Hydaelyn Role-Players
A Question and Answer I Must Know - Printable Version

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A Question and Answer I Must Know - BlessedSilence - 10-02-2013

Asdrellia sat in the tower, watching other conjurors walk by about their business.  She had sent Brother E-Sumi a letter before her arrival about something important she had on her mind.  She was still young, and had thought more than once about starting a family.  But she wanted to know if that would happen.

The young hyur approached, smiling and holding out his hands.  Asdrellia took them in hers as she stood.

"It is good to see you, Asdrellia.  What can I do for you?"

"I m-must ask you to ... I ... "  she sighed, taking a deep breath.  "I  have someone I d-deeply care for, and have thoughts of starting a f-family in the future.  But I n-need to know, if I can bare children."

Brother E-Sumi raised a brow.  "Not a request we get often, but yes.  I do know the prayer to speak to the elements on such things.  Come, follow me."  Turning on his heel, he led Asdrellia through many hallways and past fountains and gardens to a small but spacious room.

"Sit, please.  I will be right back."

She nodded, getting comfortable in the chair she saw, relaxing to the sounds of trickling water nearby.  Brother E-Sumi returned with two other conjurors, the two moving to flank her chair, the guildmaster standing behind her head.

"Now, we want you to relax.  You will feel a great warmth in your abdomen but please try not to move.  I will pray to the elements to gain the answer you seek, Asdrellia.  Just know it may not work, as they can be quite fickle."

"I und-derstand, guildmaster."  She took a deep breath, closing her eyes as the sounds of prayer filled her ears, a warmth building up where Brother E-Sumi said it would.  She thought of calming waters, graceful mountains, and a gentle breeze as the three worked.

She did not know how long it took, but the warmth suddenly dissipated.  Opened her eyes, she saw the frowns on the two before her as they left, shaking their heads.  Worry clenched at her gut as Brother E-Sumi came into view, a look of sadness on his face.

"Asdrellia.  I ... remember when you came to us, young and able to talk to nature so easily?"


"In those years, you did not know how to channel nature correctly, so you used your own life to do so in order to heal sick plants and care for your family's livestock.  In doing so ..."

Asdrellia gripped the young hyur's arm, her voice breaking, "Please tell me.  I c-can take it."

"In doing so, you have affected you body.  Asdrellia ... you are barren.  There is no chance that you will ever bare a child."

Her mind seized, and she swore her heart stopped.  What he said was true, she did not come to the tower until her early teen years, and she was using her abilities when she was no more than five.

"Is there a way t-to change that?"  She had to ask.  Perhaps there was something she could do.

Brother E-Sumi brought a hand to his chin, lost in thought.  "I am not certain.  My skills can only do so much, but it is like trying to coax flora to grow in the shifting deserts of Thanalan.  Perhaps the alchemists in Ul'Dah know something."  He placed a hand on her shoulder.  "I am sorry to give you such bad news, child.  But the elements were strong in what they said.  Pray upon this and please, talk to me if you need anything else."

She watched him leave the room, laying her head back and closing her eyes, tears slipping down her face.  Would he be upset with her at such news and want nothing to do with her?  How does one even breach such a subject?  She prayed to Thaliak to give her the patience and knowledge to know what to do.

RE: A Question and Answer I Must Know - BlessedSilence - 10-10-2013

Asdrellia sat in her favorite garden in Gridania, laying upon the one rock she always felt the earth elementals within, and wept. Thankful for the peace and quiet for the moment, the last few days took a great toll on her emotions, and though she got the courage to say what was on her mind, the relief she felt was not as she expected.

She got the courage to talk to Desmond about what Brother E-Sumi said, and he seemed to take the news quite well. She was touched how he commented that though she may not be able to bare any children from her body, she did give life through her words and her hands. Of course he also didn't believe she should listen to the pajdali for he has many years to deal with life, while her life was finite.

She should begin a search for a way to reverse what happened to her body, yes. But where would one start? She could follow up with Amaare as she did go to him first as he always spoke of the world as a place he has been. Of course, a part of her was scared there would be no cure at all, so her mind wrestled every moment.

And then, she told Desmond that she loved him. She had to. After their previous conversation she worried she would never see him again. And it had to be said. But his reaction was one she did not dream of, and he could not reciprocate her same feelings.

If one's heart could break and make a sound, hers would have.

They parted pleasantly, and now she sits in her favorite garden, tears staining the rock she laid her arms and head upon. Perhaps she would be better off alone? Her mind could barely function to even think about it. But she was sure it would be less painful than how she felt now.

RE: A Question and Answer I Must Know - BlessedSilence - 10-15-2013

It had been a few days, and Asdrellia's mood had totally changed.

She walked lightly through the markets, looking at new garments, fingers testing the softness.

He had said he loved her and wanted her to be his wife. He had given her so much of him, she felt the same way back. Her cheeks flushed when her mind went back to that one day ...

She still had feelings for Desmond, to be sure. But when her mind settled, and her heart calmed, she realized they were the same as how she feels towards Kayle ... they protected her when no one else would, saving her life. She loves them both dearly as a friend and as a sister would a brother.

And she was quite content with that.

Her gaze moved to the mythril ring on her finger, a smile on her lips. He was so sincere when he said those words and when he gave her such a precious gift ... the ring one of many he had.

She wanted to tell people .. but she was afraid. Part of her felt it was still just a dream, that she truly was asleep in bed after reading some erotic novel she found hidden away. But the sun on her face and the wind in her hair felt real enough.

Perhaps ... perhaps in time she can spread the happy news. But for now, her hart swelled and her mind sang, and Asdrellia hummed as she walked down the lane.