Hydaelyn Role-Players
Musings of the Stars [A Sorora Journal.] - Printable Version

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Musings of the Stars [A Sorora Journal.] - Sorora - 10-31-2015

[Image: tumblr_inline_nwou1cqGW21tpgd4u_540.jpg]

It laid in her lap, unclipped from her hair as Sorora brushed her fingers along its edges.  Over time, that feather had seen its own fair share of hard times, wind, rain and dust.  Her best effort was taken to leave it as restored as possible, and so, much as she did every few nights or so, clear lacquer and a brush was plucked from her bedside table. With care, she brushed the clear liquid along its edges, doing her best to prevent splitting and falling apart. Some might have even told her it was time to let go of such an accessory.  The thought itself caused her heart to ache.  The very feather served as a final reminder of her past, and though times were well for the petite midlander, it was the last memory she kept from long ago, one that left her in comfort and would long stay at her side, even as those came and went.

“Time heals all wounds, sure.”  She thought.  “Though I am unsure what I would do if such a precious memory were lost and faded.”

The lacquer was tucked away once again before the feather was placed on her bedside table to dry.

Musings of the Stars [A Sorora Journal.] - Sorora - 10-31-2015

[Image: tumblr_inline_nx2nx2SCaK1tpgd4u_540.png]

“It’s been seven cycles since your passing.”

The slender midlander made her way down toward the docks closest to her home in the Lavender Beds.  Solemn as an occasion it was for her, she was at least thankful the stars hung bright, almost all knowing that she had hoped for this kind of weather.  Those in the company had long been asleep when she slipped out the front door, tiny wooden box in hand.  Still though, once she was at the end of the dock, it didn’t keep her from peering over her shoulder, making sure no one had followed as some had a habit of doing.

“Seven cycles, though through my own admission I’ve been kept so busy that it’s been easier.  I haven’t forgotten you though.”

Busy had rung true for her, though her efforts to pick her life back up had served successful.  Slender digits unlatched to box as Sorora opened it, pulling out a small white candle, a set of matches and a small flower made of hollow wood, stained so that it wouldn’t catch fire, and still float atop of the water.

“If only you were here to meet all of the special people I’ve grown to know.  If only you understood how they’ve helped to open my heart back up and seal that void which came with your passing.”

Her heart began to thump in her chest while trembling hands struck the match to light the white candle.

“My mentor, my wanderer.”

Carefully the candle was attached to the small wooden flower.  She settled watching the flames for a moment as a soft sigh escaped her, that heavy beat in her heart aching.

“My first love.”

She settled the floating candle in the water, letting now the soft wake in the water surrounding the dock to carry it off and into the expanse of stars found in the water’s reflections.  Something settled inside of her as a soft, though some what pained smile settled along her features.

“It’s time for me to move on with my life now.  I’ve long since tried to settle.  I promise though, your memory will stay.”

And with that, the midlander, free of one burden carried herself back to where she called home.