Hydaelyn Role-Players
Table: Party of Four, Plus! - Printable Version

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Table: Party of Four, Plus! - Tessatore - 08-27-2015

Since I'm terrible at thinking of ways to introduce myself OOC, I will give this template-thing a go!

--MMORPG background
I have been playing MMOs for a very long time. My first MMOs were text-based things called MUDs, MUSHes and TinyMUs.

I've played a number of MMOs, but my list that I can remember is as follows:
Star Wars Galaxies
EverQuest 2
Final Fantasy XI
Lord of the Rings
World of Warcraft
Guild Wars 2
Star Wars: TOR

These are the big ones that I spent a good amount of time on. The most time spent was on World of Warcraft (Wyrmrest Accord) where I led an end-game RP/raiding guild for over a year, before handing the reins over to someone else.

--RP experience
I've been RPing for about 21 years now and started when I was 11 in chat rooms before there were alternate methods. Overall, I have RPed in various formats including chat (AOL/YIM/MSN mostly), forum RP, tabletop RP and MMOs.

As aforementioned, I spent a lot of time building up an end-game RP/raiding group on World of Warcraft, where we actually went through some raids in character, trained new end-game raiders and helped new RPers get off the ground. Lately, I've spent most of my time playing admin to a forum RP with a friend of mine and wanted to get back to MMOs.

FFXIV is the first MMO in several years that has held my interest (likewise with the rest of my friends), so it's our chosen home with actual subscriptions and all!

--Character ideas/info
So, this is the fun part. It's not just myself that I'm signing up for, but as a representative of a group of four people (roughly). We are all very new to RP on FFXIV, and for some, it'll be their first experience for MMO RP (but not in general). As the veteran RPer, I get the lovely task of finding a server to call home for all of us.

Thus, we are extremely open to new ideas at this point as we all learn the game together and want to grow, both from a character standpoint and an RP standpoint.

--How did you learn about the coalition?
I actually spent a week researching "ffxiv rp servers" online and came across this forum. Of course, I know Balmung and Gilgamesh are the main hubs for RP, but I've also found that they are extremely difficult to get into without a server transfer, and I can't ask people to pay $18 they don't have for a game they just bought straight away (unfortunately, because the Balmung/Gilgamesh RP community sounds awesome).

I've actually spent the past week rolling multiple characters on different forums to try and scope out the RP community on various servers before posting here.

--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?
For myself, I'll probably wind up being the most active along with one of my friends who comes from a forum RP background. The other two (at least) have slightly varied schedules and were mostly tabletop RPers, so I can't speak for them at this point.

Personally, I enjoy long storylines, especially if they involve mysteries, and wide-range plots. Also, the community is the most important! While our characters may not get along, laughing at my characters victories and follies from an OOC standpoint is one of my greatest joys.

--Anything from real life you'€™re comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)
I do have a full-time job. I am a web designer/front-end developer with a standard office schedule that goes 7-4 Mon-Fri. I also like to skin forums in my off-time (mostly for phpBB and some MyBB), along with doing graphic manipulations, video editing and an occasional sketch here and there.

Most of my time on FFXIV will be spent in the evenings (CST) and on the weekends, assuming real life doesn't get in the way!

And for those that want the TL;DR (too long; didn't read) version:


I am looking for a server to call home for at least 4 people, potentially more (possibly 3 extras) if I can convince them to roll alts on whatever server we choose. All are RP-minded in some fashion and our goal is to help bolster an already existing RP community rather than try to get people to join us on [insert random server here].

I know everyone's going to say "Balmung" or "Gilgamesh", but I can't ask that many people to spend the $18 at this point in time, sadly. Thus, we're looking for alternatives to help liven up an existing RP community on a 3rd server! Smile

Thanks for reading and may your hits always be critical.

RE: Table: Party of Four, Plus! - Khunbish Avagnar - 08-27-2015

I'm gonna wish your group the best of luck in finding a home!

RE: Table: Party of Four, Plus! - Tessatore - 08-27-2015

Thanks so much! Smile

Any suggestions at this point are appreciated. We tried the server maintenance trick too, but that didn't work for us either. Right now, I've seen some things floating around Siren and Famfrit mostly.

Maybe when I'm more awake, I'll go actually post in the RP Discussion area. LOL!

RE: Table: Party of Four, Plus! - Roe Dad - 08-27-2015

Welcome have fun.

RE: Table: Party of Four, Plus! - Tessatore - 08-27-2015

Thanks Okhi! Smile

RE: Table: Party of Four, Plus! - Anthony Valron - 08-27-2015

PSA: Avoid Gilgamesh

RE: Table: Party of Four, Plus! - Tessatore - 08-27-2015

(08-27-2015, 11:00 AM)Anthony Valron Wrote: PSA: Avoid Gilgamesh

Really? Why do you say that, if I can be curious?