Hydaelyn Role-Players
Stormforged (Inactive) - Printable Version

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Stormforged (Inactive) - Darkfae - 09-15-2013

[Image: StormForged_Logo001.png]
After the Battle of Carteneau, many refugees from the battle fled the field to the closest city-state - Gridania. Here they found refuge, despite the damage the Black Shroud suffered during the Calamity, a place to heal and sort through what they had experienced. 
Amid the chaos, individual groups began to rise to fill the void left by the missing Grand Companies and the vanished Warriors of Light, forming Free Companies that focused on rebuilding the world. 
We were one such group, lead by a Miqo'te named Una Chalahko. With the backing of one of the old Gridanian families, Una and her allies began to help rebuild the homesteads and cities of the Black Shroud. Several people who had taken refuge in Gridania joined the Free Company, in an attempt to pay back the city-state for their kindness. 
Time passed, and while the Shroud still bared the scars of the Calamity, life had resumed a semblance of normality. It was then that the more broad-minded Gridanians and the refugees from the Battle of Carteneau began to push for expansion of the Free Company's focus. Una, along with the Company's backers and a handful of Gridanian nationals, did not approve of this change of focus, and denied the desires of the majority of members time and again, always using her rank as a means to conquer them. 
It fell to Kysh'to Bajhiri and a few others to calm those who wished for change. A tenuous peace was brokered for a few more months, however it never lasted; people would push for expansion, and Una would deny them again, leaving Kysh'to to negotiate calm once more. It was not just this that caused strife within the Company - Una had changed, and sought to find fault in everyone and everything around her. 
Over time, the change in Una became too great, and finally someone called the Miqo'te on her bad judgement calls. N'aomai Tierell publicly denounced Una and the Gridanians who refused to see beyond the Black Shroud, rallying the majority of the Company to stand against Una. 
In a fit of fury, Una withdrew from the Company after promoting Kysh'to; she believed that Kysh'to would be unable to hold the group together, as she thought people viewed him as just her mate, nothing more than a boy toy. Instead, Kysh'to and the remaining members have pulled together and stood defiant to Una's attempt to bring them low. 
Now the Stormforged work to protect and care for all of Eorzea, working with the revived Grand Companies to sort through its problems. They moved their base of operations to Ul'dah, creating a central location that was almost equal distance from Gridania and Limsa Lominsa. With the backing of L'olh Nunh and a branch of the Viper tribe, the Stormforged have moved into a new chapter of their lives, and discovering new adventure.

About Us:

[Image: AboutUs001.png]
What are the Stormforged?

We are in the process of developing our In Character identity as a guild for both Final Fantasy: A Realm Reborn and the upcoming EverQuest Next and EverQuest Landmark.

Who are we?
We are a guild of capable, friendly gamers who have been playing various games in and out of the MMO genre together, always for a substantial amount of time. Though the name of the guild has changed, we have always stuck together like a family. Some may recognize our group from differing games under the variety of large and small guilds that we have lead or participated in previously. What is most important to us is that we play these games for the enjoyment of the game, and offer a strong footing in the multitude of aspects the game offers; we have varying levels of interests in Role-Play, PvP, and PvE. While our main focus will always be Role-Play, fun and enjoyment of the game and one's time in the guild is pertinent, and we still respect and enjoy all aspects of the games we play.

What do we value?

We treat everyone the same: it doesn't matter what gender, religion, skin colour, orientation or culture they come from. We have a lot of love for our members, and do what we can to spread that love every day. No one here will push you away for being who you are as a person - especially our leadership.

Often confused with acceptance comes respect; they are two vastly different things. The leadership here will respect your wishes and choices as if they were our own. Every one of us is a human being. Here we acknowledge and follow the phrase "Treat others as you would want to be treated".

The truth is a powerful thing, something that many of us wish people would use more often. We do everything in our power to be honest with each other. We try to avoid the common pitfalls by maintaining an honest level with each other. Doing so gives us the ability to provide an open and friendly environment, and reflect this back on our guild. We have a good group of people here who will be open about their feelings. It keeps people on the same page, whether it be the common members or members of the leadership.

We don't want roleplay to be an overly complicated and gated obstacle course. We aim to have fun in anything we do. The question, "Is this fun?" is always relevant and on our minds as roleplayers. We have come together to enjoy our time online and have fun. As a (hilarious) standard, our guild enjoys a good comedic roast of each other, yet everyone knows this is just part of our merriment. It would be no different if we were to meet in-person and talked about the same stuff over a good brew - and some of us have met in real-life!

As a guild we take our roleplay just as seriously as our fun in it. No matter the game or setting we aim to live our lives both on and off as they were meant to be lived - with a good laugh and a bright smile on our faces. This guild has stood side by side with each other for many games. We care about our members and what is going on with them as if they were a blood sibling. Open minds and open hearts is what our experiences have instilled within us.

All races and levels within Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn are permitted in our Free Company there; when EverQuest Next and EverQuest Landmark launch, all races and levels within our chosen faction will be permitted to join our guild there. We have people who are always looking to get into the games we play, and would love levelling partners, mentors, and other friendly faces to help them along with their journey. An application is required for joining either group, and will be up for review by the recruitment staff.

So if you like what you see, consider joining us! If you have other questions, or perhaps looking for an affiliation or alliance, or simply just want to hang and RP, get in touch! We'd love to hear from you!

In Summary...
Guild Theme: Theme information for both the Free Company and Guild are forthcoming.
Guild Focus: We dabble in a little bit of everything, but our primary focus is role-play. We are a very close-knit, 'run amok and have fun'-type family. The purpose of this guild is to provide a haven for people with similar in-character (IC) and out-of-character (OOC) interests. (We are LGBTQIA-friendly!) We have a full list of guild rules and expectations.
Guild Role-Play Level: Heavy Immersion, Event-Oriented, Open to Member Stories
Guild Size: Small
Guild Region: North America - All Time Zones - Internationals Welcome!
Guild Officers: Kysh'to Bajhiri, Kym'a Thavma, L'olh Nunh, Ovjal'a Mhakara, N'aomai Tierell
Mumble (VoIP) Use: Yes! Highly encouraged, but not required.

Frequently Asked Questions and Posts:
Probation Period (And Why We Have It)

Dismissal (Why for? Because Guild Rules)

[FAQ] You got kicked? Here's why

Our Rules:

[Image: Rules001.png]
Written by the Stormforged Staff

The following applies to all games the Stormforged joins in, regardless of whether they're in the guild or not. OOC, people are expected to behave as they would in any RL situation: maturely and with a level-head. IC, the rules are as the leadership says, and IC actions are not to be taken OOC, or vice versa.

If you are from another guild or free company outside of the Stormforged's "jurisdiction," please be mindful of our people as we try to be mindful of yours. Issues without anyone from the company should be directed to a member of the leadership council. Likewise, if any member of an affiliate is causing issues OOC (spamming, harassment, general annoyance), please let a member of the leadership council know.

We're willing to work with you. Not against you.

Out of Character (OOC)
  • ♦ We aim to be a drama-free, no-obligation guild that is open to casual raiders, PVPers, and RPers. We merely ask that all members act accordingly and respectful out-of-character, and enjoy their time in-game. We will not force people to participate in ongoing activities, but it does nicely to keep good attendance and a positive attitude.

    ♦ Guild, raid, and party chat is considered OOC at all times unless noted otherwise. All text in /say is noted as being IC. If you need to say something OOC, please use appropriate brackets. (( Example. ))

    ♦ Join in on Guild RP. If you're not sure what to do or what's going on, if you're not sure how to fit yourself in... ASK. Don't just sit around confused and act like a pretty wall-flower. Find out what's going on! We are happy to help with it. We love RP in almost all of its forms. Feel free to play 20 questions IC or OOC to find out what the current events are, or check the Events calendar. We're adults and so are you.

    ♦ Due to the nature of our guild, we are extremely casual, laid-back and fun-loving people. Our guild chat is OOC and may contain vulgar language, jokes and/or commentary that may be inappropriate for people under 18. We are also very open-hearts, open-minded, and open-spirit community. That means we have a myriad of straight, gay, transgender, and other alternative lifestyle/cultured members who are a part of the LGBTQIA community. A sense of humour and thick skin is a plus.

    ♦ Do NOT god-mode or meta-game. Do NOT try to harm, maim or kill other characters without their player's OOC consent. This is considered a serious offence to other players and can soil the reputation of the guild. Anyone caught 'god-moding' or meta-gaming will be handled directly and swiftly.

    ♦ IC or OOC griefing of guild members or individuals outside of the guild is strictly prohibited. Period. There is no-call to grief anyone's RP, whether it be personal or an event. There is a difference between purposefully causing a disturbance for a reason and just plain griefing. We DO NOT tolerate nor condone this type of behaviour If you are being griefed, then politely ask the offenders to stop. If they do not stop, screenshot your request and their answer; put them on ignore, report them, and come to us with it.

    ♦ Any issues or problems that spark within the guild should be taken to a member of the leadership council. Anyone who is unwilling to talk or communicate and try to get through the issue(s) at hand will be demoted to a Time-Out rank, and be subject to dismissal from the free company/guild and site.

    ♦ Guild ranks are based on participation, attendance, and in character story development. Promotions are given out based on experience and attendance within the guild.

    ♦ The Leadership Council reserves the right to remove people from the guild based on timed (30 days) inactivity. Persons/players who do not respond to guild-wide memos/newsletters by the given due date will be removed from the guild and guild site if they do not give prior notice to an officer. The Leadership Council members are NOT required nor obligated to send a notice of pending kick.

    ♦ Do not attempt to poach members from other guilds. They are in their guild for a reason. If they are truly interested in joining, we'll talk with them. Other guilds may find poaching to be offensive, so please DO NOT DO IT.

In Character (IC)
  • ♦ Follow the Chain of Command - this includes OOC (Out of Character). The Membership Council contains the following individuals: Nordi/Voc, Tassitus, Darkfae, IvoYaridovich, Wyntier, and Suunaise. No matter what path you walk within the Free Company or Guild, you must follow their lead. Not following the commands of the leaders can result in harsh punishment or demotion. Make your choices wisely.

    ♦ We realize some characters will certainly play the part of the tantalizing rogue, mischievous bastard, loud-mouth drunk or blood crazed warrior. We encourage players to act out their characters accordingly. But we humbly ask that you be mindful of the position you put your character(s) in. If you are going to act like a whore, you will be treated like one. If you are going to be an asshole, you will be beaten upon. All actions have consequences - remember that.

    ♦ What you (and your character) do in private is YOUR business. Whether you want to ERP or hate it altogether is your business, not ours. Don't bring it to us. Don't bring it to public eye. While some settings supports slavery, do not engage in open sexual activity or other questionable acts in public - leave that shit to private channels. We are NOT a brothel. This is NOT an ERP guild. If you are caught doing this in public, you will be removed from the guild. No exceptions!

    ♦ Your character, upon joining this guild, agrees to the chance or possibility to getting hurt. Be it minor or near fatal. This is not a guild for people who cannot see their precious characters being harmed. In-character action equals in-character consequences, always and forever.

    ♦ Any enemy of Eorzea or her City-States, particularly the company home of Ul'dah, is an enemy of the Stormforged Free Company; an enemy of the Combine Empire is an enemy of the Stormforged of Norrath.

The ACW:

Recently, we revived an interesting feature for our site called the Advanced Character Workshop. While the Workshop itself is available for anyone to view, a key componant to the Workshop is exclusively for Stormforged members - the Advanced Character Worksheet.

The Worksheet has a two-fold purpose. The first is to help members bring more depth to their character by asking both common and uncommon questions about the character itself. The second is to give the storytelling staff character information that can be worked into the over-arching Company plot lines, making them more personal for our members. These story hooks can work hand in hand with personal plot progression the player is already advancing, and give other characters more chances to discover things about their fellows they might not otherwise find.

Only the storytelling staff has access to the completed Worksheets. The Worksheet itself is a form page on our site that members fill out and submit, in a similar fashion to the application to join the guild. Once submitted, members can make updates to their Worksheet in the Player Comments section, while the storytelling staff can discuss each Worksheet in the ST Comments section. Should a member feel there have been too many significant changes to their Worksheet, we can discuss archiving their original Worksheet so that they may fill out a fresh one.

Even if one doesn't decide to join the Stormforged Free Company, we welcome everyone to take a look at the Workshop, as it has a lot of links to helpful articles and sites that even the veteran role player may find useful.

RE: Stormforged - Darkfae - 09-26-2013

Recruitment is currently open. We don't have any sort of class/job restrictions in place at this time. If you think your character concept and personality are a fit for Stormforged, fill out an application. If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this thread, or send me a PM.

On the RP side, we're starting to set up our regular event nights. Currently, there is a poll for our members so they can voice what day and time they'd like to see events happen. That poll won't close until October 7th, so new members will be able to voice their opinion as well!

On the PvE side, we're getting ready to start our Relic Weapon raids, as well as getting a regular raiding schedule set up. Raiding will begin around November 1st officially, however there may be a few test raids before then.

RE: Stormforged - SessionZero - 10-09-2013

I think a strong case for an alliance between Stormforged and the Knights of the Spiral Eye could be made, if you would like to work with us. Let me know through here or in-game (Llaine Tetheros) if you would like to talk Smile

RE: Stormforged - Darkfae - 10-22-2013

Llaine, I've had a bit of a crazy week since the Leadership Meeting, but hopefully in the next day or two it will calm down and we can sit down on Skype and talk a bit. Both yourself and your second have been awesome during the meeting coordination PMs, and we look forward to doing at least some sort of event with your crew. =)

As far as this FC listing goes, I've updated it with a new tab, as we've added something pretty exciting to our site - the Advanced Character Workshop, or ACW for short. All the details can be found under the new tab!

RE: Stormforged - Darkfae - 11-18-2013

Recent News
Our FC plot is focusing around gathering supplies and building influence in Ul'dah so that we can get our FC house established. With 2.1 right around the corner, this is both an IC and OOC project, as we're attempting to raise the gil that will be required with IC reasons. We're using the number a Redditor noticed in a screenshot of the housing as a projected goal, and while most donations have been OOC, the IC plot points have given reasons for the funds to suddenly be there - most of our characters aren't rich, so it makes more sense this way!

We've started our raiding. We raid for 2 - 3 hours every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, thought that may shift if Tuesdays continue to have server lag during the latter half of the raids. We're currently working on getting everyone their relic weapons for their main jobs, and for their secondary job so that if we need to switch things around one night, they're still strong. We're a bit behind where we wanted to be, because we started out with Monday as a raid night, and server lag was just too horrible to make any progress, on top of the fact they kept sticking maintenances on that night. Live and learn!

Recruitment is still open, and there are no restrictions on characters based on class/job or concept; we do prefer that a concept fit with the FC themes, however we're willing to discuss any RP concept presented.