Hydaelyn Role-Players
Elrena Zykis - Printable Version

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Elrena Zykis - Elrena - 09-12-2013

I. Basic Info 
  • Characters: Elrena Zykis, Vynari Zykis
  • Primary character: Elrena Zykis
  • Linkshells: Roleplayers' Guild, LFRP, Coalition
  • Primary RP linkshell: Roleplayers' Guild

II. RP Style 
  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):

    I used to run private RP servers for World of Warcraft, stretching from 2010 to 2013. During those days I probably RPed less than 30 times. It was all work, no play, and I eventually developed the fear of confronting strangers in-character. This has unfortunately translated to shyness and I usually don't RP with random people. So I would like to say that I'm light-medium, and could also use lots of improvements in my roleplaying techniques. But I hope to change all of that.
  • Views on RP combat and injuries:

    Combat is best avoided but it can be fun at times. Screw all the /roll bullshit though. Random numbers do not define the true power of your character, and should therefore never be used to determine whether or not you lose a fight. Rather than playing it like Dungeons & Dragons, look at it like a game of chess. Make the right moves, strike at every opportune moment, and come out the victor. Just don't power-emote or god-mode in the process. And also, don't shoot to kill. But even more importantly, don't start the fight in the first place. No character should ever have to face death.
  • Views on IC romance:

    Are we talking erotic or just intimacy between two characters? I happen to love doing both, actually. As for erotic, yes, I do it for the sake of doing it. But in the end it still fits into the storyline and helps shape the characters that participate. Either way it's all based on OOC consent between two adults so what's the big deal? And as for love, explicit or not, I think it's an extremely important part of roleplaying. Especially considering that this is Final Fantasy and almost every Final Fantasy game has some sort of love storyline. It's why I enjoy the series so much.
  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):

    I think this is a wonderful thing. My two main characters are actually sisters. Because of that, they can never be in the same place at once during roleplay. But that's just because I don't trust anyone else playing as either of them. In other cases where people are close friends and wanna do something like this, I think it can be an amazing experience. 
  • Views on lore:

    Lore is indisputable. If Square says it happened, then it happened. My motto on lore is, "You can bend it but you cannot break it." But even if Square doesn't mention something in lore, you should still question whether or not it sounds reasonable. Roleplaying unrealistically is probably my biggest pet peeve. You can't just swim in heavy armor.  
  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):

    Generally /say is always IC but I don't use brackets when I'm saying things that are obviously OOC and I'm in an area where nobody is RPing. Also I think all linkshell and free company channels should be assumed to be OOC unless stated otherwise. Guild chat should never ever be IC. It disables our ability to properly communicate with eachother.
III. Other Info 
  • Country: United States
  • Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
  • Contact info: PM or /tell