Hydaelyn Role-Players
Nykkus Trachspyr - Printable Version

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Nykkus Trachspyr - Nykkus Trachspyr - 01-16-2014

I. Basic Info 
  • Characters: Nykkus Trachspyr/Rhuvian Vastitas
  • Primary character: For RP: Nykkus - for PvE: Rhuvian - though both do both with steady frequency.
  • Linkshells: Hydaelynsworn (IC and OOC LS's), Unsung Heroes (IC and OOC)

  • Primary RP linkshell: I use both listed above equally frequently.


II. RP Style 
  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
  • Nykkus: Heavy - I consider myself to be in character with her 100% of the time and am always up for RP.
  • Rhuvian: Medium - this is my "main" and as such is for PvE content. I am usually up for RP however, so just ask.

  • Views on RP combat and injuries:
  • I'm more than happy to engage in RP combat, and am up for any number of injuries. Nothing permanently disabling (long term can be discussed), and no perma-death.

  • Views on IC romance:
  • Ny isn't exactly the most lovable of characters so I'd think the opportunity rare to begin with. I am up for it given certain circumstances however, and if talked about before hand.

  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
  • I'm up for anything here if the interested party talks with me about it OOC first. This is a great way to advance (or start) a storyline.

  • Views on lore:
  • I know a fair bit of the lore, having followed the game for some time. I also do my best to learn more as I find the time. I try to follow the lore as closely as possible.

  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
  • I use all of these - if in /say however I try to put it into quotation marks if it is IC (don't always remember this).


III. Other Info 
  • Country: USA
  • Timezone: Mountain (GMT -7)
  • Contact info: Twitter(OOC): Rhuvian_Vastitas - otherwise hit me up in game anytime.