Hydaelyn Role-Players
Virgil Manentyv - Printable Version

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Virgil Manentyv - Chakha Malqir - 08-15-2013

I. Basic Info

  • Characters:Virgil Manentyv

  • Primary character:Virgil Manentyv

  • Linkshells:None Currently

  • Primary RP linkshell:None Currently

II. RP Style

  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):

    Light or medium RP is usually best for me in terms of post length. In terms of plot and character development, however, I'm more on the medium/heavy side.

    I like to RP and I do take it very seriously, but paragraph-long post length is something I have trouble dealing with right now. 2-3 sentences is my min/max limit for elaborate emotes.

  • Views on RP combat and injuries:

    RP Combat should be performed in PVP. One's own experiences and training are reflected in the gameplay and, thus, using PVP for RP sparring or actual fighting amongst players is recommended. In terms of PVE combat, it should be much the same. Realistically, folks are more focused on the battle at hand rather than actual talking and conversation, and the gameplay reflects that as it doesn't quite give time for one-liners. As for RP injuries, as long as they are not permanent and/or disfiguring, I don't mind RPing an injury. However, I will not consent to an injury that is either permanent or disfiguring without really REALLY good reason.

  • Views on IC romance:

    I think IC romance is good and, as long as it is between consenting adults (regardless of race), then IC romance is perfectly fine. However, any RPs focused on romance should stick to private chat unless there's a really good reason. However, minor romance inserts like a kiss before battle or something isn't a big deal.

  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):

    I don't care, as long as all parties consent. As for my characters, their families are all lined out. Virgil is an only child of two parents and two godparents. Each parent / godparent has their own names, personalities, and backstories. Want to be a family friend? I would hugely appreciate it if I were contacted before any assumptions are made. But it's not entirely out of the question. As for friend RPs, that's fine as long as my character regards your character as his friend. He's very closed-off from the social aspects of the world despite his passions to protect Limsa from the oncoming threat. For enemy RPs, you'd have to actually be my character's enemy to qualify. And that's even harder to achieve than a friend would be. Propose something OOC, and we'll see what happens.

  • Views on lore:

    Lore is everything. If it contradicts the lore without a very very good explanation, I will completely ignore its existence. If there is no basis in lore prior to its creation, then lore is amended in a way that the fan creation would then contradict the creation, I will still acknowledge the creation and will even help work on a solution to retcon the creation so it does work with the lore.

  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):

    I think it goes without saying. /say for local speech (unless in a crowded area where it may be difficult to use /say), /linkshell for a respective linkshell conversation, /whisper for private RPs, /party for private group RPs, /company for Free Company RPs, etc.

III. Other Info
  • Country:United States of America

  • Timezone:Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5:00)

  • Contact info:

    If I am online, I can be contacted by one of the following methods:

    Skype: hakuro.de.killer
    Steam: HakuroDK

    If I am offline, I can be contacted either by one of the above methods or, for a lengthy post, I can be contacted by e-mail:


  • Other Information:

    I just feel that I should mention here that my character represents my personality and, in some cases, even my own aspirations. There are some parts that clash with my own viewpoints (such as violence vs. non-violence, as this is an MMORPG and such things cannot be helped. Well, that and the obvious fact that I am RPing a catboy from a land of magic and wonders.) That being said, this character is, essentially, who I am. However, that is not to say that, if I love or hate your character in-character that I reciprocate those feelings out-of-character. Not at all. In fact, a character I hate in-character may be one I love to hate out-of-character because they are so good at pressing my character's buttons. On the other hand, there may be times where I find a character, IC, that I fall in love with, and it may be that I hate to love that character because the character has less-than-admirable qualities that would matter to me IRL, but wouldn't IC.

    I should also mention that I am an old man at heart, but I like to think I'm intelligent, wise, and just a teensy bit clever. With this comes an extremely open mind. If you have ANY RP ideas whatsoever, please do not hesitate to contact me when you can in order to try and set something up, no matter how short or how long it may be. You want my character to be your character's sworn enemy? Let's try to make it work! His best friend? Let's try to make it work! His lover? Let's try to make it work! Planning in RP is key to its success. If we can iron out a plan beforehand, then the quality of the RP will increase substantially. It doesn't have to be a convoluted plan or anything like that and I'm not looking for a script either. Just a general idea in which we both want the plot to progress and a vague idea of how to get there. Doesn't need to be any more detailed than that unless there are technical snags to work out with lore.

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