Nyx Netherflame - Kitania - 07-02-2017
I. Basic InfoÂ
- Characters: Nyx Netherflame
- Primary character: Nyx Netherflame
- Linkshells: Friend LS
- Primary RP linkshell: None
II. RP StyleÂ
- Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy): I'd say Light? I haven't really been in any RP scene in a long while, so my character is definitely not always in character. I also can't do full-time, or most-time in character as it does drain on me quite a bit.Â
- Views on RP combat and injuries: I like to freeform and plan out the ending ahead of time to where both parties are suitably happy. I do not like to RP combat if I feel it adds little to my character development, or the development of another's.
If someone autohits, I autohit back, that's more or less my rule on that.
Dice rolls and PvPRP are fine and good, and I might do the former than the latter, but at the same time I just don't really enjoy it that much personally speaking. I find inter-character interaction through other means more engaging and fun. And, in my experience, RP fighting always seems to be something a player wants to do in order to establish their own as the stronger one and I'm just not in the mood for that.Â
- Views on IC romance: I enjoy IC romance and the like, but it is an incredibly important thing to remember that IC is IC and not OOC. If you bring things OOC and I am not comfortable with it, I will say so and if it continues I will block you.Â
- Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc): Completely fine with this, and I really enjoy it. Though, if someone did want to RP as someone directly related to my character I would like to be asked first. More so it doesn't necessarily conflict with her own backstory, but also so I'm aware of it as it would pertain directly to my character.
Meeting each other and becoming friends/enemies is purely based on the interactions for me and doesn't require any permission on my part, just the family bit does. Or things that would directly affect her backstory, really.Â
- Views on lore: I will admit, I am not 100% cognizant of the lore. I do try to keep to it best as I can, and I do try to go by the events people around me seem to say are currently happening -- I'm under the belief that, as far as RP is concerned, the events of Heavensward are in the past and the events of Stormblood are occurring (not concluded).
If someone wants to be the Warrior of Light, I don't really mind, but at the same time odds are I won't necessarily want to plan RP around that. More as, frankly, I really don't enjoy feeling as if I'm playing a tacked on side character to someone else's story. It never feels good, fun, or rewarding.
Otherwise, I have a fairly firm grasp of Xaela lore I like to think, but as for how classes work I just go by the assumption classes are learned through background characters in one's story. As otherwise, it'd be extremely difficult to RP as anyone with a combat efficiency of a class and not basic soldier content. (Well, or through RP itself with someone else playing the instructor)
That said, if I grossly misstep with lore or make an error, feel free to inform me OOC and preferably in a /tell. It's not on purpose, and I prefer to learn from my mistakes.Â
- Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc): Say is Say, Yell is Yell, Linkshell can be either for RP through the use of them, or OOC. That's about it -- I don't particularly want to use the "Yell" channel and will likely go for exclamation points, instead. That said, I do like party RP as I'm an extremely shy and anxious person and typing things into Say can be nerve-wracking for me.
Granted, these channels can also be used for OOC content and that's fine. They're not exclusively there for purely RP, for me. Albeit, when engaged in RP, I would treat them as if they were exclusively for RP and utilize a marker to signify out-of-character content. ( I personally use double parenthesis)Â
III. Other Info - Country: United States
- Timezone: Mountain Timezone
- Contact info: On these forums, or if you would like my discord -- my handle is Kitania#8519. I am up to RP within Discord as well, as it's what I primarily do at the moment with a friend. Any other method of contact I'm not super comfortable leaving up, but I'm always on Discord. (In Game also works, Nyx Netherflame on Balmung).Â
Sidenote, my character's tumblr (full profile included) is Nyx-Netherflame.tumblr.com. Feel free to message me on there, or to my main tumblr account (named in the description of the blog).Â
One more note: I'm not used to RPing in game. I will do it, happily even, but just keep in mind that it's not something I'm terribly accustomed to. So it might take getting used to on my part, is all. That, and, anything with large groups (think 10+ players, roughly) I tend not to do well in. I get extremely shy and anxious, and can't bring myself to interact and also pay attention to the channel as relevant information non-stop flits by.Â
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