Hydaelyn Role-Players
Time zones - Printable Version

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Time zones - Rinh Hallani - 07-09-2013

I'm in the GMT time zone and I'm concerned how this is going to affect my ability to RP with the rest of you. I know I asked about this before, and I'm very grateful for the reassurances I received, but I was planning on going to the Blue Skies event this Friday only to discover it starts at 1 am my time.

Of course one event isn't a big deal but I do wonder how many people will actually be RPing when I'm online and whether I'll miss most events due to the time difference. Is anyone planning on organising EU events or RPing during EU evenings?

RE: Time zones - Clover - 07-09-2013

I'm a bit worried about this as well. My current timezone is, apparently, GMT+2.

Perhaps European players could make a Linkshell or any free company (I don't know how either work yet because I haven't played the game) in order to stick together, so we'd always find people to RP with in the evening.

RE: Time zones - Sini'to Shadar - 07-09-2013

I'm in GMT+1 and i guess the possibility and amount of RP events for europeans will depend on the amount of Europeans actually playing on the "RP servers".

We can always make RP events "for europeans" ourselves, but that would be moot if not enough people would show up.

RE: Time zones - Alothia - 07-09-2013

I know that I currently have at least 3 people in my LS who run on EU time, so there definitely are people around who play during those times. Things will level out some once we get into Phase 4 and have most of the original 1.0 players back, and then you can see what times people are playing, etc.

I don't know if that helps...

RE: Time zones - Mycroft - 07-09-2013

If events are your major concern, then I'd suggest attempting to gather a few people interested in making events in "EU time" (which I assume to be GMT, CET, and EET.. Perhaps GMT -1). If it is simple interaction, then I wouldn't worry, so far there have been plenty of "EU player here" comments in the various threads, so we seem to be plenty, if not united as of yet.. And apparently not vocal enough for those who share your concerns to be at ease.

RE: Time zones - Asyria - 07-09-2013

I'm GMT-5 but I usually play in the afternoon, meaning evening for GMT.

RE: Time zones - Sienna - 07-09-2013

I'm on vacation in a GMT -6 zone right now, but normally I'm GMT 0. I know how it is when it comes to events being later than I'd like them to be. Though, normally I am up and ready to RP from 4pm GMT onwards. Maybe earlier. There always tends to be RP going on, be it people in other timezones up super early/late, or people from closer timezones (including GMT itself)

Yeah, there are times when I have to adjust myself to be up super late (my time) for an event, or I get there late/early and hope for the best. But yeah. There'll always be RP and events going on, just means you won't be able to attend all of them I'm afraid (unless you can arrange your sleep patterns/workshifts to match on occasion)

If anything, I'll be around to RP with you forever. Smile

RE: Time zones - Xeon - 07-09-2013

GMT +1 here, if you're on balmung feel free to add my char "Lorric Wright" to friends, whether its in current beta or open beta or even release, im sure we can find some kind of rp todo Smile


RE: Time zones - Rinh Hallani - 07-10-2013

I probably won't be able to go to anything starting past midnight my time but hopefully us EUers can band together and perhaps even create some events for our time zone.

Thanks for the replies, everyone!

RE: Time zones - Rinh Hallani - 07-10-2013

I had a quick look at the other linkshells but didn't see an EU-centric one. If none truly exists and I were to create one, would anyone want to be a part of it? Naturally we'd RP with whoever is online at the time but it might help to converge in one group during those times few NAers are online. Possibly also organise our own EU time zone events but we'll see.

What say ye?

RE: Time zones - Sini'to Shadar - 07-10-2013

If there seems to be no current "EU linkshell", why not!

I would be in. ^^

RE: Time zones - Taeh Niumoenwyn - 07-15-2013

(07-10-2013, 05:30 PM)katattax Wrote: I had a quick look at the other linkshells but didn't see an EU-centric one. If none truly exists and I were to create one, would anyone want to be a part of it? Naturally we'd RP with whoever is online at the time but it might help to converge in one group during those times few NAers are online. Possibly also organise our own EU time zone events but we'll see.

What say ye?

Yes I would join.

I was suggesting the creation of an EU roleplayer Link Shell in the EU Roleplayers thread.  To avoid multiple threads sort of covering the same idea perhaps there needs to be a new thread specifically titled "EU Roleplayer Link Shell" or something similar.  

I think the idea behind the Link Shell should be to allow roleplayers playing EU times (GMT to GMT+2/+3 perhaps) to keep in touch for roleplay opportunities and general assistance, so an OOC channel.  Then if people are asked to post in that thread if they want to join it would give an indication of how many are interested.

RE: Time zones - Random Encounter - 07-15-2013

I'm on GMT-4 AND a night time player so I tend to share that worry. I'd deff be interested if people would be around during my play time.

RE: Time zones - Maeve - 07-15-2013

Im from Australia so GMT+10 Sad Therefore I'm in a similar boat.

RE: Time zones - Vokcas - 07-16-2013

Honestly no matter what you do, you won't find a solution long term. The reason for this is because not every EU player will guarantee to use the site and more importantly not every EU frankly knows about it. Of course you can try to get every EU member in the same boat, yeah that is great but I think by doing it your splitting the Roleplayers.

My personal idea is to create 24/7 Roleplaying guilds which will allow both EST and GMT to interact and Roleplay as one guild and not as two separate community's, the two time factors have one amazing opportunity, they can demolish the 7-10Hours rest period when the GMT or EST are sleeping and incorporate more Roleplay which will help build the community.

When I say incorporate more Roleplay I mean:

When the EST are sleeping GMT Roleplayers will be on representing the guild and generally role playing.
Now when GMT sleeping EST Roleplayers will be on representing the guild and generally role playing.

Basically someone will be covering the guild front 24/7 this could be GMT or EST. Of course they is one huge factor, Roleplay Direction one time zone may feel like they want to push the guild threw a story to develop the guild which will push the other time zone out the window, how do we get around this?

The answer is simple, we communicate with each other, at the end of the day we are all mature roleplayers I hope and I am sure we can solve a problem such as this by just generally talking about it. Beside this would allow the guild to branch out in multiple ways at the same time and increase the guild growth as a whole. Crime guilds or Military guilds would have the biggest growth from this due to being able to do multiple missions/ heists at the same time, due to EST and GMT.

Of course without communication something like this could never work.

P.s I am GMT+1, UK and I plan to play on Balmung.