Hydaelyn Role-Players
Right lads and lasses, I'm off! - Printable Version

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Right lads and lasses, I'm off! - xaaniko - 09-11-2013

Hello everyone!

I'm off to Prague tomorrow for three months doing a placement in a design studio. Exciting, right? I also recently got shortlisted for a design award (which I don't remember entering, however...) so it seems after months of utter bullshit things are finally going well for me.

AND, it's my birthday on saturday. (So I hope the people I am living with are nice and take me out else i'll just be sat in one of the many bars by myself crying. QQ)

However, as I don't know where I will be staying until I get there, I am unsure what the internet facilities will be, or even if I will have access to any apart from coffee shops. So, while I do have a laptop that can handle FFXIV, I don't know if I will be able to play. Hope for the best you guys, because I really enjoy playing with you lot!

A special shout out to all the people in Europa, XI:7 and those few individuals I have befriends from elsewhere. So, it's goodnight from me and Guldy. I hope to see you guys again soon, don't have too much fun without me!

[Image: tumblr_msyl57yaOn1qd3j9xo1_1280.png]

RE: Right lads and lasses, I'm off! - Rinh Hallani - 09-11-2013

Ooh, congratulations on getting shortlisted! I'm glad things are going well for you and hope you enjoy Prague. We'll miss you, and will definitely try to be miserable and desolate without you haha, but looking forward to seeing you again when you return.

Happy early birthday for Saturday and have a lovely time!

RE: Right lads and lasses, I'm off! - Lren - 09-11-2013


RE: Right lads and lasses, I'm off! - Nimarhie - 09-11-2013

I admit, I first read "shortlisted for a design award" as darwin award... true story.

Also have fun in Prague. Smile

RE: Right lads and lasses, I'm off! - IncubusManatee - 09-11-2013

I have no clue who you are-but have a good trip! Glad things are looking up for you!