Hydaelyn Role-Players
Brave (Bravaden) Wardain - Printable Version

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Brave (Bravaden) Wardain - Brave - 08-20-2013

I. Basic Info
  • Characters:Brave Wardain
  • Primary character:Brave Wardain
  • Linkshells:None at the moment
  • Primary RP linkshell:None (I'd more then likely be seeking an OOC one or a community IC one that just helps find random RP

II. RP Style
  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
    Medium to Heavy (If I can stay in character I will do so as much as possible.) I do go OOC to correct grammar/spelling errors or to alleviate confusion. Text has it's limitations when trying to convey an idea at times and is quite capable of being interpreted the way a player wants to interpret it (even if meant to be conveyed in a different way). I'm usually OOC though when running around questing, but if I see RP happening I'll respond in kind.

  • Views on RP combat and injuries:
    If there isn't a roll based system attached to it or I'm fighting someone I just met I'm usually heavily against it. The longer my post is does not equate a winning a strategy, but especially in a game like FFXIV where your level doesn't translate to your over all combat experience/veteran status, RP combat can be heavily abused. If I'm familiar with the person and trust has been established that they aren't fighting just to be FF's next bad mofo, I'm open to it. As for injuries... I've had characters lose limbs, and sustain other brutal impairments but it had to be for good reason. Injuries help make your character feel real and more importantly establish the reality that they are indeed mortal. That said, it's my character and my story. Having someone approach me in artifact gear and tell me that they do a spinning corkscrew attack and slice off my arm will be quickly ignored and guess what... my character will still have their limb. =P

  • Views on IC romance:
    There's a time and a place for everything. If I meet someone and think that my character would have chemistry with their's then let it grow naturally. He's got baggage just like any other well thought out persona though, and I'm not just going to hook him up with someone because their toon is easy on the eyes. Also, we can't be perfect. There are going to be moments where he'll want to whisper sweet nothings into your ear and there are going to be moments where he's outside, on a log, thinking: "BY THE TWELVE WHAT BROUGHT THAT ON!"

  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
    If I don't have these kinds of relations with other characters then not only am I probably doing something wrong... but I'm also really bored. Oaths to one another, good friends, friendly rivals, sworn enemies, I'm open to all of these. (Having a Lalafell healer following me around typing /panic is also extremely appreciated but not necessary =P)

  • Views on lore:
    Lore is crucial. That said... this is the first time I've ventured into an MMO where I didn't have like... four source books to reference for lore. Part of me finds it liberating to a degree because I feel like I could have a lot of fun in a world that isn't super developed in terms of a rich history. FFXIV doesn't seem to have the extensive background that other games have. (If this comment offends anyone then let me apologize in advance. But when you look at the time line for this game and then compare it to like... SWTOR, WoW, heck even a game like City of Heroes... there doesn't seem to be as much of a need to check check and double check whether or not I'm going to mess up something in my own background.)

  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
    /Say is IC unless I make some kind of attempt to make it known I'm OOC (like: (()) or **.)
    A linkshell will be according to the rules of the linkshell's creator. If I have an OOC linkshell equipped... then going IC in it wouldn't make that much sense now would it. I feel most global channels are OOC and if someone is trying to be IC selling wares or warning me of an incoming attack using it, I'll do my best to either respectfully treat is as an IC request, or just disregard it as my character isn't able to respond (due to not actually hearing it).

III. Other Info
  • Country:United States
  • Timezone:Eastern Standard Time
  • Contact info:You can PM me here. If I feel like you need other ways to reach me I'll give them as I see fit.

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