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Besides the Sands, where do people rp? - Printable Version

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Besides the Sands, where do people rp? - Sev - 03-17-2016

I've never been too fond of tavern rp, but it is a good way to make friends. That being said, the Sands is just so crowded I can't hear myself think in there much less keep up with any rp, so, are there any other rp hubs that are decently active?

RE: Besides the Sands, where do people rp? - Chlodomer - 03-17-2016

The Drowning Wench which is the Quicksand equivalent in Limsa Lominsa.

RE: Besides the Sands, where do people rp? - Unnamed Mercenary - 03-17-2016

I usually find people out and about through all the major towns. (Gridania, Limsa Lominsa, Ul'dah and Ishgard).

If the Quicksand is getting a bit too packed for comfort, there's usually a smaller group of people in the Drowning Wench or Carline Canopy.

As it's a Thursday, I also believe the Harbingers of Dawn FC is hosting their weekly tavern night over at their FC house. Details can be found in the Calendar and in their main thread here: Harbingers' Weekly Tavern Night (Thursday nights, 9PM EST)

RE: Besides the Sands, where do people rp? - GhostlyMaiden - 03-17-2016

I actually made a thread asking a similar question a few months back.

That should give you some good ideas.

RE: Besides the Sands, where do people rp? - V'aleera - 03-17-2016

Ishgardian players tend to do their tavern RP at either the Forgotten Knight or the tavern near the Observatory in Central Highlands.

RE: Besides the Sands, where do people rp? - Klynzahr - 03-18-2016

I have also had good results at The Coffer and Coffin in thanalan and Buscarron's Druthers in the shroud. They can be hit and miss, but I find that if I sit down at either one someone usually stops to talk eventually.

RE: Besides the Sands, where do people rp? - Lydia Lightfoot - 03-18-2016

Hello there, Sev! The folks in my FC, Wayfarers of Eorzea, usually have a little RP going on most nights (or if we don't, we can often rustle up a few people to cluster up for some, if we're poked). It's often tavernish or slice-of-life type RP, but as you say, that's how characters get to meet and become friends in between the more dramatic plot moments. Throw soft plushy objects at me any time and I can let you know what's going on right then. Smile I'm most often on O'sena Rhen or Summer Holly the past couple weeks.

RE: Besides the Sands, where do people rp? - Leggerless - 03-18-2016

Are there any other RP hubs... well. I mean.

[Image: everythinglighttouches1.gif]

Not to troll or anything, but any place that isn't listed in Food Magazine's Top 10 Bars. There's an entire area to explore and use for RP.

Sands is there because it satisfies two things: The 3 V's of data and access. There's plenty of volume, variety, and velocity going into the place providing you many angles to work with and it's easy to get into to.

EDIT: Seems like OP doesn't want other taverns for answers.
(03-17-2016, 07:59 PM)Sev Wrote: I've never been too fond of tavern rp, but it is a good way to make friends. That being said, the Sands is just so crowded I can't hear myself think in there much less keep up with any rp, so, are there any other rp hubs that are decently active?

RE: Besides the Sands, where do people rp? - Momo - 03-18-2016

My best suggestion:  Get an RP group in either an LS or an FC, this will solve the problem of both "only tavern RP" and making new RP friends.  Looking around RPC is always good, we have lots of LSs ad FCs around, and/or if you know what sort of RP you are looking for that would advance your character, many times people can help in that way.

While the places above are great, many of them require already knowing people and getting them together to actually RP with any success in them.  If you go to those places and sit waiting around, you are going to be there quite some time.  I am going to stick with trying another way to get RP, certainly make use of open nights at inns and taverns which are player created, that helps.  Find a good group, tell them you want a trial basis as a member.  Strike out there, and you will find good RP, it is all over, you just have to look hard for it, but once you -do- find it, you will see it in all the places you didn't before.

RE: Besides the Sands, where do people rp? - Cato - 03-18-2016

Finding random role-play in FFXIV can be tricky. There's a lot of different factors to consider and in many cases people just end up defaulting to 'tavern' role-play in order to get their fix or they rely on attending large events instead...which can be pretty overwhelming/not exactly everybody's cup of tea.

My advice would be to keep an eye on this site for role-players who pique your interest and then PM them with a request to potentially meet up in-game to get something going. I've embraced this route myself and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. The key is to be persistent and be proactive. 

Joining a FC or LS - as others have suggested - is also a great way to open up more opportunities. Finding the right FC or LS may take some trial and error. Don't be afraid to shop around until you find something that fits your schedule and the sort of role-play that you enjoy most. Bear in mind that some LS's and FC's will default to 'tavern' role-play and so you should try and get a feel for what is on offer before committing heavily.

RE: Besides the Sands, where do people rp? - Paradox - 03-18-2016

I don't know if it's been mentioned, but there's a thread here on the RPC for forming connections/finding RP for your characters. Maybe check that out and see if someone is looking for RP that suits your needs, or even put up an ad there yourself and see if anyone bites. Even if not, it's an extra avenue you've tried, and exhausting multiple avenues at once is the best way to get something.

RE: Besides the Sands, where do people rp? - John Spiegel - 04-16-2016

I personally RP wherever the winds may take me.. John being an adventurer, I often walk through an area or hamlet and hang out. See some sparse RP here and there of other travelers or whatnot. It's much more rewarding to me for that character to naturally be out traveling (and never in the Quicksands).

Alex is a tad more stationary, he's most often at my company HQ since he's sorta kinda the boss (actually, he is the boss) so he's couped up in the office. If I think about it, I'll have Alex out training and whatnot too, he hangs around a tavern here or there for food but more often than not he's at HQ.

RP is out there in the wilds, just have to find it. It's not the destination but the journey! (If it works for your character to be traveling)

RE: Besides the Sands, where do people rp? - Nebbs - 04-16-2016

Do you want to know a secret?

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Also there is a proliferation of house based taverns, worth checking out. Tavern RP does not have to be just chatting, it can be a place where stories meet, mingle and go away changed.

And always there are lots of events going on, so join one of the LS focused on commenting folks as they tend to drop announcements, even walls-of-text of RP events! Or, check out Nefzen's RP Events Calendar

RP mantra (alpha)
  • Be up to something
  • Share that with others
  • Let stuff happen