Hydaelyn Role-Players
Faye Covington - Printable Version

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Faye Covington - Faye - 09-19-2013

I. Basic Info 
  • Characters: Faye Covington, X'unmei Noh (will be updated with alts later)
  • Primary character: Faye Covington
  • Linkshells: Harbingers of Dawn and The Grindstone
  • Primary Linkshell: Harbingers of Dawn
II. RP Style 
  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
    I consider myself a heavy RPer, as I take my RP very seriously and RP is the biggest factor for me in any game (please keep in mind, this don't mean I'm ALWAYS IC--I find that detracting from RP, as oftentimes I must do things in game that my character would not be doing). I prefer to make posts of one to three paragraphs, usually. In more spontaneous RP, where strangers and/or large crowds are usually involved, I try to keep my posts smaller to avoid taking a long time or flooding the chat. In smaller or more private RP's where I have more time and likely know my RP partner(s) better, my posts are generally longer than more detailed. I usually try to adapt my style to the comfort and convenience of my RP partner at the time, but in general, posts that are less than a paragraph tend to feel unfulfilling to me and posts over three paragraphs are often either full of fluff, or too much action happening in one post.

  • Views on RP combat and injuries:
    I prefer my character not be permanently maimed or killed unless discussed and approved beforehand, and I'll show others that same respect. Otherwise, any injuries or losses are acceptable. When it comes down to fighting, if I know and trust my RP partner I prefer to RP out the fight and simply see where things go. Otherwise, I am not interested in godmodding, powerplaying, or a competition of, "my character is stronger because his backstory says so!" That being said, if I don't know someone well, I prefer the victor of a fight to be determined through a duel, rolling, or decided by level.

  • Views on IC romance:
    My characters are not particularly seeking a romance, but I am not opposed to it. I very much enjoy RPing romance. Please bear in mind that IC relationships stay IC, and I am not interested in ERP.

  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
    Friends, allies, and even enemies are always welcome! I usually don't have much interest in familial relationships, but whatever happens happens and I'm welcome to listen to any plot ideas (though for the record, any close biological family of my character are dead).

  • Views on lore:
    I'm still learning the lore of FFXIV, so please excuse my ignorance. I try to follow lore as best as I can without limiting creativity. I do not mind lore being bent sometimes, but I do get irked when people ignore lore entirely or go directly against it (I'm sorry--we can't all be special snowflakes).

  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
    I prefer to RP in /say and /em. I really detest RPing in party chat in most situations, or RPing in linkshells for face-to-face character interactions, and I like to save tells for actual whispers occurring in the RP and nothing more. I want this to feel like the real world, where there are other people who can join in or interrupt or eavesdrop. I don't like to RP in private chat channels for that reason, and I also don't enjoy RPing in far off, hidden locations of the map, unless it makes sense in the RP. Say no to xenophobia!
III. Other Info 
  • Country: USA
  • Timezone: EST (However, I tend to keep rather nocturnal hours)
  • Contact info: You can contact me here, send a tell to Faye Covington in game, or contact me via Enjin. Please don't by shy! I'm always happy to make new friends and RP buddies!

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