Hydaelyn Role-Players
New to RPing - Printable Version

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New to RPing - Souto_Namigase - 09-03-2015

Hi everyone!

After a long time consisting of thinking, pondering, debating, and discussing with friends I have finally decided to stop getting my toes wet and decided to jump right in and give RPing a fair chance. I've yet to transfer to Balmung but am planning on doing so by this weekend and can't wait to join you all.

This being the first time I'm officially starting to RP I don't have much experience with it, aside from having made some basic background to my character when messing with some friends where we would behave as if we were our IG characters themselves. Never really taking that anywhere nor participating in big story arcs or things like that.

So, being that I'm as new as you can get with this I would really appreciate any help/advice and look forward to learning more about the world of RPing in FFXIV!!

I'll put this here for the short version:

--MMORPG background - Started playing MMO's in general 8 years ago
--RP experience - None
--Character ideas/info - Name is Souto Namigase. Born in Doma but raised near Ul'dah. He's my IG self so he will think and act as I would in RL.
--How did you learn about the coalition? - Researching RPing in FF14
--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy? - Definitely Light to start with.
--Anything from real life you'€™re comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc) - Male, 25(almost 26) yrs old, online mostly in the evenings except for the weekend which depends on RL commitments.

RE: New to RPing - Khunbish Avagnar - 09-03-2015

Welcome to the server! Plenty of people and resources, I'd offer but you'd have to wait a week to RP with me it sounds since I won't be around this weekend or the following week mostly! I hope you have lots of fun and an easy time learning!

RE: New to RPing - VersaceCatnip - 09-03-2015

Welcome to the cool kids RP club . Cool
I'm new too, so if you'd like to hit me up, feel free to~!
Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

RE: New to RPing - Aya - 09-03-2015

Welcome to RP!

I would give yourself only the most very, very basic outline for your character, then join in and try to RP!  You'll learn more about your character as you go, and can fill in blanks and even change things as you figure it out!

I would do your best to separate your character from yourself, conflating the two is called bleed-through.  Its important to remember that players are play-acting their characters, its no different than an actor in a movie or show, or the writer of a character in a book - you should not take anything personally!

That said, think here are a couple of quick questions to ask about your character:

1) What did his parents do?  What was he raised to do?

2) What does he want to do with his life?

3) How does he have/make enough gil to get by day-to-day?

Those all provide hooks to get going right away!

RE: New to RPing - Lydia Lightfoot - 09-03-2015

Welcome, welcome! Here is your delicious Balmung Cookie. I think you'll like RP, though I do suggest spending some time around the Quicksand in Ul'dah just silently watching what others are doing. When in doubt, monkey-see monkey-do! Of course, some of the RP around the Quicksand isn't... great... but, it at least is exposure.

RE: New to RPing - Laike - 09-03-2015

I am perfectly happy to RP with new RPers, and I think Laike is a fantastic jumping off point. He's very lore simple so there are no landmines to worry about. He's friendly. And generally easy to 'fit in'. As he basically has no alliances at this point.

Hit me up! I always have stories to throw at people!

RE: New to RPing - Souto_Namigase - 09-03-2015

*slowly eats cookie* Thanks everyone, really appreciate the advice and help! 

I do have the basic background to Souto since I figured I would at least get that down at least. I am also not that concerned with Bleed-through since while Souto does have my personality, that's mainly since I'm new and makes it easier for me to roll with whatever Rping I find myself in. 

Thanks for the advice again, and think I will spend some time in the goblet and see some rp first hand. See you all this weekend!