Brand New Player! - Printable Version +- Hydaelyn Role-Players ( +-- Forum: RPC ( +--- Forum: Welcome Desk ( +--- Thread: Brand New Player! (/showthread.php?tid=6429) |
Brand New Player! - Aria Benett - 02-21-2014 Hi guys! As you can probably guess, I'm a brand new player to FFXIV, and I decided that I should see what the RP was like on it. My friend recommended I play on Balmung, so that's what I did. The problem is, I have no idea how to intergrate with an RP community - I've RP'd for about 4 years now, originally on World of Warcraft (though I've quit that a while ago), and now hoping to try RP'ing on an MMO again. And just so people know, my first and main character is a Miqo'te female. I'm a big fan of the Final Fantasy series, and while I think I'm a decent RP'er, I have zero knowledge of lore as of yet; that being said, I really do like taking lore into consideration when I RP, so I guess I would say I'm a medium/heavy RP'er. I would really appreciate it if someone could help me out with the basics, generally just make some friends, and hopefully RP in the future. Just as a warning, though. I play on the PS3; they share servers so it's fine, but still. I don't have a keyboard to plug in right now, but trust me, I'm gonna get one as soon as I'm able - I just wanna get everything sorted before I dive in, if you know what I mean. Oh yeah, I'm from the United Kingdom as well! RE: Brand New Player! - Erik Mynhier - 02-21-2014 (02-21-2014, 04:45 AM)Lashalia Bhen Wrote: Hi guys! As you can probably guess, I'm a brand new player to FFXIV, and I decided that I should see what the RP was like on it. My friend recommended I play on Balmung, so that's what I did. The problem is, I have no idea how to intergrate with an RP community - I've RP'd for about 4 years now, originally on World of Warcraft (though I've quit that a while ago), and now hoping to try RP'ing on an MMO again. And just so people know, my first and main character is a Miqo'te female. Welcome to the world daughter of the Viper Tribe. My name is Erik and I welcome you to Eorzea as others will soon. If you wish to talk in game or over PM we can straighten you out in lore matters. I am a huge lifelong FF nut also as you can see by my Free Company's name. If you want to make friends, this is the game for you. I also play on a PS3 so no worries on that. I and many others will be happy to to help you get started. Please contact me here or in-game any time. RE: Brand New Player! - Evie - 02-21-2014 Welcome to the RPC! I'm kind of a lore nut myself so to find lore I'd recommend looking at the wiki here (it has basic lore and a really good timeline from the past, though it is very general). You can also browse through the RP forums here as people bring up lore questions all the time (current one that is back is about Miqo'te mating). There's also the Lore Train. I haven't reallly read many of the articles so I'm not positive about the information, thought I believe the articles are written my anynomoose (sp?), who I've picked up is pretty well informed/has the pleasure to talk with the designers about lore. And finally there is the Lodestone forums. There is a whole lore section there and some of it is quite informative. Anyways I paused to type this up before I head to need to run now otherwise I'll be late and my kids (I teach high school) will wonder why they can't get in to use the computers/play minecraft 45 minutes before school starts. XD *waves good bye before popping her head back around the corner* Oh if you have any questions feel free to PM me. ![]() RE: Brand New Player! - Olofantur - 02-21-2014 Greetings L'ashalia and welcome to the RPC! Erik is a great person to speak to if you're feeling a little bit hesitant about the world and Evie has made the excellent recommendation of the Lore train, I would also like to add that the RPC's own wiki hosts a fair bit of lore if you're willing to poke around [ as well as character profiles.] There are lots of people of different experience levels, and plenty of us are from WoW as well so you don't have to worry about being "out of your depth" or anything along those lines, but I would like to share a few links with you that might help you along your way. This welcome post: Should give you some information about the RPC as a whole as well as touching on a few key resources you have here at your disposal [like the preciously mentioned wiki.] There are also things like the event calendar: As you can see from that calendar entry there are two events happening on Balmung this weekend and two on Gilgamesh. For Balmung the Harbingers of Dawn are hosting a post Valentines, Valentines event. The Coffer and Coffin is a monthly meet and greet for people of all experience levels to get and idea of who else is out there. They're both excellent opportunities that I hope you'll take a look at! If you'd like to brush up on some of your RP knowledge, or just want to know more about how some of us Eorzeans go about our business Eva has compiled an astounding amount of information in her Roleplay Handbook found: You can open up the index at the top of the first post to see what topics it covers and skip to things you think of particular interest. Its of course not a mandatory read, just a nice foundation I think. And now that i've probably bored you to tears, onto the communities! you mentioned being in the UK, so I have an EU centric linkshell to share as well as two that are more "universal" in their timezone activity. "Europa" is an OOC hub for roleplayers in EU timezones, allowing you to chat and get to know some of the players you're most likely to encounter. You could ask them questions about their free companies, what events are happening, maybe sneak into an active area to see how people go about their business. "Intermission" is like Europa, but less focused on timezone. It hold players of all different roleplay styles and goals, a good chance to get to know the players of Eorzea before you meet their characters. If you need help with dungeons, maybe want to farm a particular one for some gear, or would like help with some story line fights, "Balmungs Finest": Is the place for you. An OOC linkshell dedicated to PVE content. As always keep in mind that the RPC is here to help, and as you'll no doubt fin filled with plenty of people who are willing to provide advice, give their opinions or just have a laugh. Good luck in Eorzea, and feel free to flag me down if you ever see me running about ![]() RE: Brand New Player! - Aria Benett - 02-21-2014 Wow. That's a lot of information to take on board! I don't think I have anything to learn when it comes to RP'ing (not that I'm trying to sound big-headed or anything), it's more the fact that I want to try and make a friend or two to help break the ice, as it were, and try to get introduced to some RP - I have no idea about the RP hot spots, popular hours, etc. so a friend would be a good way to get the information I want. That being said, I probably won't jump straight in - like the RP handbook said "Fear your ear, then your tongue"; I should probably see how people normally RP. I've literally just got the game, yesterday in fact - even though I'm a level 19 Conjurer, I still have no idea about most of the features both online and in the game. I'm pretty sure I don't have access to "Linkshells", nor do I know what they are, exactly. As you can see, there's still a lot of functions to the game I need help learning/understanding, as well as the lore - but if I can pick it up in other universes at a pretty quick speed, I doubt it'd take me long here. To add to that, I don't even have a keyboard yet. The sooner I get one, the sooner I can even contemplate RP'ing. Forums aren't usually my kind of thing; I usually get lost on them, and so really I prefer to ask someone one-to-one about things as I come across them. RE: Brand New Player! - Olofantur - 02-21-2014 Understandable to want to have a good primary source as guide in game. As a note Linkshells are available at all levels, you simply have to be invited to one, [Speaking to one of the listed members in game, or posting in the linkshell hall entry here will help set up an invite to one] They're really just large chat channels usually with a theme. Europa, Intermission, and other OOC linkshells are great for that "what the hell is this?" question period we all go through. Theres also this post of course where i'm sure Erik and plenty others would be happy to answer questions about the game. If you have any off the bat please feel free to ask! If you'd like some more lore resources or sites that tell you about the game there are two sections in Xenedras "what do I do now post" at: Hope you're enjoying the Conjurers questline, it provides some excellent lore about Gridania and the magic of the world [Aether]. RE: Brand New Player! - Aria Benett - 02-21-2014, from what I can tell, Linkshells are kind of like Guilds...? That seems about right I think. Anyway, I think I'm going to try and be brave and go to this event at the C&C, mostly to see what things are like, and hopefully try RP'ing; that is, if I'm allowed to go! There's a chance I'll mostly just be lingering and eavesdropping. Maybe if I'm lucky I can find someone to metaphorically cling to and use as a source of information should I need it. Getting it straight from the tap is always best. RE: Brand New Player! - Roen - 02-21-2014 Welcome! Think of Linkshells as more like chat channels. Â You can belong up to 8 total. Free Company is more like a guild, you can only belong to one. Â It has its own chat channel. C&C is a great RP event, but I will warn you. Â When it is busy and bustling, it scrolls FAST! Â You might feel a little overwhelmed. Â That's OKAY. Â Even seasoned roleplayers miss things when it is scrolling that fast. Â Showing up early or late can be helpful if you want to keep up with everything going on in the room. Also, there are PLENTY of great friendly RPers in this forum. Â And many if not most welcome random walk up RP. Â Or even prearranged in PMs. I think you will have a great time. Â ![]() RE: Brand New Player! - Olofantur - 02-21-2014 I'd like to second what Brynn said that "Free companies" are proper "guilds" [a Heirarchy, guild chest, banner, and all that.] where as Linkshells only have a member list and chat functions. [also Freecompanies can have 500+ members, Linkshells just over 100] Coffer and Coffin is a good idea is you want to show up towards the end as its winding down, or even stay more towards the campfire/the road to help mitigate how much text is scrolling through [I make the windows huge and still miss stuff Q_Q] you could take a look at: for your mentor [or Europa, but thats up to you] ![]() |