Hydaelyn Role-Players
Saying Goodbye - Obsidian Hornet's farewell (OOC welcome, Closed) - Printable Version

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Saying Goodbye - Obsidian Hornet's farewell (OOC welcome, Closed) - Whittledown - 02-18-2014

Some sinners never have a day when their ghosts catch up to them. Some live their lives without regret or pathos for the things they've done. Some never give a thought to the people they've wronged. Are they the lucky ones? Hard to say. Leave that to the philosophers. For Obsidian Hornet, things began to change when a woman she didn't remember stopped her along the path to the Coffer & Coffin to demand a martial challenge.

Her name was Brynhilde Wulf. Hornet didn't remember her, but she certainly remembered Hornet. Hornet was distracted and angry when the challenge came and she agreed to fight the woman mostly just to get it over with. She came to the spot with her axe and her armor and they had a fight. Brynhilde was skilled and as they fought they spoke. Words like atonement and redemption were thrown around. Hornet found herself arguing that she should not be punished for her wrongs by virtue of who she felt she was now. The fight was almost perfunctory and it didn't end with a bang, instead it just stopped. The warriors parted not as friends exactly, but at least not as enemies.

Weeks later an attack on Hornet left her sequestered in a room registered to Gharen while she waited for the source of the attack to be revealed. While she sat there and days stretched into weeks she had more and more time to think about her life. She took an accounting of her history and the result was out of balance to the extreme. So many wrongs she'd done. So many lives damaged. It came to it that she realized what she would have to do when she was free to move once again. She would damage three more lives before her time was done, but she hoped that those lives would forgive her and understand why she had done what she was going to do.

Fleeting Dawn returned to Hornet with news after nearly a month of hunting and planning. The danger was over, Hornet was free. They could be together again without fear. Hornet began to plan almost at once. The day came and Hornet knew it was time. She knew it in the same way that birds knew when it was time to migrate. She felt it and knew at once that it was the path for her. There would be no argument or persuasion. This was it. It was time to go.

Hornet packed only what she truly needed. She had not wanted to speak to anyone until she was prepared to leave. She was not lucky in that. Fleeting arrived in he room, catching her in the act. Hornet wasn't able to lie. She was leaving. Going far away. Beyond Eorzea. Fleeting left the room upset, of course, but agreed to meet with Hornet that night to say their goodbyes. Her chocobo, Stinger, was left in the care of her dear friend Anais along with her heavy armor and her axe. They were fine tools, but far to heavy a burden for what she had planned. She would need to be light and quick. That would be her way forward. She visited with Anais for a time, chatted, received the blessing of her best friend to do what she had to do. The meeting gave her strength to move forward. To go speak to the other two people she cared for most in the world. It would be harder to say good bye to them.

Gharen Wolfsong. She'd met him at the Grindstone training and had fought and flirted with him several times, growing fonder of the man with each meeting. They became friends, then lovers, and it was he who kept her location a secret. She owed him so much. The conversation was difficult. She knew he would respect her decision and that he wouldn't rage at her. He was too controleld for that. She told him that she loved him for the first time, which would also be the last. They embraced, and she left. Gharen. She prayed for him to find another love to share his life, or at least come to be at peace with himself.

Hornet went to Fleeting Dawn just after moonrise. They spoke very little. Words would only hurt at this point. They made love, whispered their devotion, and remained entangled all night. Hornet knew she would have to leave before Fleeting woke and so she kept herself from truly falling asleep. She watched her red-headed love sleep and fought not to weep over what she was doing to Fleeting and to herself. This incredible love she experienced with Fleeting would perhaps never be felt again. But there was no other way. On the nightstand she left her favorite pair of earrings. Precious yellow stones in a simple gold setting. Something she hoped Fleeting would keep close. She slipped out of the room just before dawn and went to her room at the Hourglass.

Hornet had laid out a suit of light leather armor. She would also carry the bow that had been a gift from Fleeting and her spear. Light weapons that would keep her safe on the road. She hefted her pack and took the earliest airship to Gridania. She would make her way through the Shroud and head east to the coast. There she would hope to find a ferry that could carry her across the sea. Failing that, she would head north and then move east through Garlean territory. Eorzea would be behind her. Then her work could begin.

Outweigh the bad with the good. Seek people who need aid and aid them. A simple charge she had given herself. But it was a charge that could take up the rest of her life. She didn't look back as she left all familiarity behind. One life was over. Another was beginning.

Obsidian Hornet was dead.

Obsidian Hornet was born anew.

RE: Saying Goodbye - Obsidian Hornet's farewell (OOC welcome, Closed) - LandStander - 02-18-2014

You son of a-. I just brought Denn back from her mountain! Don't leave me!!! Who will I mess with now?!

[Image: noo.gif]

RE: Saying Goodbye - Obsidian Hornet's farewell (OOC welcome, Closed) - Asgarn - 02-18-2014

I'm gone for a couple weeks and you're gone!? Cry B-... But... *Latches in to her legs* Noooooo!!

RE: Saying Goodbye - Obsidian Hornet's farewell (OOC welcome, Closed) - Salty Lake - 04-04-2014

Salty has been looking for you!