Hydaelyn Role-Players
Well hello there... (Gilgamesh) - Printable Version

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Well hello there... (Gilgamesh) - Mateo - 09-19-2013

This shall be interesting. I am Mateo and this is my short intro.

-MMORPG background
Been playing MMO's for roughly 15 years now. From DAoC, EQ1-2,WOW,WAR,Rift,Aion,GW1-2, TOR, TERA list continues. But I have only dipped into the RP pool in TOR, TERA. So you can say that I am relatively new to the RP world.

--RP experience
Not much, other then the mentioned MMOs above. At first I was a bit skeptical, but I really came around when I saw how communities are built and how characters basically come to life with incredible story telling.

--Character ideas/info
This is a work in progress, only time will tell. But I am starting out with some music.

--How did you learn about the coalition?
Google is king.

--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?
I can go anywhere from light to heavy. I'll go where you take me. Tongue

Look forward to meet with you all on server!

RE: Well hello there... (Gilgamesh) - Nnejo - 10-17-2013

Hello Mateo and welcome to our side of the internet where we have cookies and milk if you are good. I see we've dabbled in some of the same MMOs well a handful since I haven't been doing this nearly as long as you have. (Miss Rift, honestly) I do hope you are enjoying your time in the world of FF, ever want to rp then give a shout in one of the OOC chats. And if you need an invite to one I will send one your way as well.

RE: Well hello there... (Gilgamesh) - Haven's Fox - 10-18-2013

Yay for DAoC and welcome to the server!

RE: Well hello there... (Gilgamesh) - Olofantur - 10-18-2013

Greetings Mateo,

Welcome to the show!

Pretty kicking tune, reminds me a bit of Ryoksopp mixed with

Glad to see you've got a fairly experience background, that should give you a firm grasp of all the technical aspects you'll need to keep your feet under you.

To expand on Isis' good point of how to get involved in RP, also take a moment, when you have it, to look at the Linkshell hall, a collection of groups that facilitate Roleplay of many different styles. You don't have to pick one and run with it, but I find it nice to know who I might run into in the wide world.

Please ask any questions you might have, we're here to help!