Hydaelyn Role-Players
Dedicated Maelstrom RP Linkshell/FC - Printable Version

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Dedicated Maelstrom RP Linkshell/FC - Soren Lier - 03-21-2016

Hello all!

I'm just wondering if this is the best place to check? I'm interested in starting a Linkshell or possibly even a FC that's dedicated to those who wish to RP as members of the Maelstrom GC. Unfortunately, I'm really new to RP here and I've no idea if it's been done before or if such a Linkshell/FC currently exists D:

I've searched through this place and that doesn't seem to be the case, but knowing me I've more than likely missed something! If members could let me know if this is:

a) Already a thing
b) Not a lore-friendly thing or
c) If they'd be interested

then that would be amazing :3

Thank you for your time and thanks in advance! xxx

RE: Dedicated Maelstrom RP Linkshell/FC - Nebbs - 03-21-2016

Good idea, I hope some are interested. I'd love to promote RP in Limsa and Wolves Den etc..

Nebula would join as she is kind of on retainer to the Maelstrom (for reasons).

Generally I have seen such themed LS come and go, I think I remember a Limsa one at one time.

RE: Dedicated Maelstrom RP Linkshell/FC - Soren Lier - 03-21-2016

Ahhh so there's a precedent for it! Thank you for letting me know Big Grin

If it's a popular enough idea I'm happy to set things up and of course, you're certainly invited. I hope to stick around for a while instead of forming and fading. You're right, it would be nice to see more RP in Limsa. x

RE: Dedicated Maelstrom RP Linkshell/FC - FreelanceWizard - 03-21-2016

It makes perfect sense for members of the Foreign Levy and others affiliated with the Maelstrom to have a shared linkshell. Sadly, I've yet to see one of these take off.

If you do get it up and running, L'yhta's a consulting mage for the Maelstrom who handles various magical tasks through the Foreign Levy, so I'd be happy to take a pearl to help out whenever anyone needs magical firepower IC. Smile

RE: Dedicated Maelstrom RP Linkshell/FC - Jana - 03-21-2016

Whichever FC Shoshopu and Fyrilsunn are in is a Foreign Levy company, maybe they are close to what you're looking for. I'm at work so I can go digging for the name myself right now.

RE: Dedicated Maelstrom RP Linkshell/FC - Soren Lier - 03-22-2016

(03-21-2016, 12:42 PM)FreelanceWizard Wrote: It makes perfect sense for members of the Foreign Levy and others affiliated with the Maelstrom to have a shared linkshell. Sadly, I've yet to see one of these take off.

Thank you for the replies! Interest seems scarce as it is, but having only mentioned it on the forums I've not got much to judge it on. Perhaps I should just throw caution to the wind, make the shell and then see how it goes?

(03-21-2016, 12:44 PM)Jana Wrote: Whichever FC Shoshopu and Fyrilsunn are in is a Foreign Levy company, maybe they are close to what you're looking for. I'm at work so I can go digging for the name myself right now.

If such an FC already exists then I'd be happy to hear about it, the last thing I want to do is tread on anyones toes by setting up something that's already a thing! All details are appreciated.