Hydaelyn Role-Players
Greetings from another newbie - Printable Version

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Greetings from another newbie - Ashscarred - 12-10-2013

Greetings and salutations. Names Alan, another new convert to the church of Final Fantasy 14. 

I must admit I'd become a bit disenchanted with the MMO scene as of late. Roleplaying is important to my long term enjoyment of such a game and I've been pleasantly surprised by what I've seen. The game world itself is one I enjoy spending time in and the roleplaying community looks like one of the best I've seen.

I've been roleplaying in MMO's for a long time, going back to oldschool Everquest were I was part of a RP guild full of xenophobic lizard-people. Ah, memories. Wink Most recent game was WoW on Wyrmrest accord. Beyond that I'm an aspiring writer who enjoys weaving tales with other likeminded folk.

Currently leveling my main character, a Highlander monk by the name of Myrksvell Ashscarred. I'm trying to wrap my brain around the whole idea of linkshells after some confusion as to whether or not they were the same as guilds, but there's always a learning curve with a new MMO. I hope to get involved with the RP community soon.

RE: Greetings from another newbie - Siha - 12-10-2013

Welcome to the game as well as the RPC Alan! It's always nice to see another Wyrmrest Accoridian joining here, I played on there myself (and still do a little), but the rp has lost it's charm a little there for me without much to do with myself. The RP community here is wonderful, very welcoming and engaging, I'd encourage you to never be shy if you see any of these fine people out playing and want to join in. Myself included!

While I'm not a seasoned vet maybe I can clear up the Linkshell confusion for you, Linkshells are like custom chat channels were on WoW, think LFRP, except that the leaders have to invite you to be in this chat channel. Now Free Companies are the equivalent to guilds complete with leveling them up, getting perks from doing so, etc. The linkshells offer only the benefit of chatting with like minded people, or in most cases, finding RP or dungeon groups, etc. Make sense? It's essentially just a specialized chat channel that is used for both OOC or IC chat depending on what the owner has chosen the functionality to be for it.

RE: Greetings from another newbie - Olofantur - 12-10-2013

Greetings and welcome to the RPC Alan,

I've got a few links that I hope will help you in clarifying a few things about the RPC, the difference between linkshells/FCs and maybe give you some things to read when you have a moment to yourself.

As a note! The RPC is open to all sorts of discussion, questions, concerns, comments and much else, so don't hesitate to step forward and say something.

this welcome post outlines a few of the tools here, the wiki, lantern, linkshell hall ect. As well as describe the RPC in and of itself a bit.

Is an RPC Handbook by Eva, while you likely already have a firm grasp of the basics, I think the write up addresses a few of the key things that apply particularly to FFXIV, as well as give anyone who reads it another perspective on a mechanic they might be trying to explain in character.

As Siha said, linkshells are more specialized chat channels focusing on getting people with similar ideas an interests together where as Free Companies (Often shortened to FC's) are a classic "guild" with a shared storage, ranking system, perks ect. Here are a few examples, as well as recommendations that might help you get to know people.

"Intermission" is an OOC linkshell dedicated to getting roleplayers together from every avenue of life, boasting a large foundation there are few better places to get to know where people are, what they might be up to and all that jazz.

"Balmungs Finest" is dedicated to PVE content, the dungeons, dutys and trials of Eorzea. If its group content chances are you can find people here to join you. This group emphasizes getting people on Balmung first, building a community and strengthening OOC bonds through fighting through content, A good place even for the casual dungeoneer.

Now I don't often like to recommend FC's unless some one asks for a particular type, because communities, and desires are nuanced, but for the sake of providing an example, here is the Lodestone entry and Linkshell hall entry for "The Harbingers of Dawn" A fairly large group.

phew that was a lot to cover.. if you're still feeling up to it and I haven't completely scared you off there is also an event occurring on the coming weekend open to everyone where you can just chatter and get to know people. No formality or association with any particular group.

Anyways, Best of luck in Eorzea! and feel free to flag me down if you see me running abouts, damn moogles always steal the candy I make. Cactuar

RE: Greetings from another newbie - Lutra - 12-10-2013

Welcome! Big Grin

I'm sure you've gotten the guilds vs. LS explanation by now, so I'll save it. ;P All I know is, LS's are pretty neat. It allows you to be involved with more than one community without feeling tugged for loyalty. (Such as multi-guilding. I'm looking at you, GW2!)  I hope to implement an IC LS to my FC eventually, because I think it'd be neat to be able to RP with guildies who aren't standing right in front of you. Or just yell at them ICly. That's also fun. ;P

Anyway, I'm rambling.

I hope you can find the RP you want and have tons of fun. This game has been a breath of fresh air for me in terms of that. If you ever see Rhesh'ir Zhwan or any AWers scurrying around, feel free to /wave or join our RP! 

See ya! ;D

RE: Greetings from another newbie - Wombat - 12-10-2013

Another AWer here! Everyone seems to have hit the main points already, so let me just say welcome to the RPC. If you need help in-game just flag down Kodaro and he'll be more than happy to lend a hand.

RE: Greetings from another newbie - Roen - 12-10-2013

Welcome Alan!

What everyone else said about the linkshell.  I grew to really like it.  It has the potential to expand your social circle.

And having arrived in FFXIV just a month ago, I've found that people posting here really mean it when they say they welcome random RP.  PM them, walk up to them or just say hi, they will respond most likely.  I can never turn down a random RP myself.

Welcome to Balmung and hope to see you in game soon!

RE: Greetings from another newbie - Sahde Vhidgo - 12-10-2013

*waves* Welcome to Balmung, the RPC, and one of the most refreshingly active, engaging, and welcoming RP communities I've encountered in an MMO.

If you ever need a healer for a dungeon run, or an extra person for general shenanigans (see: RP) give Y'lyfriel Sikah a /wave in-game.

Cheers! Cactuar

RE: Greetings from another newbie - Erik Mynhier - 12-10-2013

How is it buddy? Glad to see another convert. I'm always open to walk ups if not for questions, then for walk up RP. Come at me bro.

RE: Greetings from another newbie - Grinawaeba - 12-11-2013

Hello and welcome! I'm also pretty new around here, but I wanted to say hey from one EverQuest veteran to another! I have fond memories from the RP server there, although I ran with a group of pint-sized adventurers instead of xenophobic lizardfolk.

I hope you have a great time here in FFXIV!

RE: Greetings from another newbie - Hammer - 12-11-2013

Welcome, Alan! I've seen so many Accordians here already! I'll take that as a good sign. Smile I thought I'd been roleplaying in MMOs for a long time, but you've definitely got me beat. I love listening to stories about ye olden days of EQ1, what MMOs were like back then, and how players coped with the weird game mechanics.

Please feel free to say hello in-game if you see Hammer wandering about.

RE: Greetings from another newbie - Ashscarred - 12-12-2013

Just wanted to thank everyone for the warm and in many cases, highly informative welcome!