or thinks, for better or for worse, but she does have a habit of teasing and insulting others including those she may consider to be friends. When she can't solve an issue with her harsh words or dismissive insults, she's more than willing to get her fists or her sword involved.

Brave likes to keep a tough front, which includes not getting too close to others. She's vocal and social enough but she doesn't really open up to anybody unless she's gotten very close to them. A funny quirk of hers is that she doesn't like bullying or bullies, and she's more likely to turn her aggression on them than anything else. As for others she tends not to be TOO aggressive or mean to them, at least not intentionally, though sometimes if she's in a mood she will lash out on them.

If you do managed to become friends with Brave, you'll find that you have a friend who will fearlessly stand up for you no matter what. All of your enemies become her enemies, unless she thinks you've made an enemy over stupid reasons. She's also very competitive and has a deep passion for winning/succeeding at whatever she sets out to do. Brave has a love for gold, having spent quite some time impoverished, and works hard to earn what she has. However she drinks away quite a bit of what she earns.

Behind her tough exterior, Brave is still a bullied little girl. She has trouble's showing her empathy towards others and is pretty useless at helping someone through a difficult time or event in their life, making her awkward to open up to or cry around. This is because she feels that, if she empathizes with someone, she'll wind up looking weak. Brave is too proud and too afraid to show any weakness to anyone and will lock away her insecurities as best as she can.


-Brave believes she can only like men that are as strong as she is, and as such prefers larger males such as other Roes, Highlanders, and Au Ra.

-Brave is a combat goddess with a sword, shield, and heavy armor, but she's taken up the axe as well. Brave is also looking to learn some basic white magic to keep herself going in a fight.

Main RP areas:

Brave Shine spends the vast majority of her time in and around Ul'dah, but will travel under the right circumstances. She does have a bit of fondness for Limsa Lominsa, as well

Saran Borlaaq

Sex: Female

Race & Clan: Au Ra, Xaela

Server: Jenova

Personality: Saran is, above all else, quite self-confident. It borders on arrogance, but she makes a point not to be mean about it. Rather than put others down and make them feel beneath her she shines on her own, and would honestly prefer raise people to her level. This confidence and security in her own skin is such that she has very little shame and modesty, and is quite hard to embarass. The faults that she is aware of she owns and admits to, and constantly strives to further improve herself.

While not the type to talk down to others directly, unless they are rude to her or her friends, Lux does have a bit of a haughty attitude. Saran's got quite the sharp tongue and is great at insulting those that offend her. Her emotions are quick to rise, as well. However she has the best interest of her loved ones at heart and can keep herself calm and composed through the most trying of circumstances if it is for their sake.

Unlike others whose ambitions are for fame and glory, Saran's ambitions are simply to be the best she can be. She isn't as adverse to helping ordinary people with ordinary problems as she thinks it's the approval of the masses that really counts. Saran is, in reality, a very kind person. She trains hard simply because, to her, battle is a form of “art” and a skill that she has learned, so it would be a waste to not push herself to the absolute limit.

Saran is not too flirty but acknowledges that she's considered quite the beauty. She is very quick to decide on whether or not she likes a suitor, and if she does then she will flirt back. However it is hard to recover from a bad first impression if you aim to be a suitor of any kind, but she might forgive you to become a friend.


-Saran has high standards in only a few areas for her suitors, but so long as they meet the criteria with one of them she'll happily indulge them. They must either be very attractive, very skilled, very intelligent, or of high status where they are from. She had absolutely no preference for any race over the next

-Saran trains in hand-to-hand combat and archery but little else. Her archery is mostly used for hunting but she has practiced it enough for combat as well

-Saran may view battle as an art but she is a bit of a sadist, and revels in the pain of her enemies

Main RP areas:

Saran travels Eorzea but prefers Ul'dah and Gridania over anywhere else

Well, there you have it. Sorry for the 2000+ words :p. I hope to be rping with you guys soon Big Grin

RE: 4 Accounts Seeking Rps - Marm - 08-01-2015

Whenever you are on Sargantanas I'll try to find you.