Hydaelyn Role-Players
Shep Ciaran - Printable Version

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Shep Ciaran - Shep - 07-28-2013

I. Basic Info 

  • Characters:  Shep Ciaran
  • Primary character:  Shep Ciaran
  • Free Company:  Dark Ultima
  • Primary RP linkshell: Echo Knights
II. RP Style

  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
    Light - Medium I'm new to RP, so I'm not sure I can keep in character the whole time. I enjoy it a lot so far so that might change as I settle into it.
  • Views on RP combat and injuries: Combat -As long as it is kept somewhat realistic this could be very fun to try, I like the idea of rolling the outcome of a fight or discussing it with the opponent. That said I don't plan to have many serious/fatal fights with other players. Injuries - I would like to think that our characters are not indestructible and that a healing touch of magic -If available- can only do so much.
  • Views on IC romance: "Whatever happens, happens." I'm not against the idea but I have no plans for it.
  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc): I'm all for it, having these kinds of relationships can be fun, I have already adopted a brother figure -Vashies Alexander. As long as they can be tied in without contradicting character backgrounds.
  • Views on lore: I love the Lore and I try not to stray far from it in my RP but at the same time I don't want to limit myself to just what is considered acceptable to lore.
  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc): Since I am new I feel more comfortable using an RP linkshell or party chat. However in a large event I wouldn't mind using general chat, safety in numbers and all that.

III. Other Info

  • Country: United States
  • Timezone: Eastern
  • Contact info: Message me if you like =]

RE: Shep Ciaran - Vashies Alexander - 07-28-2013

..... you finally came out of your shell!